Transcript of Reading by Medium Terri Clemens, March 15, 2004
March 17, 1980 - January 9, 2004
The following transcript is the exact copy of a group reading done on the telephone with psychic medium Terri Clemens from Florida on Monday night, March 15, 2004. Terri had never met any of us, did not know who had passed or anything about Bryan whatsoever. For all she knew, it could have been a spouse, parent, grandparent or anyone at all ... we did not tell her we were trying to connect with anyone specific or that we had lost a son.
We were on speakerphone and present were Mike, Kathy, Amberly, Cris, and Bryan's Aunt Sherry R. This transcript was made from my own tape ... for ease in reading the transcript, Terri's comments will be in blue, our responses or comments will be in green, and side notes (validations or clarifications) will be in parentheses or in brown. These side notes will be for the purpose of clarifying or validating the comments being made. . OK, here we go ....
The reading started with Bryan's Grandma Ruth coming through. She talked about how she passed and remarked about a lifelong friend, Margaret, who was there with her. Then she switched to Bryan.
Terri: Ok, the first thing I'm getting is an older female, now in spirit, passes from illness. I'm getting like two different kinds of feelings for her illness. First I'm getting a lot of congestion in my throat and my chest area but I'm also getting like kidney or urinary tract, that area. I don't know if those were two different things going on with her when she passed but that's what I'm getting, ok? It feels like an older female, does that make sense to you guys?
Kathy: Possibly ... I'm not sure exactly.
Terri: Ok. But you do recognize the older female that passed from illness, right?
Kathy: Yes
Terri: It's funny cause you said there's five people there, right? A lot of times I get things before you call and I sit here and jot it down and I'm looking at my paper and I have 5 written on it. A lot of times when I get that number, it's like number in family ... I don't usually get days like that, it's like number of children or one of 5 something more that effect.
Kathy: There are 5 in our family also.
Terri: Ok ... is there a name ... and please remember when I give you a name it could be somebody here or somebody there ... and my names tend to be like, rather than initials, they tend to be more like sounds like. Ok? I'm getting like Jessie or Jessica. Does that name ring a bell anywhere connected with her?
Kathy: No (it does have a connection with Bryan though!)
Terri: Ok ... If you watched John (Edward), you'll know that sometimes he says strange things, so you won't be surprised if I start to say strange things to you. I feel this is after she passed ... did somebody get a tattoo on the upper arm after this woman passed?
Kathy: Someone did get a tattoo but it was way before.
Terri: Is it upper arm?
Amberly: Mike got a tattoo (referring to her cousin)
Terri: I was going to say it feels like a man because it feels like the more traditional spot you get a tattoo, moreso than a female, you know what I'm saying? Ok. ...........................long pause ....................... was this woman kind of heavyset?
Kathy: Not really ... (my mother-in-law always thought she was heavy, though, even though technically she wasn't)
Terri: Cause she keeps showing me my mother and my mother's very heavyset ... she's coming through but I'm not getting a real strong ... she's kind of fading out on me here .................... long pause ...................... Is there a Margaret or a Maggie connected?
Kathy: No (there was a lifelong family friend named Margaret but they always referred to her as Doc ... this could have been referring to her)
Terri: It's really hard to hear you ...
Kathy: We're just trying to figure it out ... it's my husband's side of the family and I don't know everybody over there so I'm asking him if he knows anybody with that name.
Terri: Oh, ok. ...................... long pause ............................. I'm not sure if this is her or if I'm switching, or if I'm just losing the connection here, is there a significance with somebody releasing balloons?
Us: Oh, wow!
Terri: Like a memorial or something?
Kathy: Oh, yes, now you're right on the money, hon.
Terri: Ok ... now is this connected to this woman or am I switching to somebody else?
Kathy: You're switching.
Terri: Ok. I thought so but it's hard to tell because I get it in my mind like (? can't make out this word)
Kathy: Well, you just hit a home run with that one.
