In Loving Memory of Bryan Raymond Burch

Transcript of Reading by Medium Carole Obley, April 26, 2005

Eternal Flame Bryan R. Burch Eternal Flame

March 17, 1980 - January 9, 2004

The following transcript is taken from an in-person group reading done with psychic medium Carole Obley from Pittsburgh, Pa., on Tuesday, April 26, 2005. We have been to several of Carole's seminars but this is the first private reading we have had with her. She has "met" Bryan in our other group settings, so she is aware of who he was but not any details about him particularly.

Present was Kathy, Mike, and Amberly.  Carole's comments will be in blue, our responses or comments will be in green, and side notes (validations or clarifications) will be in parentheses or in brown. These side notes will be for the purpose of clarifying or validating the comments being made. OK, here we go ....

(Note: To remove flying butterflies, just click on them)


Before the session opening prayer, Carole mentioned that she was getting the name Chad and wasn't sure if it was connected to Bryan or not. We absolutely connected with that name as he is one of Bryan's closest friends. So we felt it was a message for him. We had our opening prayer and then began.

Carole: Ok, I do feel with Bryan that he is here, he was here prior to the session. One of the ways he was coming in was with these long shorts on. I don't know if he ever wore these kinds of shorts ... I honestly do not remember your prior sessions, I never keep tapes and once it's gone, it's gone. (side note: we never had any private sessions with Carole previously, only a couple of group sessions. Bryan only came through in one and it was not taped, unfortunately!) They're Hawaiian ... what's the connection with Hawaii?

Kathy: We had a vacation there.

Amberly: That's the second time an article of clothing being Hawaiian came up ... that's really interesting.

Carole: By me or by someone else?

Amberly: By someone else.

Carole: Ok, well it doesn't matter. What's important is that it's evidentiary stuff which we strive for to prove that that's who we're talking to.

Kathy: And didn't the Hawaiian connection come up around Chad in that other reading?

Amberly: Yeah! Wow!

Carole: In what?

Amberly: The Hawaiian clothing -- I think it was a shirt last time -- either came up right before or after the name Chad came up in a previous reading.

Carole: ... with someone else ...

Kathy: Yes

Amberly: But he didn't really wear Hawaiian clothes ....

Carole: Well, I feel that there's a connection here with that place and I don't know if you guys have anything planned, but you're going there. I feel that at some point you are going to go back or you are going there. And I have to tell you that in the spirit world, and that's where he's at, there's an equivalent -- I mean we think of it on a physical plane here -- but in the spirit world everything exists there that exists here. That's where I see him. Now I also see him -- I don't understand that -- this is one of those bizarre things I get when I do mediumship, but he's by this volcano. So it's very interesting that that's where he's at. I'm going to try to interpret that symbolically ... you know, when I think of a volcano, I think of something that is an eruption or bursting forth ... I don't know if this is an indication of his energy because he was very energetic when he was here ... a fire sign perhaps ... but that's where I'm seeing him, by this volcano.

Mike: Is it an active volcano?

Carole: Yeah, I feel it to be that. Was he a fire sign? What was his astrological sign?

Kathy: Water or fish ...

Amberly: I think it was water ...

Carole: Well, that's air actually ... that's air.

Kathy: What's Pisces? The fish? It's either the fish or the water .... one or the other, I'm not sure about that.

Carole: Well, I'm just going to leave it ... well that makes sense too, then, why I see him around water, over there, on the other side. It's actually this beach setting and he's wearing these long shorts (Click here to see a picture of exactly what she is describing!) and he's much as you remembered him and I see him as being very innocent ... this is his demeanor and that's how he comes through. And I want to tell you something ... there is a lot of creativity with this young man yet .. a tremendous amount and he speaks of drawing, painting, a strong connection here with music. Do you have some of his stuff, his cd's? (to Amberly)

Amberly: Yeah, he made the cd's of the music that he liked but I do have some cd's of his.

Carole: Ok cause he's telling me that you have these.

Amberly: And I don't listen to them ....

Carole: Well, but there's the heart connection that's there and he wanted you to know that he's aware of it and he's really ... there's a strong connection with him with music and I'm going to tell you that's one of the ways that he communicates with the family is through music so I hope that that's a good validation for you. That's how he comes through and it's the synchronicity that happens when you hear the song that reminds you or songs in his case and I feel with him a tremendous ability to communicate with you heart to heart, mind to mind ... I also feel, Amberly, that he comes in very close to you, ribs you a lot, teases you, but that's his nature, that's his connection, but it's all in love. He just comes through with a love vibration, you know, and he's also telling me about impressing you to buy some items here. I feel that they are jewelry of the butterfly, so I don't know if you recently -- recently being in the last month or so -- bought something specifically. Do you have a tattoo with the butterfly?

Amberly: No, but I want to get one on my heart.

Carole: Ok, well, you are. Because he's telling me about that ... about you thinking about that ... and your wanting to do that and you will do it, you will do it. I don't know if mom or dad agree with that (all laughing) and he knew that, when he was coming through, Bryan knew that. I'm going to tell you something ... he's fine ... with the way that he left, and this is not intuitive on my part because you told me this, so I'm not saying this is coming through because I tell you, 95% of the time, when someone leaves by either suicidal means or unexpectedly like through a drug thing or whatever they never want to talk about it. And I know I've done a couple of other sessions for you within groups and that never specifically came through. It makes sense to me why because the first time he doesn't want to connect with it, reconnect with the trauma around it and he's also coming through and saying that you healed from that're healing ... you've healed and you're continuing to heal ... that makes him the most happy is that you are healing from what has happened. And I'm gonna tell you there is a lot of healing that has gone on with him on the other side and he's also been helping you here to do that so that was what his number one message that he wanted to bring through. The other funny little stuff is all evidentiary stuff that you know so that you know that's who we're talking to but the important thing here is the healing that's happened for all of you and one of the things he also shows me ... do you guys have one of these paintings that he did? Do you have a painting of his?

