Transcript of Reading by Medium Kathleen Tucci, April 12, 2004
March 17, 1980 - January 9, 2004
The following transcript is the exact copy of a group reading done on the telephone with psychic medium Kathleen Tucci from Dallas, Texas, on Monday night, April 12, 2004. Ms. Tucci (Kat) had done a reading for us previously on February 17, so she knew about Bryan.
We were on speakerphone and present were Kathy, Mike, Amberly, Cristopher, and Bryan's Aunt Sherry R. Kat's comments will be in blue, our responses or comments will be in green, and side notes (validations or clarifications) will be in parentheses or in brown. These side notes will be for the purpose of clarifying or validating the comments being made. My tape is very bad and this may not be exact ... I will make corrections when I get the tape from Kat later. OK, here we go ....
Kat: I've got a male figure coming through and his name starts with an F like as in Frank or Fred but it's an F name. He's a younger fellow and he says that he passes very quickly.
Us: Hmmmm ... not ringing any bells yet.
Kat: Something within the neck region.
Kathy: We aren't connecting on that at all.
Kat: Ok ............... do any of you guys there have a bad headache?
Kathy: Bad headache? Anybody? No ....
Kat: Somebody in the room. Who in the room has a headache?
Kathy: Nobody
Kat: Is there somebody there that gets frequent headaches then? The "F" is around that person, whoever that is. Who gets the frequent headaches? Not their name but just the relationship.
Amberly: I do
Kat: Is that you, Kat? I'm sorry, I'm not clear.
Amberly: No, it's Amber. Also, your sister (referring to her Aunt Debbie, Kathy's sister)
Kat: Well, the "F" person is saying they're connected to the person with the headaches. They're younger, it's a male figure, they pass suddenly, .............. rosebushes have a meaning.
Kathy: We'll have to think about that one ....
Kat: ... with regards to his passing. Do either of the people with the headaches work in retail?
Kathy: No ...
Amberly: I used to work in retail.
Kat: Who's the "used to" ... is that Amber again?
Amberly: Yeah, I used to work in retail.
Kat: OK, I think this is for you ... he's just trying to get us to the right person. Does rosebushes have a meaning to you in any way? Something significant, like did you plant rosebushes with someone or did you plant rosebushes for somebody?
Amberly: There were rosebushes at my old house, I would prune them.
Kat: Well, this is probably somebody that used to visit your old house then. I'm trying to get him to get more ... when I'm adlibbing I'm just waiting for him to talk, ok? I'm trying to get him to give us a little more info.
Kathy: Ok.
Kat: Amber, did you know somebody who used to be a taxi cab driver? Or do you know why this man would be showing me a taxi cab? Or do you know somebody who got hit by a taxi cab or used to drive a cab?
Amberly: Not ringing a bell, no ....
Kat: Well, there's some kind of a taxi cab connection ... he's showing me a yellow cab, so .... he's kind of pulling his energy back, just keep that in mind. It could be somebody back in your family history and you're just not aware of it, till you ask a couple of questions to the right people but they're real good about the information that they throw out ... I think it's just that you're not familiar with the info but he wants you to know that he's around, that he's around you, that he sees what's going on and is kind of watching over you.
Amberly: Hmmm (Follow-up May 6: I finally realized who this message was really for ... a friend and colleague in the antiques business is Phil, my next door neighbor at my antiques shop. He had told me in the past about a brother he had who died when he was 23 years of age ... he choked to death and passed tragically. What jogged my memory about this is the yellow cab reference ... earlier this month, Phil and my partner and I bought an antique yellow cab together. A few days ago, Phil showed me another antique yellow cab he was able to purchase. These are very early, very rare pieces that only come up once in a decade or so. The fact that he bought two in the past month was the first tip-off to me. Then, the "F" sounding name ... I asked Kat if he could have been referring to "Phil" (F sound) and not his name. She said absolutely. So that fits. And the passing from something in the "neck" region and that he passed quickly was a match. But the clincher was when I asked Phil if he gets frequent headaches. His reply was that he gets MIGRAINES and has all his life. I have known Phil for 15 years and never knew this! Plus the reference to working in retail ... Phil owns a retail antiques store. I then asked Bryan for further validation of this to be sure we had it right. I received two: the first was an email I received with the subject "choke" ... and the second was when I was relaying this to my sister, Sherry, on the phone, a hawk appeared right over my car and began circling repeatedly. These are both ways that Bryan lets me know that I have gotten a message correct! So in this instance, we were being used as the messenger. We are still trying to find out if there is a connection to rosebushes. I can connect it to Phil in that the roses he sent us after Bryan passed were so exquisite that I dried them and have them in a memorial that we made to Bryan in our kitchen. That may or may not be what was being referred to here but if we find out anything further, I'll post it later.)