Terri: Ok .. would this be a younger person?
Kathy: Yes
Terri: Ok cause it feels more like ........ it's more recent, yes? It's a recent passing ...
Kathy: Yes.
Terri: Sudden, right?
Kathy: Yes
Terri: And I want to add the word tragic but obviously with a younger person it's going to be tragic but that's how it hits me ... like it's very sudden and like pulled the rug out from underneath everybody
Kathy: Yes
Terri: Sometimes I get a buffer person at first, I think that's to break the ice a little bit too. I know it sounds strange but I think there's always a door opener there when it's a tragic one. Would this be male?
Kathy: Yes
Terri: Ok cause I'm going back and forth with the male/female ... um, ok, it feels ... I don't like to get too graphic with how they passed but it feels like there's motion involved with it. Sorry to be graphic but was he actually like thrown?
Kathy: No, not really
Terri: I feel like movement and like a throwing motion.
Amberly: You can be specific ... don't hold back ... we understand everything that happened.
Terri: They don't usually give me that much, enough so that I know but this was so sudden ... he's giving me a symbol now that I have for very sudden passing. I know that it may sound strange but I get like blinking eyes which means they left their body really fast. That could be the reason why it's feeling like the motion ... it's like his soul was out his body like really fast, almost like before it happened. Does that make sense to you that it was that sudden?
Amberly: Absolutely
Terri: Almost like it took his breath away ... literally.
Kathy: Yes, literally
Terri: Ok ... and the reason I get that symbol, just so you'll understand, is that's their way of conveying to you that they didn't feel pain, ok? They were out of there before it happened.
Kathy: Ok ... that's what he said before.
Terri: Stunned maybe but not ... you know what I mean, no pain, ok?
Kathy: Yes
Terri: For some reason I want to say that this guy, even if he was younger, he was like ... even when he was a kid, he acted older. You know what I'm saying? It feels like older than he was ...
Kathy: Yes, you're so right on target
Amberly: Without a doubt ....
Terri: I'm not getting exact figures on how old he was, it just feels like even if he was 14, he acted 21. That's the type of feeling I get with him ... he was wise beyond the way he should have been.
Kathy: Yep, he was an "old soul"
Terri: (Laughing) I'm sorry for laughing but he's got a sense of humor.
Amberly: Yes he does!
Terri: And he's saying like, not only that, but he was a pain in the ass
All: (Laughing)
Terri: You know what I'm saying? That's the type of personality he has.
Amberly: What did he show you to get that?.
Terri: Pardon?
Amberly: What did he show you to make you laugh?
Terri: To make me laugh? I heard "pain in the ass" ...... but it's like ... he's the type of person you couldn't say no to, you know what I mean? He knew his way around it, even if you did, and it was like futile to even try.
Amberly: Yes, absolutely.
Terri: Ok, now I'm going to have to explain something to you because I'm seeing it and it might not make sense to you but I'm getting the sense that whoever's like the closest connected to this person, they left something right where it was since he passed. Let me explain this to you ... I have a nephew who passed and before he passed he took a shower and, of course, like a teenager, left his boxers on the bathroom floor. If you go to my sister's house, those boxers are still in the corner on the bathroom floor, she doesn't want to move them. Ok, it's something like that. Somebody left something in the same spot that it was ... does that make sense to you?
Kathy: Yes ... actually, quite a few things.
Terri: Ok ... but it's like something's not moved, it's to memorialize that day like from that day forward ....
Kathy: Sure
Terri: You know, this feels recent, like a recent passing.
Kathy: Yes
Terri: But he also feels like he adjusted very well, ok,
Kathy: Yes, he did
Terri: This doesn't seem that difficult for him to get me to say what I need to say ... sometimes, like with that lady that came through at first, it was kind of a struggle ... he feels like, I don't want to say a more advanced soul, but you know what I mean, like a good ..
Kathy: Yeah, we know what you mean.