Kathy: We have a pencil sketch ...

Carole: Is there water in it?

Kathy: No ...

Carole: Do you have any others that have water in it that he did? Hmm ... cause that's what I was seeing ... interesting. Anyway, huh ...maybe it's something that you're not thinking of right now but ... anyway .. is this a photograph I'm seeing then? With him with water?

Kathy: Yes ... with him by the water ...

Carole: I'm sorry ... it's my misinterpretation. I knew I was seeing the water related to him ... I was interpreting it as a drawing and in fact it's a photograph. He's saying that when you look at that ... and I feel this is beautiful landscaping, this picture of the water and that he feels that, when you look at it, because it's like a capturing of his energy. Many times those in the spirit world will feel that when we look at photos of them so .....and you're supposed to tell Chad hello. Who's the young woman that was connected with him that was here that he's validating? Is there a girlfriend of his that's still here?

Amberly: Can you give us a name or initials or anything you can give us ...

Carole: Hold on ....I don't know but there's also a Julie connection ... who is this? Where does Julie fit in? Or Julia?

Kathy: Don't know ..... (this could possibly have been my godmother, my Aunt Julie, who crossed over many years ago)

Carole: Well, just keep that ...

Amberly: There's a lot of "J" names but I can't think of a Julia.

Mike: What was the name of the friend who played the guitar?

Kathy: Her name wasn't Julie ...

Carole: I feel that this is someone who was involved with him just prior to his crossing that he's validating. Lighter colored hair, anyway there's just a validation for this individual and he's acknowledging .... this person has long hair and it's similar to the color of Amberly's, so this is someone who I feel did not have substance abuse stuff going on .. it's someone else that was close to him. Also did some singing ... so if this is the woman you're talking about ... playing the guitar ... what Mike was saying about this woman who played the guitar ...but that's the connection. Just keep that if you don't know.

Kathy: Ok ...

Carole: He is absolutely fine ... and you know your son can be kind of introspective ... there was a side to him of being this personality that he impresses on me of being inwards, of being quiet ... this is the side perhaps that was most challenging for you to understand and to reach and he's kind of gotten in deeper touch with that. I'm going to tell you that a lot of it is through his own spirit guides and counselors on the other side. There was unfinished business here emotionally for him that had nothing to do with any of you so you're not to hold any guilt. He wanted to make sure that you knew that. It was more his nature of feeling ... I feel it's almost a feeling of feeling different some way and I don't mean that in a negative sense but feeling apart from, at times, and feeling that he couldn't communicate everything that he was feeling. His music helped him with that's like how he ... music connected this boy ... I call him a boy because he appears so young ... that's really he says that helped him to express and so he still communicates through that so there's a lot of creativity there with him and there still is. And he's also saying that you have that (to Kathy) ability ... have you done drawing, painting, any of this? Are you good with colors?

Kathy: Sort of ...

Carole: Have you done interior stuff? Interior design?

Kathy: Yeah ..

Carole: That's where it comes in at ... that's what he's acknowledging. And he will actually inspire you and help you with that sort of stuff so I don't know if you also are thinking about this spring or summer redecorating or ....

Kathy: Yes, we are ...

Carole: That's coming from him ... he wanted to let you know that he's helping you. One of the things I'm seeing -- ok -- is shelves. Are you putting in shelves? Building shelves? Painting shelves?

All: (talking amongst selves to figure out what this might be)

Mike: Is this something that we've done or are going to do?

Carole: No, I feel as though there was an indication here of you're considering it or thinking about it these feel to me more book shelves or something that you're going to be put in there and I want to say in the upper living area, not the basement. Watch and see with this because he's showing me that. He also shows me this green color, so I don't know if this is a favorite color of yours ... it's kind of like that pretty antique green, that's what he's showing me. He's very much still with you ... very much with you .. and actually comes through in dreams as well. I feel as though he's visited you at night ... he'll come through and let you know that he's a-ok. Now I also say with Mike that he's with the older male that's crossed over connected to you ... and I'm on your dad's side with that. Has Dad crossed? That's who I see him with. I feel him to be ... your father acts as a ... I feel as if he's acted as a mentor

Kathy: That's what Sherry said .. she sees him with him

Carole: Well, thank you for validating that ... I appreciate that so yeah, and he helps him because there was confusion here. Again, we talked about that going inward with Bryan. He talks about being very confused ... I'm going to tell you this ... since his crossing brought help over there, a lot of that's straightened out. A lot of it ... remember that what we don't finish here, we do over there. And your father, his grandfather, has really helped him a lot. Your dad is a patient man ... the patience of Job.

Mike: This is true.

Carole: Yeah, that's his personality. So he wanted to let you know that he's still, that he's with his grandson, that he's being taken care of and I also feel a lady to be here. I don't know if your mom has crossed but the two of them are coming through together so I wasn't sure if it's your dad's sister or your mother but there was a lady there in the same generation that was coming through too. They're not telling me their names but that's ok. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't but where does the J fit in? The person with the J?