Kat: Do you have something on your left wrist right now?
Amberly: Yes
Kat: Ok ... that's just his way of letting us know he knows what he's talking about, ok? You'll figure it out later. Um.... I've got an older female coming in ... a female claiming to be older ... do you know of somebody that went by the nickname of either Sunny or Sunshine?
Kathy: Not that I can think of.
Kat: Are you guys re-doing your basement?
Kathy: Not at the moment. We probably should! Maybe they want us to! (Laughing)
Kat: Ummm ... so this isn't something that has been redone recently either then. Hang on ... maybe I'm getting it wrong.
Kathy: It's been redone within the last year, part of it was, anyway.
Kat: Oh ... you guys were working on it within the last year?
Kathy: Yes, within the last year.
Kat: Ok, I just thought he was ... hang on one second let me see what else he's showing me cause this older female trying to come through ... I can't tell if it's Bryan yet, but he just kind of pushed the other lady out of the way.
All: (Laughing)
Kat: He's talking about the finished basement. Do you guys have some kind of a tribute to him down there?
Kathy: Yes.
Kat: I think it is him ... he's talking about the tribute and that somebody goes down there to talk to him specifically.
Amberly: Yeah ...
Kathy: Amber's room is down there ... that's the room we re-did when she moved back here last year.
Kat: Oh ...
Kathy: He used to go down there all the time with her.
Kat: I would assume that she's feeling a lot of communication from him cause that's what he's saying. He's saying that that is working very, very well and that they're able to ... Amber, you're there, right?
Amberly: Yes!
Kat: Are you able to talk to him directly?
Amberly: I do all the time!
Kat: And do you feel you get ... cause according to him, he's telling me you get clear concise signs or symbols from him.
Amberly: Clear signs that what?
Kat: Symbols ... more like symbolism ... like when he's talking to you he shows you symbols to get you to understand what he's saying very similar to what a medium does. I wonder if you realize that's what you're doing. I'm asking him to tell me what some of those symbols are. He's saying that he shows you either an O or a zero but it looks like an O. Does that make sense?
Amberly: Ok... (After this reading, Amberly told us that all day today her TV screen kept getting a black box on it and the letter O and question marks would start typing across the screen. Not relating it to Bryan, she would switch the channel or turn the TV off and back on to get rid of it. It happened about six times today and she never thought it was him. Had she read some of the books I had read, she would have know that this is a sign spirits use frequently ... TV's are one of the types of devices that they can affect.)
Kat: And that that's like a knock on the door or a way to let you know he's there or a way to say "hey, I want to chat," that kind of thing. Does that make sense?
Amberly: I don't think I've acknowledged it or put it together like that, no, but it makes sense.
Kat: It's like his calling card, that's a good way to say it. Like a calling card to let you know he's ready to talk or is there and he wants to talk.
Amberly: Ok.
Kat: Do you have a lot of animals down there? A lot of stuffed animals or real animals?
Kathy & Amberly: Yes, both ...
Kat: He's just saying there's a lot of animals down there. Is there a monkey that he gave you?
Amberly: No.
Kat: Am I just misunderstanding what he's saying? There's a monkey down there that somebody gave you, something that you didn't purchase on your own.
Amberly: I don't think so. A monkey?