Terri: He adjusted very well, once he passed it was like boom! it was a piece of cake. I get that type of feeling.
Kathy: Yep, we've had the same feeling.
Terri: Ok, good.
Kathy: He's actually given us a lot of signs.
Terri: Ok, good. I was just going to get to that so don't tell me anything ...
Kathy: Ok, I won't.
Terri: Is there an "R" connected with his name?
Kathy: Yes. (His middle name starts with an R).
Terri: Ok. ..................... I don't know if this makes sense to you, but did somebody get a sign from him when they were looking in a mirror? Is there some connection with a mirror with him?
Kathy: Yes ... (to others: That day when Nessa was seeing him in his room and I held her up to the mirror, remember?)
Amberly: He was always looking in the mirror, too. Since his passing, his friends have said he always looked in the mirror. He loved checking himself out!
Terri: (Laughing) Just so you guys know, and if you've had this done before, you know this too ... when things like that come through, like the joking and the laughing, to me that's their way of letting you guys know that their personality is intact and they are still who they were. I think that's important to understand ... some people get offended that I'm laughing but, you know what I mean, when I hear somebody that's funny, I have to laugh at them.
Kathy: Sure
Terri: And too, that just helps you to understand that they go on, you know what I'm saying, even though we're grieving and thinking that they're far away, they're really not, they're right there with us, ok? God, this guy was full of energy too! Right? He's making me feel like I drank a cup of coffee!
All: (Laughing) Oh, yeah!
Terri: He's very energetic, does that make sense with him?
Amberly: Absolutely!
Terri: Ok, good. Don't feel, though, that he doesn't miss you guys, like physically, and he understands what a toll this took, but you guys need to know -- and sometimes it's hard to hear this -- but things are the way they should be and that's coming from him. I know it's hard to hear that, it's hard for us to understand all the ramifications and all the way the puzzle fits together, but he's telling me, you know, this is the way it was supposed to be
Kathy: I know ... he's told us that already..
Terri: That he crammed a lot into his life is what he's telling me ...
Kathy: Yes he did ...
Terri: ... that it was stuffed full, there wasn't a real lot of sitting around wondering what he was going to do. You know what I mean? He was going, going all the time.
Kathy: Yep
Terri: Does that make sense to you guys?
Amberly: Absolutely
Terri: Also, um, ok I want to make sure I try to understand what he's saying ... did he have a premonition about his passing?
Amberly: Absolutely
Terri: Ok .................. did something strange happen with his computer? Or did somebody find something on his computer?
Kathy: My computer
Terri: Ok ... was it like his email address or something connected to him?
Kathy: Yeah! Yes, that makes sense to me! There have been a couple computer things ... (you can read about these in the Journal of Miracles ... several emails that I have gotten with weird subjects or senders names that are tied to him)
Terri: I'm laughing because he's like, they should know, if anybody was going to do this stuff, it would be me.
All: Yeah ... we did ... (laughter)
Terri: Like ... you knew I would be good at this
All: Yes! (laughing)
Terri: Funny ... I'm not getting names real clear with him. Sometimes they come through real clear, sometimes not, but does he have a girlfriend here? or a wife?
Kathy: Ummmm ... girlfriend(s) ... lots of them
Terri: Ok. Is there one in particular that took this very hard?
Kathy: Um hmmmm....
Terri: Ok ... I'm trying to get a name but I'm just not getting it. Is there also a connection with a white flower? For some reason, I'm seeing it as white.
All: Oh, yeah! Yeah! Definitely! (We have white silk roses on his burial niche at the church ... they have been there since his memorial service and still look beautiful. You can see them pictured on his Memorial Service page)
Terri: Is there a male ... I think this is a male .. that like goes to where he passed? Like goes to the site or something to visit? To talk to him? Is there a male that goes there to speak to him like? I keep seeing like a white cross connected with this, which to me means at the scene of something, somebody puts a white cross. Do you know what I'm saying?