Mike: I've got a cousin ... (starts talking about who it could be)

Kathy: Is it male or female?

Carole: It's male ...

Kathy: Crossed over?

Carole: I don't know ... but I'm on the paternal side.

Mike: Ok ... my sister's son passed.

Carole: Ok ... is this a John or a James?

Kathy: Joe.

Carole: Joseph ... ok .. yeah .... that's interesting because one thing I do recall in your sessions was about another male being with your son and that's the only thing I remember about the times I've read for you ... would he have been around the same age?

Kathy: Yes, same generation.

Carole: Ok .. that's who he's with ... one of the people he's with anyway. Another thing Bryan's doing is sailing.

All: laughing

Carole: Um hmm ... actually, I was seeing that before you guys arrived ... this sailboat ... now let me interpret it symbolically because he loved the water but it also has a symbolic meaning of freedom. Freedom and the wind blowing through the sails .. forward movement and progress and freedom and there's this beautiful blue sky which is also symbolic of clarity, an emotional clarity. There's been a lot of healing here in this family and you're to also know that he's still with you, he's still part of this family. And you acknowledge that because that's what he's telling me and he's also telling me that he sits at the table sometimes when you eat ... I don't know if you've felt him there or if you've served some of his favorite foods .. but he's indicating that and him being at the table when you eat so I'm supposed to let you know about. Was this a favorite thing of his .... like this pasta or macaroni and cheese or it's like a pasta-type dish ....

Kathy: Macaroni and cheese!

Carole: That's his favorite thing?

Kathy: He loved that, yeah, and he was always telling me how to make it. I never made it right for him (laughing)

Carole: Ok ... it's one of those crazy things when I'm doing mediumship that I hear "macaroni and cheese" ... I figured it had to connect in there some way. He's a rather strong communicator ... he's made some progress in doing that because the clearer their thoughts are the easier it is for them to ... and you also affect it because they use your energy as well, your love energy to be able to come through. But this is where he's at .. this ocean scene .. this Hawaiian type scene, very clear blue water, crystal and blue ... to me it's all symbolic meaning peace, serenity, clarity, freedom, all of those things and in the spirit world, those things all exist and this is where he's at. So it was very important for you to understand that and know where he is and also there will be opportunity for you to take this other trip to the Hawaiian islands, so watch for this ... I feel as though it's going to come ... where you get a special deal on these things cause it can be costly going there and everything's more expensive there but I'm feeling this for you and while you're there, you are going to have this -- almost a reunion with him because you're in that area and like a spiritual awakening sort of thing that's what he's saying. Remember they can see ahead of time. They can see ahead of time over there. ................. Loves you, Dad, that's how he comes through. He's telling me that .... he wants you to know that ... there was a feeling here with him there was just not closure and he's come so far in being able to do that because when someone leaves so quickly like that and so unexpectedly, it's extremely difficult. I mean a death by itself is hard to deal with but number one a child, number two unexpectedly, out of all the readings I've done, it's probably the hardest for people in my experience. I'm going to tell you, though, there's no grief here with him ... there's no grief. He wants you to know that and for you all to be happy as well. What are you doing with school? I'm supposed to ask you (directed to Amberly)?

Amberly: Oh, boy, he really wants me to go back to school. I have not gotten my degree and I'm like 30 credits shy of getting my degree

Carole: Well, you need to do that! And he's after you ... remember what I said. Because really, from the other side, they can see how ... the importance of things and the big picture of things and he wanted to let you know that if you finish, there's some really great opportunities for you. And remember that they can see that cause they can see ahead of time. Are you thinking about going back?

Amberly: We were just talking about it yesterday.

Carole: Because that's why he brought that through ... he comes in these conversations that you have ....

Amberly: I pooh-pooh it ...

Kathy: She uses every excuse in the world not to go back ...

Amberly: Well, it's true ... it's really hard because I have to not only come up with the money to pay for the schooling but I have to make a living in the meantime as well.

Carole: Here's what I want to tell you to do ... this could be night school. 30 credits! That's not very many ...

Amberly: I know.

Carole: Where there's a will there's a way. Your guides are actually stepping in and saying that one in addition to your brother, so ... your spirit guides ... cause you have so much to give, so much to offer and you're smart, you're good with people, you're nurturing, you've got good communication skills, you have a nice appearance. I see for you, and this is through their frame of reference on the other side, but your future as far as what you would be doing is not what you're doing now. I'm seeing it to be at a higher pay scale and something that's really going to help people. What did you go for? Cause they're not telling me.

Amberly: I went for communications.

Carole: Well, that makes sense then why they're saying good skills with people because

Amberly: My interest is in forensics but ...

Carole: Well, I think you'd be excellent at that but I'm going to tell you, your brother's going to help open some doors for you but he can't do anything without your free will to do it.

Amberly: Right ..

Carole: But this is what he was saying and he's urging you to continue on with your education because they always give us messages that are going to help us in some way. Here's what I would do ... there are people that have surmounted huger obstacles than that. I mean if you set your intent, you'll be able to do it, and that's not coming from me. That's coming from them. But, yeah, I do see you as being able to do that and he's going to help you as well. You have a strong female guide working with you at this time to help you with your self esteem because that's part of this too and for you to believe in yourself just a little bit more so she's helping you with that. And I'm going to validate a grandmother figure that steps in ... or a great-grandmother cause your mom is still here (to Kathy). This is a great-grandmother to you so your (great)-grandmother comes through very strongly.