Kat: You know, sometimes they give us stuff that's coming up in the future. So don't be surprised that ... if you don't have one, it's very possible that's his way of trying to let you know that through someone else there, he's sending you a monkey.
Amberly: Really!
Kat: To add to your collection but he's talking about giving you a monkey.
Amberly: Ok! (Follow-up: Two days after this reading, Amberly stopped in to visit her old job and spent a few hours there ... at her old desk, there was a stuffed monkey!)
Kat: Did somebody just go to gamble somewhere? Vegas or Tahoe or Atlantic City or something where they gambled?
Kathy: Yes! Someone just did. (Sherry's hubby, Mike, just got back from Vegas)
Kat: And they were pretty successful, right?
Kathy: He didn't lose much but he didn't win much either. .
Kat: I'm not getting that they lost their shirt.
Kathy: He didn't lose much but he didn't win a lot either!
Kat: No, I'm saying that as far as Bryan was concerned, they did NOT lose their shirt, so they either broke even or they made money.
Kathy: Exactly! That's funny!
Kat: But this is somebody that normally loses, right? The way he's coming across is that that's an oddity for them, they usually, when they go somewhere to gamble, they don't come back winning.
Kathy: No, he usually does pretty good actually. He doesn't usually use. (Follow-up: We found out later from Mike -- who this part was referring to -- that he usually plays poker and wins but in Vegas, he switched to Blackjack, which he usually LOSES at, but he didn't lose, so he understood this part of the message perfectly!)
Kat: Is there somebody with the nickname Cricket, either Cricket or a bug? I'm trying to think of a bug's name ... beetle, or ... he's trying to reference the person that their nickname is the same name as a bug.
Kathy: We're thinking but can't think of anybody offhand. He had a lot of friends so there probably is somebody I'm not thinking of....
Kat: All right ... he'll probably ... you know he's good about ...
Kathy: He had a lot of friends so it could be one of them ...
Kat: ... and they usually give off clues later on in the reading to bring us back around to that kind of a tie-in ... I'm sure he'll help us figure it out. Did somebody buy candles that were the scent of gardenia?
Kathy: They might be ... we bought a bunch of candles.
Kat: I don't think they knew that it was ... if they know it's gardenia they don't understand its power, which I'll tell you in a second but he's talking about ... who has the candles that are gardenia scent?
Kathy: I don't know.
Amberly: I bought candles that are scented sweet pea.
Kathy: Not gardenia?
Amberly: No, not gardenia.
Kat: No, he's showing me ... hang on a second ... you know what, maybe I'm wrong. Let me look it up. Ok ... who said sweet pea?
Amberly: I did, Amberly.
Kat: Ok ... well, was it sweet grass or sweet pea, specifically?
Amberly: Sweet pea.
Kat: Sweet pea ... hmmm .. cause sweet grass invokes like spiritual blessings that aids in transformation .... things of that nature. But he's specifically showing me... you know, each scent can do something else. Ummm ... gardenia is very very good for raising vibrations which is what you use to connect with spirit. And that's why he was showing me a gardenia. Somebody's bought a gardenia that helps them raise their vibration level and I don't think they realize that's what they're doing.
Kathy: Hmmmm
Kat: So that's ok ... when you go home tonight, you guys look at your candles ... somebody, I'll bet, owns a gardenia scent.
Kathy: I'm going to get one! (laughter)
Kat: He's reminiscing and talking about watching a thunderstorm or a rainstorm with someone? Where there was a lot of lightning?
Kathy: I don't know ...
Kat: I'm asking him where this is ... there's mountains nearby. And this is a group of people, it's not just one or two. Did he talk about August 3rd last time? Cause he's saying August 3rd. Is that someone's birthday, anniversary, or when they crossed?
Kathy: No, not August 3rd, I don't think that has any meaning at all that we know of ...
Kat: Well I know he's not talking about something that's coming up ... this is something that he's trying to reference. Was it a graduation date for someone maybe?