Kathy: Right.
Terri: Does that fit for anybody?
Kathy: It fits for me but not a male. I do it all the time. (I go into his room to talk to him all the time)
Terri: Do you know if maybe one of his friends does that or anything?
Amberly: It's a possibility but .....
Terri: Ok, well maybe that's something you can check on later. For some reason, I keep wanting to say it's a male that does this, ok. And when they bring up things like that and like the girlfriend, that's just their way of recognizing people. A lot of times that will happen with people that aren't in the room or whatever. I feel like sometimes it's just like don't forget to mention this one and don't forget to ... but don't take it that they're not mentioning you because sometimes they just can't get me to spit it out. (We totally forgot ... last week when Josh was here, he asked if he could go up to Bryan's room to talk to him. He was up there for a while, so maybe he meant that.)
Kathy: Ok.
Terri: And these are his words ... he's like totally over it, the passing, so I don't know if people are placing blame somewhere or what but he's just telling me that he's totally over the whole ... in other words, he understands that it was the way it's supposed to be, all right?
Kathy: Uh huh
Terri: He's not going through it over and over again. Does that make sense to you?
Kathy: Yes ...
Terri: Oh boy ... ok ... I'm just going to say it ... you'll think I'm crazy ... is there some connection to somebody having his teeth?
Kathy: (shocked) His teeth?
Amberly: Oh!
Kathy: What?
Amberly: Yeah ...
Kathy: What? What are you talking about?
Amberly: Yeah ... I just found the mold of his teeth ...
Kathy: No way!
Amberly ... those plaster ones that we had the molds made (for braces at the dentist when they were kids ... she found them in the gameroom downstairs).
Kathy: Oh my God! When?
Amberly: I swear to God ... like a week ago.
Cris: What ... and you kept it?
Amberly: Um hmm ...
Terri: Ok, now I'm getting goosebumps! And that's something that some of you didn't know, right?
Mike: Yes
Terri: That only some of you knew this came up?
Amberly: Oh my God ... it was such a meaningless moment!
Terri: That's the way it works sometimes. It's just little mundane things, you know what I mean, that they hit right on. Did you just find them? Recently?
Amberly: Yep ... and I thought it was so miniscule. I didn't think twice ... I didn't even bring them upstairs.
Terri: Yes, see, sometimes things like that happen, too, just before so that they can get mentioned. I know that that sounds weird but ...
Amberly: Awwww..... wow!
Terri: He's workin' here, I'm telling you! -- (laughing) -- He's getting all the credit for this, it's got nothing to do with me. I'm just spitting out what he's telling me.
All: laughing
Terri: This is really strange, ok, I don't usually get this kind of stuff, but I don't feel, I don't think at all that he was a suicide, but for some reason I'm supposed to mention that he's helping people who passed that way.
Kathy: Yes he is! (even though drug overdose isn't exactly suicide, it is dying by one's own hand, even though it was accidental, so this is what I am sure he was referring to).
Terri: Does that make sense to you?
Kathy: Oh, yes it does!
Amberly: More today than ever (referring to the guestbook entry we received this morning ... see Bryan's guestbook for March 15)
Terri: Ok ... he didn't pass that way, right? He didn't pass from a suicide?
Kathy: No, no he didn't.
Terri: Ok, because I have a symbol for that and I didn't get that at the beginning, but he's helping people that passed that way. He wants me to tell you that.
Amberly: The same way, yes, absolutely
Terri: Ok.
Kathy: Are you saying he's helping people that passed from suicide or passed the way he passed?
Terri: From suicide.
Kathy: From suicide? Ok.
Terri: Yes. I don't know why ... it's strange that they came up because I knew that it didn't feel like that's how he passed but that's, for some reason, what he's doing, ok?
Kathy: Ok (talking amongst others -- It's kind of the same thing but not the same, you know?)
Amberly: That absolutely makes sense.