Amberly: Yeah, she absolutely adored me (at first we thought this was my paternal grandmother but we believe now that it was my maternal grandmother).

Carole: Yes, and she comes through and -- interesting -- she has an infant in her hands. This may be that baby from a while ago .... but female ... remember no souls are ever lost. Your grandmother's helping you as well. You have opportunities that she never had because of the time frame and women didn't have as much opportunity then so she kind of comes in and she's actually learning through you from what you're doing ... she loves ..................., this woman adores you and loves you. Now there's a lady with her, too, that's the same generation. I don't know if this is a sister of hers. Did she have a sister also who's crossed? The two of them are coming through very strongly together. Where does Betty or Betsy fit in? It has that sound to it.

Kathy: Here or there?

Carole: Either ...

Kathy: Betty is still here ...

Carole: Betty is here? And that's on your mom's side? Cause that's what side we were on. How is she related to your grandmother?

Kathy: The grandmother I thought we were with was on my dad's side, this would be on my mom's side.

Carole: Ok ... so Betty's on your maternal side. Ok, that name for some reason was being validated. I don't know if she's ill ..

Kathy: Yes ...

Carole: That's why. 90% of the time when they bring through the name of someone who's still here on earth, it's because there's an illness around them. A lot of people will go, "yeah, there's a Betty, but what about them?" and a lot of times the only message I get really strongly attached to it is, number one, an acknowledgment or, number two, an illness of some sort or a significance that we want to pay attention to that person and it could very well be ....... I never give predictions of crossings or really feel it's ethical and it's up to the individual ....... but she has some stuff going on here (pointing to chest) and in the lung and heart area ...

Kathy: Yeah, she was a big smoker.

Carole: Oh, ok ... well, I feel this is the older female that's connected to her who was bringing that through to let you know as a family member that they're around her to send healing prayer though all of this and ... she's on oxygen?

Kathy: Yea ...

Carole: Ok ... that's her .. that's her then. Just evidentiary stuff from the other side. Ok ... I want to get to your questions as far as questions you want to put out to Bryan or questions for yourselves or anything at all you want to ask?

All: (chattering amongst selves)

Carole: By the way, was this your son who wore these big tennis shoes? Did he wear like these high top tennis shoes?

Kathy: They weren't high top but he wore big, clunky tennis shoes ...

Carole: But they're big tennis shoes?

All: Yeah ...

Carole: Ok. Cause I kept seeing him before with these tennis shoes on ...and socks ... he was just kind of who he is .... he's ok with that now. That's what I meant before when I said there was part of him that felt ,,, that's what I meant like different, almost like he felt in some regard of having to fit in with society or fit in a mold that he couldn't ... that's what I meant by different. Sometimes I feel a lot of things when I'm doing readings that sometimes words aren't even adequate. I try my best to put into words ... that's how I would say it with him. He's ok with that now, though, he wanted you to know that. What is going on with the poem? Did one of you write a poem about him or do you have this poem or written thing about him?

Amberly: To him .....

Carole: You wrote it ...

Amberly: It's a poem to him ...

Carole: Was this shortly after his crossing or just recently?

Amberly: It was for his birthday a year ago.

Carole: Ok .. I want to validate the poem that was connected to Bryan that was written to him. That's the one that you did, that's what he's validating. It's just to let you know that he's still around, that he knew about that. Something you have framed? Did you frame this?

Amberly: No ... I put it on his bed.

Carole: Ok ... he still goes in there. He still goes in ... you can feel him. And he's showing me about sitting on the bed. I don't know if you ever feel a depression there ... some people actually see this stuff ... well, and I know it might be scary, but ...

Amberly: I think he moves things around ....

Carole: He does ... he does ... I feel it's connected to his dresser. Some things there might be shifted from time to time, not all the time, but from time to time there on the dresser and within the house at times. But he definitely goes in that room. If you go in there, you may even sense him and even ... you know how scent is connected with people and memory ... smelling as well. Cause he does still go in there and he sits on the edge of the bed ... he kind of sits with his head in his hands like he's thinking. I don't know if this was a pose of his or whatever but he kind of sits like this (demonstrates elbows on knees, head in hands) ... that's how I'm seeing him in the bedroom. Very interesting. Not that he's sad ... I don't want you to get that impression ... it's just kind of like he goes in there and thinks about things of when he was here. He had to do a lot of healing around stupid choices ... some stupid choices is what he says. He can see that now ... before, he couldn't.

(missed a bit because we had to turn tape over .... picking up on the conversation we were having)

Carole: Of all the families I've seen, you're probably them most well-adjusted with the passing of a child.

Kathy: Yeah, because of him.

Carole: Well, I think it's because of your strong spiritual beliefs, too.

Kathy: I never felt before we lost him that they were that strong ... but he made it so obvious to us that there is life after death and that what I believed to be true and wanted to be true, he proved to be true.

Carole: One of the things that I want to tell you is this ... I feel with you ... and with Mike, too, that you may go and speak at one of these little groups. I don't know if that's been presented to you or if it's something that's come into your awareness yet but watch and see if it hasn't. I may be giving a prophecy plus he wants you to do it.

Kathy: Really? Me?