Kathy: No
Kat: Is there a Burt? Either B-e-r-t or B-u-r-t?
Amberly: No ....
Kathy: Ernie and Bert ... when they were little
Kat: This has to do with a game. Does that make sense? Some kind of a game? A table game?
Kathy: We're a bunch of dunderheads tonight.
Kat: That's ok ... you know this stuff is crazy. I mean, I'm just trying to get out as much as I can get from him and then you guys can always figure it out later. But Sandra is connected to Burt. Do you guys know a Sandra?
Kathy: No...................
Kat: No?
Amberly: Nope
Kat: And who's Joey?
Kathy: Here or there?
Kat: Oh, they're still living.
Kathy to Cris: Do you know a Joey?
Cris: Joey ---------- (Private)
Kathy: He has a friend named Joey.
Kat: Well, there's some kind of a connection - Sandra, Joey, Burt ... it's all connected.
Kathy: I don't know that family very well but we can find out.
Amberly: And his nickname was "Worm" ... that could be the bug nickname you were talking about.
Kat: Really?
Amberly: That could very well be that this is related to their family.
Kat: Well, I get that Joey is the one that he wants to focus on for a minute because Joey is either going through a hard time or struggling somehow for some reason and I think it's more emotional than it is financial. But I believe it's something that touches a couple of members of his family or at least a couple people that Joey knows, it's not just himself that is affected by whatever this situations is. And Bryan's trying to say "don't worry, it's going to be ok, everything's going to work itself out" and that not just him but other people are working from the other side to try to help them and help the situation ease up a bit. He says that the situation's going to last for a while, though, it's not going to go away anytime soon. But it will ease up. Is there somebody involved in the medical community in that family do you know? Somebody's either a nurse or a doctor or an internist or ... they work in the medical field somehow.
Kathy: I do not know ...............
Kat: Did Bryan fall off a tree when he was little?
Kathy: Did Bryan fall out of a tree?
Kat: Umm hmmm
Kathy: No but Cris did when he was with him. Cris fell from the top of a tree when he was little.
Kat: Is Cris in the room?
Kathy: Yep
Kat: Oh, great! Ok! Do you remember when you were falling, Cris, if you fell kind of in slow motion? Did it seem like it was in slow motion?
Cris: When I fell, I mean, don't know if it was slow motion, but it didn't hurt at all. I was at the very top of a pine tree ...
Kat: You know what ... . hang on a second ... just yes or no cause he's going to describe something to you.
Cris: Ok, no.
Kat: Do you remember ... it's going to sound kind of weird, but do you remember like a feeling or different presence there or around you?
Cris: No
Kat: I don't want to get too metaphysical sounding, but what Bryan's trying to say is he's reminiscing about that ordeal and I almost would get the impression the way he's giving it to me that either you guys collectively discussed it afterwards, whether it was right away after the incident or years later, but you talked about either seeing an angel, feeling an angel's presence, that for all intents and purposes you should have been very hurt and you weren't.
Cris: We never really talked about it. I mean, they just laughed at me after I fell. They expected me to be hurt and then everybody just laughed at me. I sprang up and ran around like an idiot like nothing was wrong. We talked about it and how we were surprised that I wasn't hurt but never ...
Kathy: Recently we did ... we talked about this just a couple months ago, remember? About how you fell out of that tree and I said Oh, my God, it's amazing that you didn't get hurt, that it was like something was helping you get down.
Kat: Well, I could be wrong in my delivery, but, Kat, if you guys were talking about the fact that, you know, he probably had some angelic assistance and that's why he didn't get hurt, it would make sense to my why he is brining it up, if that's something that you guys have discussed but ...
Kathy: It was recently, too, since Bryan passed that we've had this discussion because I didn't even know, or remember, that he had done this, when he was a kid.
Kat: See, that would make more sense to me why Bryan would be talking about that, I mean just reminiscing, and he's trying to let me know that yes, you guys are correct, because he's telling me that there was some type of an angelic spirit around Cris when he falls out of the tree.