Terri: Ok .. as long as you guys know. .
Amberly: Yes, it does.
Terri: Ok ... I don't know if somebody was worried about him being around so much, like somebody must have mentioned or thought that because he's around so much giving you guys signs, that he's not moving on. I'm supposed to tell you that that's not the case at all. He's like around you guys and doing other things too, so don't worry about that you're keeping him from things, cause you're not.
Kathy: Yep, that was me!
Terri: Almost like he's telling me to tell you that he can keep tabs on what's going on with you guys and still be doing his own thing. Ok?
Kathy: Yeah, we just talked about that.
Terri: Ok ... good.
Amberly (to Kathy): Oh my God ... I think he's saying a lot of things about today.
Kathy: Yeah, I know! He's so with us!
Amberly: Um hmm
Terri: Also, it's almost like I'm supposed to tell you that when you memorialize him, do it in a happy way, like have a party or, you know what I'm saying, have like a birthday party, not ...
All: Oh! We do! We just did!
Terri: Oh! Get out! Great!
Amberly: Yesterday! We had a birthday party!
Terri: Ok ... he likes that! He's giving you the "that's great!" Rather than sitting around crying about him, he'd rather see you having a great time, ok?
Kathy: We did!
Terri: Is there also some significance with a pair of jeans of his?
Amberly: Yes
Terri: I keep seeing like worn-out Levis, you know, I don't know why, I don't know what the connection is, but he's telling me to mention these jeans. Does that make sense to somebody?
Amberly: Yeah
Terri: Again .... I'm giving you what this guy's giving me because he's being pretty literal here and pretty good at connecting. Does the number 867 have any meaning to anybody? Is it a house number or the first numbers of a phone number or what?
Kathy: It's not ringing any bells with me but ....
Terri: Ok .. I put it out here ... I'm trying to give you what I'm getting even if sometimes it makes sense later .... ( My sister who was present, Sherry, has shown psychic abilities and she gets messages from Bryan all the time. On Tuesday morning, her husband mentioned to her that 867 is from a song. Sherry immediately went to the net and looked up the lyrics for the song, which just happens to have been recorded by Blink 182, Bryan's favorite band. The song is about a girl named Jenny and one line jumped out at her: I got it, I got it, I got your number on the wall. This lead her directly to a website called, a memorial site for heroin victims. She did a quick search for Jennifers and was lead to a site about Jenny, a girl who died in much the same way Bryan did, from a "last" hit of heroin. Her website deals with helping other addicts and preventing kids from getting hooked on drugs, much the same as Bryan is wanting us to do in his memory. My sister felt an immediate rush of happiness that she felt was Bryan's way of confirming to her that yes, we GOT it! She also believes he was letting us know he has connected with this girl in heaven and they are now working together. Amberly and Cris mentioned later that they both thought of this song when this was brought up by Terri but neither of them could relate it to Bryan or understand what it might mean, so they didn't connect with it. Also, in a reading a few days later with Candis, she mentioned that this message was for Mike, to help him in preparing his talks that he plans to give at schools to young kids to prevent them from using drugs. He has since been in touch with Jenny's parents who have made a video about Jenny's life and drug addiction. He plans to use it to help in his presentation. Jenny's family has been wonderful in letters and very supportive of us ... they even said they believe Bryan and Jenny have met and are working together in heaven ... something we believe wholeheartedly!)
Kathy: Maybe we're supposed to go play that number!
Terri: I don't usually get three digit number, you know what I mean? It's usually it's a low number or it's a date and that doesn't fit so ............ (laughing) I'm laughing because I'm trying to get more and he's kind of like, well, I don't really need you to do this.
All: Laughing ....
Terri: He's kind of telling me like I can do this on my own
Amberly: No way!
Terri: Like very, like ok, he's very, I don't want to say flip, but it's in a funny way, I mean, it's not meant to offend
Kathy: Yep, that's him. That's his personality. But we can't get it, so we need you. He can do it pretty good but we're not that good.