Carole: Well, maybe both of you. How you survived -- how you dealt with the crossing of a child, especially under tragic circumstances, really, so you know there's people out there who could really benefit from hearing you. Please consider it because I'm telling you, it's going to come into your awareness or somebody's going to come to you and say, "Wow! You're really strong! How did you do that? and would you be willing to talk about" ............. I'm not talking about a huge big group, just small group.

Kathy: I'd be willing to talk to a small group but I can't make people feel what I feel ...

Carole: You mean as far as belief in the afterlife ...

Kathy: Yeah, and like being able to connect with him.

Carole: But see that's where your example and testament because you've had mediumistic readings, and more than one, and not just mediumistic readings because you can do this without a medium ... you already know that. I'm just validating ...

Kathy: It's better when we hear it from someone else though ...

Carole: Well, yeah, sure, we all need that.

Amberly: But Mom, you know exactly how it could benefit other people because you've seen it from the web site and how that helps people. That's the exact same thing but it's better to be in person just like it's better for us to be hearing this (from Carole)

Carole: I feel that there's going to be opportunity and spirit's alerting you to it now and it may just be with these small groups. Don't be afraid to talk about your after-death communication.

Kathy: Oh, I'm not! I talk about it all the time!

Carole: Well you said before ...

Kathy: No, I'm just shy about getting up in front of people

Carole: That's exactly why you need to do it. (laughing) That's why you need to do it ... this isn't coming from me. It's coming from Bryan, it's coming from your spirit guides and it's coming from "how can we take something that's been very painful, very emotionally devastating, that we've worked through -- it'll never go away -- but that you are healing on a daily basis and how can we help other people with it too. And in that process we're helping ourselves more." So your guides -- and this is for both of you -- are saying that. So watch with this because you know there's a lot of people out there who have these experiences who are afraid to talk about them and they're afraid of verbalizing them because people think they're nuts or whatever.

Kathy: I know ... sometimes people probably think I'm nuts ....

Carole: Well, but some people are afraid of that so you need to get out there and -- again, nobody can tell you what to do -- but it's just a very strong suggestion that would help you further and help other people if you get up there and just say -- and it can be a brief thing, maybe a 20 minute talk or a half hour at the most -- and talk about it. I'll bet you would have people come up and say, "I'm so grateful that you came here and spoke about this because I've been feeling that and you've given me comfort" or "I need somebody who's going though this." Watch and see with this because I feel that spirit's going to bring this into frame of reference for you to do. And Amberly might even get called in because it's a family group and some of the families do go to the counseling when they lose a child and I suggest it to people if they feel really stuck that they need to go to bereavement counseling. And then I've had people come here who say that it didn't really help because all the people there just keep talking about their loss, they never move on. But this is different ... what I feel with you is going in there and actually talking about this is how our son died, and this is how we've healed from it, this is how we know he still lives on and so forth and so on. So ... that's an important part of your mission now, your spiritual mission and don't be afraid of it. You know, people fear that more than death.

Kathy: What?

Carole: Public speaking. They do ... they do .. I took the Dale Carnegie course and it changed me .. anyway, let's get to your questions. What else did you want to know?

Mike: If Bryan moves on, back down to earth, do you sense or see him?

Carole: You mean reincarnating?

Mike: Yeah, if he takes on another life ..

Carole: Yeah, but I don't feel it to be right away. I don't know if someone else had told you that but I don't feel it.

Mike: No, no, I just wondered it.

Amberly: No ... it's been on my mind too.

Carole: Who is Richard or Dick? Who is that? (asking Mike)

Mike: In the context of Bryan, I can't think of anyone ...

Carole: No ... it may be just connected to you. But I'm looking over there and I'm hearing that name. Who is that?

Mike: Well, the minute you said that, and there's no reason for it to be him, but my old boss was Richard and went by the nickname Dick.

Carole: Has he crossed?

Mike: I don't know ... his wife crossed ... Jule crossed a while ago ...

Carole: I've had people here and people that they work with come through ,,,

Mike: No kidding ...

Carole: yeah ... there was a family group here and there was a man and I said "Who's this person?" and they said "Oh, that's my boss at work, his son ... he's been devastated by the death of his son." And I said, "Well, that name has been validated and would you please tell your boss that his son came in." The man did and it brought a lot of comfort to this man. So I feel as though there is some connection there, some validation.

Mike: You know, you started out this whole thing talking about a Julie and ...

Carole: Oh my gosh!

Kathy: But you never talk to him ...

Amberly: But maybe she's trying to get a message to him ...

Carole: Well, that's Dick's wife so maybe it is ... thank you so much for validating that because it puts them at peace on the other side

Kathy: But what is he supposed to do with that? He (meaning Mike) hasn't talked to him for years ...

Carole: Well, I ... it's just their way of saying hello. Did you know her?

Mike: He took me up to their seaside getaway and I met her there.

Carole: Ok .. then that's why ... I knew there had to be with that name Julie and because I'm very clairaudient ... I know what I'm hearing ... I just don't know where it goes, sometimes, with the names. So that's all connected there then. That's who it is ... that's who it was. She was saying hello .... she's still alive. I feel that this man is really lost without her.

Mike: I would guess that.

Carole: I mean, really, that was a very close marriage. I feel with him that he was just devastated with her passing so I don't know if you can validate that, but that's what I'm hearing, so just keep it.

Mike: Ok

Carole: With the reincarnation, I don't feel it to be right away.

Amberly: Like a century away?