Kathy: Probably my grandma
Cris: Yeah, I didn't have a scratch on me and I fell from the very top.
Kat: And I don't know if you can meditate on this for the next couple nights and maybe get some more information but from what Bryan's showing me, Cris, it's as if you are in .... you should remember that you feel things seemed very much in slow motion when you go through that.
Cris: OK
Kat: Ok, moving right along ................ (laughing) does something happen on the hour over there? He's talking about something that marks the hour, like either a grandfather clock or a bird that just happens to whistle at the hour, I don't know how to say that, you know, like when a clock ticks or it makes a chime every hour once an hour? What happens there in the house once an hour?
Kathy: Nothing ...... I have a pile of antique clocks around here that I never keep wound up.
Kat: This is something that's happening on the hour. Hang on, let me see if I can get him to be more specific.
Kathy: If I'd keep them wound up they would be but it's been years ... I never wind them.
Amberly: We have one that used to go off every hour on the hour the whole time we were growing up she kept this thing wound. It was really annoying. It would make a weird sound ... ding, ding ding ding
Kathy: Yes, Westminster chimes
Amberly: But we don't have it anymore, thank goodness
Kat: Oh, wait, the clock's totally gone?
Amberly: No, it's here, it's just not wound any more.
Kat: And it hasn't gone off by itself?
Kathy: No, it hasn't done that. Is he going to?
Kat: Yes, I think so. I really do cause that's what he's showing me is that something marks time every hour on the hour and you're going to actually hear it in the house, if you haven't already. I thought you already did. I guarantee you that clock's going to go off. Don't do anything to it ... just let it be and he'll do it himself, you know. Do you guys typically ...somebody there in the room, I think this is for you Kat, but somebody in the room does something every Wednesday night.
Kathy: Every Wednesday night?
Kat: Every Wednesday night. They have a class or they have a routine that doesn't change. Every Wednesday night you can count on them doing this one activity.
Kathy: Yeah, we do
Kat: Is that you Kat?
Kathy: Yes.
Cris: What?
Kathy: TV shows I watch regularly ... faithfully every Wednesday night.
Kat: What is it? You're watching something?
Kathy: Yeah, TV shows that I watch every week.
Kat: Hang on ... let me see if I can get him to be more specific. Cause he's saying you're not alone when you're doing this, that he's there with you. It's like you can count on him being there with you every Wednesday night.
Kathy: Could he be missing the night by one night?
Kat: Well, it could be, it depends on whatever you're doing. But it's gotta be something where it's that same night, every night, once a week.
Kathy: Yes, we do that, but it's not Wednesday night.
Kat: He's just wanting to note that he is there with you on this once-a-week event that you guys do religiously each week.
Kathy: There is definitely something ... it's Thursday night, though.
Kat: OK ...
Kathy: Do you want me to tell you?
Kat: No, let me see if he'll give us more information as the reading goes on. The real message is he just wants you to know he's there and he's saying that it's every Wednesday night, I mean .... (laughing) now you've got me doing that!
Kathy: Laughing (We believe he was referring to the fact that his friends, Ric and Jason and occasionally others, have been coming over every Thursday night since he passed for dinner and to watch TV with us. We do it in honor of Bryan and have never missed it. We have often felt his presence with us!)
Kat: That it's once a week that you guys do something that, you know, on your calendar you never miss it. ............................. Is there a Kyle that you would make reference to?
Kathy: No, unless it was in that book that I read.
Kat: Oh, Judy's book ....
Kathy: I was reading that book and I'll tell you what, the similarities between the two of them were unbelievable. Maybe he met him up there. (Referring to the Kyle in Quit Kissing My Ashes by Judy Collier.) (Follow up June 2, 2004: I feel strongly that Bryan was bringing up Kyle to tell us that he's met him there. I have received a message telepathically from Bryan that Kyle has taught him how to do many of the signs that he gives us.) (Follow-up on June 5, 2004: Tonight we went to a seminar where we met Judy Collier. I told her how we were lead to Kat Tucci and through her, Judy's book, and that I believe Kyle and Bryan have met in heaven. She told me that she believes totally that all of these things happen for a reason and are definitely tied together.)