Amberly: We get it ... we just want it confirmed.
Terri: Of course. Just so you guys know, I do the same thing ... you know what I mean? I go to somebody who doesn't know me to get my relatives.
Amberly: To make sure, you know?
Terri: Ok ... did you guys donate some of his organs after he passed?
Kathy: No
Terri: Really? Ok ... hmmmm .....
Kathy: Is he saying we did?
Terri: No, no, he's showing me a symbol that I usually get ... actually, the symbol that I get for that is balloons. I know it sounds strange and I'll never understand how I connect that, but usually I see balloons and I know we got balloons in the beginning but that's something different but I'm just wondering if he's bringing me back to the beginning like he opened with the balloons and now he's closing with the balloons. I know it sounds odd but ... did you guys do the balloons more than once for him?
Kathy: Yep
Terri: Ok ... I'm starting to lose the connection. It's when they have it he can feel it too and I gotta tell you that he's like thanking me but he's thanking me for being a good sport about it, you know what I mean? Like he's very ... I like this guy ... I want to keep him around .. hIs personality is like ... he's like, " thanks a lot for putting up with this" ...
Amberly: Will he allow any questions?
Terri: Go ahead ... we can try. I mean I can feel it ending but go ahead, there's no harm in putting it out there.
Kathy: Was he with us this week at the hospital?
Terri: Ok ... let me see. When you guys say that, I keep getting the letter V. I don't know if that's connected or not, V like in Vickie. Does that fit at all for the hospital?
Kathy: No (Sherry got a message from Bryan the following day that what Bryan was doing was showing Terri two fingers held up in a Peace sign ... this was Bryan's way of getting ready to sign off ... Bryan would always say "Peace!" when he was getting ready to leave a room or a phone call)
Terri: Ok ... might be getting a little too weak to do that. Ok .... hmmmmm. Did something in the hospital get brighter than it was?
Kathy: Brighter?
Terri: Or is there some connection with him where somebody sees something brighter than it should be? Maybe a light goes bright and then goes dim again? Does that make sense to anybody?
Kathy: Yes (If you read the Journal of Miracles, you can see where he has dimmed and brightened the lamp post and other lights in the house)
Terri: Ok, does it have to do with that hospital question? (We later remembered that there WAS a very bright light in the ceiling over Cris' bed that was bothering him and the nurse came in and turned it off, so he may have been making reference to this)
Kathy: I don't think so.
Terri: (laughing) Maybe he's not taking any questions.
Kathy: Aww
Amberly: The dimming light absolutely makes sense
Terri: Ok, good.
Amberly: If we can hang on to him for a minute I want to
Terri: Go ahead, I know and I try to hang on to him as long as I can, trust me, so go ahead, if you have another question, we'll throw it out there ......................... long pause .............................. was it raining when you guys were at the hospital?
Kathy: Not when we were at the hospital.
Amberly: He might be bringing up something more recent.
Terri: Yeah, ok.
Amberly: Can you give us more?
Terri: I'm trying. I just keep getting like mention the rain. Ok, and I thought it was at the hospital and that he's trying to get that through but maybe he's just moving on to his own thing. ....................... long pause ................. I think he's going to end it here or I shouldn't say he, cause not really gonna like walk away, it's more like the connection, I just can't keep it going for very long. He lowers his energy, I raise mine, ok and when it starts fading it's almost like a phone getting real staticky. Then when the information starts coming through it's in bits and pieces, even more so than it is when it's connected, but I know he can feel it too cause he keeps getting like, he's going, wish he could chat longer, but he's going. But I think he's strong enough around you guys that you know and this is just reinforcement for you, ok? I'd love to be able to do this all day long but it just doesn't work that way with me. ........we're dead ........ It's done. Can I ask you guys, how long ago did he pass?
Kathy: January 9th.
Terri: This year?