Carole: No, it may not ... it's hard to tell ... I'll tell you what it's been based on, in my experience ... it's based on the soul's growth. And over there ... when the optimal time comes to reincarnate, again based on circumstances we need and the karma we need to advance spiritually. So, I mean, it's not a simple thing. When we choose to come here, we are able to view our life or probable life circumstances before we come here and depending upon the karma we have and the timeframe we that we need to work out that karma, that's when we choose to reincarnate.

Amberly: Because I was asking him to please not leave there until after I get there ...

Carole: Well, I don't feel it to be right away.

Amberly: I don't want to die right away either.

Carole: No, my dear, you are not going to. In fact, I see children for you.

Amberly: Oh God! Tell me more ...

Carole: I'm seeing a little boy will come through ... cause he's still in the spirit world, you know, cause he's not here yet. And you haven't even met the person that you're going to marry yet but there will be grandchildren ...

Amberly: She said "will marry" ... I'm getting married?

Carole: Um hmm ...

Amberly: This is pretty cool!

Carole: You're fairly young yet ... you've got a lot of time. How old are you?

Amberly: 27

Carole: That's very young ... isn't it!

Amberly: That makes me very happy ... I'm hoping to get a new lease on life ...

Carole: Yes, you will and I feel you haven't met this person yet because there's a lot of healing you need to do yourself. A lot of times when people get wrapped up in relationships is when they're in transitions of some sort and it doesn't work out. People come and they ask those sorts of questions I discourage them because when you're all jumbled up and you're trying to figure things out, how can you be in a relationship, you know, and maintain a healthy relationship. But I do feel with you that you will get married. I see a couple of kids ...

Amberly: Will I get really fat?

Carole: That is part of being pregnant, I suppose, I've never been there ... I had all my kids in a previous lifetime.

All: Laughing

Carole: I just have dogs now

Kathy: I wanted to ask if he knows anything about Cris or about Cris' future and what's going on ... if he sees anything there.

Carole: Oh ... that's your other son. Ok ... I feel with him that he's around him too and there seems to be some indication here of higher education. Is he in school right now?

Mike: He's graduating in May ...

Carole: With a BA? I feel as though he's going on. Has he told you that? That he's going on? I feel as though there's going to be more education.

Kathy: Really?

Carole: Um hmm ... at some point. Yeah, it feels to me actually to be night school, so maybe it will be something where he works first. Because I'm actually seeing a couple of job opportunities. It doesn't feel like any of them are around here, these job opportunities. Has he ever been to California?

Amberly: Oh boy!

Carole: Has he? Cris?

Mike: Well, we used to live there ..

Amberly: Not Cris ...

Mike: No, no but we took him out there on vacation.

Carole: There seemed to be some connection there with California.

Amberly: My mom's been praying that one of us would get a job in California so we could move there.

Carole: Well, I don't know if the whole family would go there

Amberly: Yeah, she would!

Mike: Any excuse to get back.

Carole: (laughing) It's nice there, huh?

All: Oh, yeah!

Carole: What I'm seeing is that if you do go back there, being along the shoreline or being close to it and actually Bryan goes back there a lot too. Remember ... we can be anywhere we want in spirit and that's what he's showing me. And this volcano thing, too ... that may be part of this tour when you go back there that you actually see the volcano.

Kathy: I was wondering before if the volcano thing could have been a reference to "Rocky Ridge" .. the street name where my sister bought a house this week. When you said volcano, I immediately saw a rocky ridge silhouette in my mind ...

Carole: I don't think so but watch and see with it because there's a couple of reasons you can't claim messages, one of them being is it hasn't happened yet. And I don't feel this is something you're going to go out and do. I mean, it's something you're going to see but you're going to be made aware of an opportunity to go back there.

Amberly: What's neat about the volcano is that when we went to Hawaii we went to see a volcano but the hike to the top was 10 miles or something outrageous and my mom wasn't going to do it ... she wasn't in the greatest shape of her life ...

Carole: Did he go? Did Bryan?

Amberly: Bryan wanted to but he didn't go up.

Carole: Ok .. that might be one reason why he's showing it.

Amberly: I'm sure he has seen it since. We wanted so much to go to the top but they didn't so ...

Carole: I think what he's saying is that he can look now and this is where we see him ... he can look down in the volcano now so there's no limitation any more ...

Amberly: And now you're (mom) in better shape now and you could walk up to the top so maybe that's what he's saying, that you're going to go back and you're going to hike it.

Carole: Yeah, she's in good shape. There's a dog with him? There's a dog .. a small to midsize dog.

Amberly: Yeah! Can you tell what breed?

Carole: Oh boy ... I don't see them as clearly. Let me tune into that ...feels to me it has longer hair, floppy ears, or ears that are halfway down at least. Does this make sense to you?.

Amberly: Oh, yeah, absolutely

Carole:Was this a dog that he would have known?

Kathy: Yes ...

Carole: Ok ... cause this dog is with him ...

Amberly: A sheltie ... a toy collie ...

Carole: So that makes sense ... their ears kind of go down (Tupper, our sheltie, had ears that were folded in the middle so that the tips hung down)

Kathy: Exactly!

Carole: I don't see animals as clearly as I do people because their thought forms aren't as strong, that's why I don't ... I just know there was a dog there with him. But he's taking care of this dog so he wanted you to know that. He wanted you to know that ...

Kathy: Does he have a kitty with him?

Carole: You know, before you got here, I saw him with a cat. I forgot about that!

Amberly: Oh my gosh!

Carole: The first thing that came in was a gray ... did you have a gray cat?