Kat: Yeah, maybe ... hang on, let me see .... you're traveling to see another medium?
Kathy: Yes ... yes
Kat: Wait, wait, wait! Don't say anything! But this is where you're going to be in a group setting, not individual, correct?
Kathy: Right (We are going to see John Edward in DC on April 23)
Kat: He wants you to know that you're going to be read
Mike: Oh ho ho!
Amberly: Oh my goodness!
Kat: Now he better make good on that! Cause that's a biggie! But he's telling me that it's a group session, like either John or James or somebody ... but you are ...
Kathy: Yep
Kat: ... it's not individual, that you haven't made a point to make an individual session, you're just sitting in the group, and that you'll be called on.
Amberly: Wow!
Kathy: Cool!
Kat: Did he have bad allergies?
Kathy: No
Mike: Well, who's she talking about?
Kat: Well, is somebody ... no, I think he's still talking about himself. When Bryan used to sneeze, would he never sneeze just once? It would always be like 3 or 4 times in a row?
Amberly: Yes, he would never sneeze just once. He would always sneeze 3 times and we'd always make fun of him.
Kat: Well, somebody has heard him sneeze ... who's heard him sneeze since he's passed?
Kathy: I think I did, one day, I really do.
Kat: Is that you Kat?
Kathy: Yeah ...
Kat: Cause he's swearing that he did that on purpose and that somebody ... he got through ... he was able to pierce the veil and somebody heard him sneeze.
Kathy: I was by myself in the house and I thought I was nuts.
Kat: But it wasn't just once, right? He sneezed like he normally does, like a couple times in a row?
Kathy: No, it was just once. I thought I was just hearing things or that it was the dog or something
Kat: Well, that just might be my twist on them, but the way he gave me the information was he would never sneeze just once, it would always be a couple times in a row and that somebody heard him actually sneeze. He was able to -- we call that a rapport -- where they are able to pierce the veil and actually make a sound. Cause it wasn't like you heard it in your head, it was like outside of your head.
Kathy: Yes ... that's crazy ... I never thought it was him.
Kat: It's extremely hard to do (for him). And if you want to look up more information on it, it's spelled rapport. But it's really hard for them to do that. Not a big surprise that Bryan can do it, I guess (laughing).
Kathy: Ok
Amberly: Wow! You ARE surprised?
Kat: No, I'm NOT surprised! (laughing) but it is really difficult for them to do, it's like one of the hardest things they can do.
Amberly: Wow!
Kat: Did somebody there buy a singing quartz bowl?
Kathy: A what?
Kat: A singing quartz bowl ... It's a quartz bowl where you take a suede wand and you go around the tip of the bowl and it sings. Does anyone have one of those Tibetan brass bowls?
Kathy: No ...
Kat: You know how you take champagne glasses and you can fill them up with different levels of champagne and then take your finger around the crystal glass and make it sing?
Kathy: Yes ...
Kat: That's how this is ... they're called singing quartz bowls. They have all different sizes for every budget, obviously. I mean, some of them range into the thousands but they are humongous. They're like several feet in diameter and they go down to like the size of a cereal bowl. And you have a suede wand and you take it and just start gliding it on the edge or the tip of the bowl like you would your finger on a glass and it starts singing and the vibrations get so loud that it can break glass.
Kathy: Wow!
Kat: And it's a way to tap into various chakras .. but he's saying someone there has a bowl like that.
Kathy: No .... not that we can think
Kat: Does any of your guys' friends have a bowl like that? Like either a Tibetan brass bowl or a singing quartz bowl?
Kathy: Not that we know of.....
Amberly: But I do know what you're talking about ... I saw one at a wedding and they had one and it was the neatest thing but I know what you're referring to and I don't know of anyone around here that has one.
Kat: Did you go to that wedding after Bryan had passed?