Kathy: Yeah.
Terri: Wow! He did very well! Very well!
Amberly: What do you mean?
Terri: I always tell people wait at least 6 months.
Kathy: He's been coming through for us really strong.
Terri: He was raring to go, huh?
Amberly: Since day one, he's been absolutely amazing. Very strong.
Terri: Wow! And what was his name?
Kathy: Bryan
Terri: And how old was he?
Kathy: 23 ... he died from a drug overdose.
Terri: Oh, really!?!
Kathy: And he has been helping people who have died ...
Amberly: Tell her about today ...
Kathy: I just got an email today from somebody who lost her brother a week and a half ago and had been lead to his web site and felt that they were getting help from Bryan ... that her brother was getting help from Bryan in heaven.
Terri: Wow!
Kathy: And she just wanted to let us know that he was touching lives everywhere.
Terri: Holy cow!
Kathy: I know ... he's been incredibly strong in what he's doing there ... he had a mission and he's let us know that was what he had to do.
Terri: That might be why I was feeling suicide with that information, you know what I'm saying?
Kathy: Right ... it's like an accidental suicide kind of thing, it's not intentional but they do bring on their own death, so ...
Terri: Yeah but you know how he kept telling me he's helping people who commit suicide ... I understand it more now. How was he connected to you guys? Was that your brother?
Kathy: My son
Terri: Ok ... it's weird cause I had a brother who passed the same way back in '76 ... they didn't show me him though but I mean, I understand what you're going through with this, it's a tough one to watch and a tough one to take.
Kathy: It was but like everything you said about him being older than his years and being like having a lot of wisdom, that's so true how he was and everybody has said it and commented on it. It's like his soul was very advanced.
Terri: Yep ... isn't it funny how, especially after they pass, you look back and think wow! Not that they knew on a conscious level, but I think on a soul level, they're getting ready.
Kathy: Right
Amberly: We all had that feeling. Not only that he was an old soul but we've had so many confirmations of his spiritual strength coming through and ...
Terri: Good
Amberly: And we've never even had to think about it twice. He does amazing things. We all know we're blessed
Terri: That's great when you start getting things like that.
Kathy: We just had a birthday party for him yesterday ... it was at his grave site which is a niche because he was cremated, so it wasn't like a cemetery yard, it was in a courtyard at the church and we had a balloon release there for his birthday and it was pouring down rain.
Terri: That's when it was raining!
Kathy: Yep .. and we also released balloons at his memorial service back in January so there were two balloon releases but one was just yesterday.
Terri: Well, the phenomenon seems to me it's only March and he passed in January ... I think he did very well because a lot of times I have to work a lot harder to get what they're saying. With him I just basically had to tell you guys what was hitting my brain. Like I told you, I didn't have to do anything, I just spit it out.
Kathy: Actually, the first reading we had with him was about a month ago and he came through really strong that time too.
Terri: Did he really?
Kathy: Yeah, and the elderly woman at the beginning, who was his grandmother, actually lead him in ... she was there in the beginning of that reading too.
Terri: You're kidding!
Kathy: No .. she didn't open it but she was there to lend her strength to him.
Terri: A lot of times we call them like door openers, somebody that you know but who isn't too emotionally connected with the passing, you know what I'm saying, just to get them started. That's the way I always look at it. But who did you go to for the first reading if you don't mind me asking?
Kathy: Kathleen Tucci
Terri: I don't know her ... I thought maybe it would be somebody that I knew from online. I'm glad he came through ... they're amazing when they do it. It never ceases to amaze me how they can get me to say things.
Kathy: But he seemed really happy, huh?
Terri: Yeah, he seemed very happy.
Amberly: He had you giggling the whole time .. that made me feel so good and just to tell you what you couldn't see on our end, and no disrespect at all to you, when you were talking at the beginning, even though we're not supposed to have our expectations about who comes, we can't help but have those expectations and I had a paper here with your email and I put a little sad face underneath it because I thought we were going to get a bunch of relatives that I don't know, so I put this sad face underneath it and literally within a second you came out with the balloon release and it absolutely floored me. I had just almost personally given up on it.