Amberly: Yeah, his favorite ... the love of his life was our gray cat ... Himalayan ...

Carole: It lived to be older? This cat?

Amberly: Yeah, he just died.

Carole: He's a lover of animals and another thing he has is a turtle ... did he have a turtle here?

Mike: He had everything!

Amberly: When he was young he did. He had little turtles and newts.

Carole: Yeah, they don't sell those turtles any more. I used to have one, too, it had a painted shell. But I'm serious ... he's with a turtle. And that's also because he's connected with water so it's symbolic. He's surrounded by these pets there and he's very much at peace. He's kind of ... I don't know if I want to say it also indicates that he might have been a loner ... there's this introspective part of him that comes through. The other thing he's doing over there is writing music. So I don't know if he did that here ...

Amberly: He loved to write but I don't think he wrote music

Carole: Well, he's doing it there and it's kind of just hearing things in his head, he says, the lyrics are what he mainly focuses on so that would be connected with what he'd done here. And he expresses himself that way. He wants me to ask you about the computer ... do you have a picture of him on there or by there? Cause he talks about that ... about you looking at it when you're at the computer ... a big photo ... sitting by it ... just more evidentiary stuff ...

Kathy: I have pictures of him on the computer and beside it. The one beside it his eyes follow you ... wherever you move, it looks as if he's watching you ...

Amberly: I love that evidentiary stuff!

Carole: Oh, yeah, because there's no way I would ever know that ... ok ...

Amberly: Is he saying anything else to you? I like when you say "he's saying ..."

Carole: Yeah ... it comes through just like having a conversation ... it's an impression. First off, he's sending love to all of you, but, of course you knew that. But he's also validating a birthday around this time period within the family. Who's the birthday?

All: In May?

Carole: In May? Who is this?

Amberly: Could you be thinking of something else? Not a birthday but another type of celebration?

Carole: It feels to me as though it's a celebration .. either birthday or anniversary ...

Amberly: Mother's Day?

Carole: No ...

Amberly: It could be one of his friends we don't know about or Cris' graduation ...

Carole: No, I don't feel it's the graduation ... it may go into your family around your or on that side ... but just keep that if you don't know it (Two days later I remembered that my sister, Darlene, just had a birthday four days ago. I remembered it that day but totally forgot about it tonight!!! Talk about psychic amnesia!!)

Kathy: Could it be June?

Carole: No, that's too far out. I'm going like around in May .... hold on, cause I'm going to see if he's going to say anything else .... he's starting to fade out ... it's very hard for them to hold this for long periods of time, it takes a ton of energy. Keep sending him love cause that strengthens ... Another thing he shows me is these very brightly colored flowers. Tropical flowers ... it almost feels to me like ... I've got them out here but they haven't come up yet ... those orange things ... day lilies ...

Kathy: Day lilies ...

Carole: Yes ... do you have these growing?

Kathy: They will be ... they're not up yet ...

Carole: Are they orange?

Kathy: Yeah ..

Carole: Ok ... that's what he's showing me.

Kathy: Big orange bright flowers ...

Carole: He talks about those, then, and you're going to see those in places that they hadn't been. So this is a symbol for you of him ... so it's not like where you planted the bulbs ...

Kathy: Yes, there was a tulip ...

Carole: One of them is by a tree ...

Amberly: Wow!

Kathy: We had a weird tulip that came up completely away from our house by a tree in our yard and the tulips were planted next to the house, not out by this tree. One tulip came up there this year ... bright yellow.

Carole: Well, I'd validate both of those things then ...

Kathy: We actually cut it and put it on his grave ...

Carole: Oh, that's why ... ok ... because that was a sign from him. That was a sign.

Amberly: You took a sign from him and gave it back to him! Whoops! (laughing)

Carole: The day lilies are being validated but also this flower that is by the tree ... it's the same color ... but it's the heart connection, that's why he brought it in ...

Kathy: Ask him if he can bring the tree back to life that he burned up ... (laughing)

Carole: I don't know but there's some indication here about fertilizing the grass ... I don't know if you guys do this or ...

Kathy: He just did it!

Carole: He's talking about that ... he was following you around!

Kathy: Awww!

Carole: See, he knows all this stuff because he's still a part of your life ... very much so.

Kathy: Yep!

Carole: I'm supposed to ask you about the door, too. Do you have a broken door?

Amberly: Oh, boy, do we ever! What's he saying?

Carole: The door is broken.

Amberly: Oh yeah ... something else broke with it.

Carole: It needs repaired. No way I would know it ... that's him. So ... he's just saying sort of stuff ... I feel like there may be something there too that, I don't know if you have a screen door there, but there's something with the hinges or with that part that ... what's that part called, that cylinder part? Whatever ... nonetheless, the message was about the door, so ... about it being fixed ... this is part of that renovation of your house and ... a lot of good memories there .. a lot of good family memories that he talks about .. the family togetherness and I feel him to be around you in that house a lot. And his memory is kept alive there. He also talks about memorabilia or like an altar that you have of different things of his ... photos and ... do you have a key chain on there?

Kathy: No ... no key chain ...

Carole: What's with this key chain? Cause he's showing me this ...

Amberly: I think it's about your ...

Kathy: The flashlight?

Carole: This was connected to him in some way.

Kathy: Yes ...

Carole: Is this on that altar thing or ?

Kathy: It's on my key chain .. it's a gift he gave me that I keep on my key chain.