Amberly: No
Kat: Hmmmm...... I'm not sure why he's bringing it up but maybe someone's going to receive one as a gift. I don't know ... the way he is giving it to me is as if someone already has it. (Follow-up to this June 5: This is amazing! We went to a seminar tonight where we met Judy Collier, whose son, Kyle, was brought up by Bryan tonight in this reading. At the seminar was a musician playing SINGING QUARTZ BOWLS! I was able to get videos on my cell phone and will upload these later. Also, at the exact same moment we were at this seminar, Amberly was at the wedding Bryan predicted she would go to through her friend, Tom, in our first reading with Kat in February!)
Amberly: We can look into it ...
Kat: And who LOVES sushi?
All: Laughter
Amberly: Wow! That would be Amberly ... I love sushi.
Kathy: And him ...
Amberly: We used to go all the time
Kat: Cause he's like loving sushi ... you know I actually believe that they're able to .. if you've seen the movie What Dreams May Come with Robin Wiliams ....
Kathy: Yep, we did ...
Kat: You know they can create their own reality over there and what he's trying to say is he's eating lots of sushi ... he's enjoying his sushi
Amberly: Aw, I'm jealous! Come get me!
Kathy: He would, too!
Kat: Did you guys try and make your own?
Amberly: I don't think so
Kat: There was something where you got raw fish and you tried to season it or whatever you do to raw fish to eat it .....
Kathy: DId you ever try? (to Amberly)
Amberly: Did Bryan and someone?
Kat: I thought Bryan and Amber did it
Amberly: Yeah, we tried to make -- we didn't try to actually create sushi -- but we tried to make like the wasabi soy sauce and, yeah, it didn't work out.. (Amberly and Bryan used to go and get sushi together all the time ... they both loved it and enjoyed this together.)
Kat: I think he's just reminiscing, you know?
Amberly: Yeah
Kat: Is your birthday in November?
Amberly: Is mine or is there a?
Kat: Amber's ... do you know why he's tying November to you? He's drawing a line between November and you, Amber.
Amberly: Hmmmmm
Kat: Did something else significant happen in November for you?
Amberly: Can you be more specific?
Kat: Yeah, I'll try to get him to give us more information. Why would he say it has to do with sewing?
Amberly: Sewing?
Kat: Yeah, like sewing something. Was there something sewn (for that event in November)?
Kathy: No
Kat: Hang on ... I'm trying to get him to give us more information. Do you have a best friend named Mary?
Amberly: Nope.
Kat: Does anybody there have a best friend named Mary? He's saying "best friend Mary" .. I don't think he means his friend though. It's somebody else that has a friend there named Mary.
Amberly: Could it rhyme with Mary or is it definitely Mary?
Kat: Ummmmm ... let me see if I can ... give me a chance to get him to give me another clue first. I'm not trying to showboat, you know, I just want to get all the information from him so we don't put our own twist on it, you know.
Amberly: Thank you!
Kat: Do pool balls mean anything?? He's showing me pool balls, you know, pool balls from a pool table?
Kathy: Wow ... absolutely!
Kat: In relation to the person we were just talking about?
Kathy: No ... I don't think ...
Kat: You know the person he was just referring to where he said "my best friend" ... the pool balls has something to do with that. Does that make sense?
Amberly: The pool balls make sense but not in relation to the Mary.
Kat: Well, how about best friend?
Amberly: Related to Mary or pool balls?.
Kat: No .... you know you had said that does it rhyme with Mary? Whoever that person is that you're thinking of, would his response try to let you know who he's talking about if he said pool balls, does that make sense to validate for you that that's the person he's talking about?
Amberly: No, that wouldn't.
Kat: Ok ... because the way it came from him it's as if that is the answer to the question of is it who we're thinking it is, you know? ................ long pause ............................. Sorry ... give me a second here to .... is Bryan's dad there?
Kathy: Yeah ...
Kat: And is his grandfather on that side crossed?
Kathy: Yes
Kat: I'm trying to get him to give me a name but he's saying that he's got a grandfather there with him on Dad's side.