Terri: I know and I tell everybody and I have it all over my web site don't have any expectations but I know everybody does. I've been on the other side of the phone and I know you can't help but do that.
All: (Agreeing).
Terri: The reason that we do that and that I do that is that it doesn't work all the time. You know what I mean? There are times when the medium isn't in good form or for circumstances beyond our control, we always have to remember they know what's best, is that sometimes it just doesn't work and it is disappointing when that happens but we just have to kind of go with it, but you didn't have to worry about that. But just remember that if you go for more readings and it does happen, you know what I'm saying, it doesn't mean that they didn't want to talk to you or anything like that.
Kathy: I know he's very busy where he is. He's got a full plate!
Amberly: But never too busy for us .. he still checks in.
Terri: Yep, like I said, he learned the ropes very quickly. Especially since it was just January. Holy cow ... he's just like .... well, and you know probably how they say there's no time over there, on the other side ....
Kathy: I've gotten the feeling ... like just telepathically or whatever ... that he's really enjoyed ... he loves his experience there, he's really enjoying his new life. He just loves all the capabilities that he has and he's just really enjoying it.
Terri: Yes, and that's exactly the feeling I got.
Kathy: That's how he made me feel and I have no doubt that he's just loving every minute of it.
Amberly: Hey, Terri, I'm Bryan's older sister. I would love for you to visit Bryan's web site ... it's It's very simple and on there is not only a Journal of Miracles of signs that we've gotten as a family but also a transcript of the reading that we had with Kathleen Tucci and wonderful pictures of him ...
Terri: Oh yeah, it's nice to see what they look like after I read because it puts a face to the person I was connecting with cause I don't really see him, I get more words.
Amberly: He's just so beautiful and I'm so glad that I heard you giggle through the entire time because that's him, that's what he did for all of us.
Terri: (laughing) ... great personality
Amberly: Even when you're mad at him, you couldn't be because he'd just have this look on his face that would make you laugh.
Terri: Oh, that's great. You know, I have a links page on my site where I could put a link for his site ... I have a place there with memorials.
Amberly: Oh, that would be nice. Thanks!
Terri: I can't thank you guys enough for letting me do this for you.
All: We can't thank you enough!
Terri: I get just as much out of it as you guys do. It just reinforces to me that my relatives are there, you know what I mean? It's not that I don't connect with them too but it's just reaffirming to me.
Kathy: It's been an amazing experience ... this is the first person in my life I've lost who was this close to me. You know, we've had older people who died but you expect older people to die, you know, I never thought ... to lose a child, what this would be like. It's changed my entire life ... my faith has been reaffirmed, I know he's still around me, I know there's life after death, it's made such a difference.
Terri: Did you happen to read my web site about my nephew on the one page?
Kathy: Yes
Terri: My nephew was 13 when he passed and that was like my life-changing ... I mean I'd been through a lot before that, but that was the one that kind of just hits you over the head and that's how I got involved in what I do now. But yeah, I think everybody goes through one that just hits home. A lot of good can come out of it. I know it's hard to feel that way, but it just changes you.
Kathy: That's what I just said today, that this has changed my life. I feel like I'm being pulled a whole 'nother direction now.
Terri: Yep, that's what happened to me. Turned me right around. Well, thank you guys very much. It's been a pleasure!
Kathy: Thank you!
Follow-up April 17th: Terri has been in touch with me several times since this reading. She says that since this night, she has gotten into her car and heard the song "Missing You" by Blink 182. She says that prior to this reading, she NEVER heard Blink 182 on her radio and she is not in her car for any long length of time. But this song has come on repeatedly and she knows it is Bryan's way of saying "Hi!" to her. Isn't he just amazing??!?
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