Carole: Ok cause he's talking about this connection with this key chain in some way ... ok ... that's why he's bringing it through, that makes sense. Do you guys have a stuffed animal on there (the altar)?

Amberly: Yeah!.

Carole: He's showing me that, too.

Amberly: Can you see what it is?

Carole: She likes to test me! (laughing) I have to work with her! You should take my psychic development class. You never did do that.

Amberly: I know ... I want to.

Carole: It'll be coming up in the fall again ... so ... what do I want to say here? I don't know .. he's not showing me ... I just know there's a stuffed animal there. Does it have clothing on?

Kathy: Yep!

Carole: Maybe I am seeing it ... a bear?

Amberly: Close ... it would look like one.

Carole: They're using my frame of reference but it has like the clothing on.

Amberly: Yeah, it's a lion and he's wearing a lion tamer outfit.

Carole: Oh, ok.

Amberly: So it would be brown and it would look like a bear, it would look like that.

Carole: Well, misinterpretation happens on their part.

Amberly: Oh, no, how would you know? How many stuffed animals wear clothes? That's awesome.

Carole: He's funny ... he tries ... they try so hard from the other side ... it takes so much energy to be able to do this, it really does.

Amberly: A lot of people say he's funny ... how is he being funny?

Carole: Ummmm, he's just ... he's a likeable guy. I mean, I like his personality. And I don't mean so much funny like haha funny but in the way he communicates with bringing through these little evidentiary things that he wants to make so sure that you know it's him and that's why he's saying ... this was funny -- before he came here, my joy guide, Rolf, said "he's kind of reluctant to come through because he said 'oh, they're doing THAT again!'"

All: (laughing)

Kathy: Sorry Bryan!

Carole: No, actually, it's helped him.

Kathy: Has it?

Carole: It's helped him. Yeah, and I didn't mean that you're to think you're not supposed to connect but he's just kind of like oh, ok I've got to ... cause it's work for them, it takes a lot of energy.

Kathy: I only do this when I feel like he's wanting me to.

Carole: Yeah, and he's absolutely fine and he's going to continue to communicate through sound and through music ... I don't know if you have one of your speakers or channels fade out ... you know how you have one of the sides of the stereo cut out ... is this something that's happened? At home, in the car, what's going on with that?

Amberly: Do you mean when it gets like loud and soft again?

Carole: More like ... I have headphone and sometimes one channel will cut out and get crackly. Has this happened to you?.

Amberly: I have a speaker on top of my TV that goes in and out.

Carole: So the connection might not be good ...

Amberly: Something like that ...

Carole: Ok, cause he's worried about that. Just more evidentiary stuff. Is this one that you use? Frequently?

Amberly: um hmm

Carole: And the one side is louder than the other.

Amberly: Oh, yeah. One side doesn't come on at all.

Carole: That was just another evidentiary thing so that you know he's around you. He's so connected with his music in all of this ... get that fixed.

Amberly: Does he watch TV in my room?

Carole: I feel at times he may even come to you through the TV. Now sometimes people get images on the TV when it's off ... I'll tell you, it's a portal. Not everybody can do that but sometimes it acts as a portal for the spirit world. So do mirrors ... so do mirrors. He's around you a lot. And wants you to be happy and continue on with your education and do what you need to do for you. And there is a boyfriend coming. I'm sure your mom and dad are happy to hear that.

Amberly: Good!

Carole: Somebody different from the other ones.

Kathy: Thank God!

Amberly: (laughing)

Carole: I'm supposed to tell you that.

Amberly: Thank you Bryan!

Carole: Ok ... what else do we need? We have like 2 minutes left. What else would you like to ask? Where does Rose come in? Or the Rose? What's the connection with that name or the flower? It's more than the flower, though, I feel as thought it might actually be a name that's connected to you. Somewhere .. is it a middle name in the family of some of the females?

All: (talking amongst selves .. can't place anything)

Carole: Is it related to Mike?

Mike: No ...

Amberly: The grandmother who comes around me would bring the smell of roses .... everyone used to say that ...

Carole: Who is this? Your great grandmother?

Amberly: Yeah

Carole: Cause I'm seeing that or feeling it and a lot of times when I get it, it has a double meaning. It means a name in addition to the flower. But that symbol is around you. I see it right in here, right between both of you (pointing to Kathy & Amberly). I believe it's also from Bryan giving you unconditional love ... it's symbolic too. You may smell roses sometimes too ... that is spirit communicating.

Amberly: Can Bryan hear me talking to him all the time?

Carole: Well, absolutely. They feel that. But when he comes to you the most is when you're sleeping. .

Amberly: Really ...

Carole: Or when you're falling asleep ... did you ever hear your name being said when you fall asleep?

Amberly: Yeah ...

Carole: That's him. But I feel it's also guides ... for you.

Amberly: I usually try to tune it out ... it freaks me out ...

Carole: What? Hearing your name?

Amberly: Like ... just that I talk to him, I think of him, I feel him around me sometimes so strong and that sometimes it takes me back to the day that it happened and I get sad.

Carole: Yeah, he's really sorry about that. I know you've heard that through other mediums.

Amberly: Not really ...

Carole: Well, he's really sorry about that because he can see the repercussions of what he did. A lot of times we don't see it until we get into spirit ... not so much, well, obviously what it did to him, but what it did to all of you. He had to deal with that over there ...

At this point, the tape ran out. We talked for another 45 minutes or so but Bryan's portion was pretty much over by this time.

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