Kathy: OK
Amberly: I think the pool balls would have a connection there big time.
Kat: Ok, cause the order of the information makes a big difference sometimes so it would make sense if there is a connection between those two that he would say it in that order. Also, why is letter writing a big deal? Did they keep in touch through letters or something? Or through the mail? Or did they not live geographically close to each other?
Mike: What it means to me is that Bryan's grandfather kept in touch with relatives through letters.
Kat: Oh, ok.
Mike: He was a big letter writer but he wasn't writing Bryan, he was writing other members of the family.
Kat: Ok, then that's probably just your dad's way of acknowledging that it's him, I'm sorry, but he's saying yes, that letters are a form of communication for him. I thought he meant that he and Bryan wrote a lot of letters to each other but it's probably like you said, he's talking about the rest of the family. Did somebody start working on the roots, too, on that side of the family? He's acknowledging ... he wants them to know that he sees they're doing this. So I would assume that somebody on your side of the family is trying to put together their genealogy tree.
Mike: I'd have to double check on that.
Kat: Is there an Abby? Or something that sounds like Abby, also, on Dad's side of the family? Either Abby, Gabby, something like that?
Kathy: No ... can't think of any
Kat: What's Bryan's father's name?
Kathy: Mike
Kat: Mike? Were you a preemie when you were born?
Mike: No
Kat: Were you born early?
Mike: I didn't weigh a whole lot.
Kat: Your dad is saying that either you were very, very small or you were born early but it's as if you're small when you're first born. It doesn't mean you're small now ... (laughing) ...
Mike: I think I was 5 something ... that's not very big ...
Kat: No ...
Mike: I'm pretty sure I was 5 something
Amberly: Wow
Kat: Do you like buffets?
Mike: Oh, yeah
Kat: Cause he's saying that he ... did he like buffets too when he was here?
Kathy & Mike: Yeah
Kat: Cause he's giving me the impression that you guys have that in common
Kathy: Laughing (When the kids were younger, Mike's Mom and Dad would go out with us to Old Country Buffet for dinner. The kids loved it and Mom and Dad were able to use their Senior Citizen discount! We did this many times when Amberly, Bryan & Cris were kids.)
Kat: And he's talking about a crew cut
All: Laughing
Amberly: Get out of town!
Cris: I can't believe it ... Grandpa always had a crew cut
Kat: Did he laugh a lot when he was here? Cause he's like, man, he's like belly-laughing
Kathy: Yeah, he had a great sense of humor. He was always in a good mood, too
Kat: Yes, that's the way he comes across, really, I mean, very loving and warm and jolly and you just feel his vibrations and when you're around people like that they automatically lift you up without even saying anything and that's the impression I get from him, that kind of person
Amberly: Exactly!
Kat: Now did he ... he's talking ... I think this is something specific he's trying to get at ... where he made a stone path or he made a sidewalk out of stones or something??
Mike: Now who is this?
Kat: This is your father, Mike.
Mike: Oh, yeah. Both houses, our house and his house, we worked together on them.
Kat: Wow! Cool! He's just reminiscing.
Amberly: That's awesome!
Mike: That's neat!
Kat: Does one of them have his name in it or did he make his name out of the stone or something?
Mike: Don't remember that ....
Kat: It's almost as if his name is in stone and I know he's not talking about a headstone, it's something else. Is there another sidewalk or maybe a piece of foundation or something that has his initials in it?
Mike: I don't know if he did it but I know that there may have been some initials put in it .............. (Michael)
Amberly: That would be what I was thinking of ...
Kat: Well, he's just ... I'm going to give it to you exactly the way he is so later on you can maybe make better sense of what he's saying but he's acknowledging that his initials, either his initials or his name or something that constitutes it's him, you know, in reference to him, is in something that seems very cement.
Mike: Ok ... we'll check that out. He did a step on the porch at our house.
Kat: Is there a well out back also? He's talking about a well. When he was ... you know what, I think he's talking about the house when he grew up or the house that he grew up in. Did somebody fall in a well?
Mike: We'd have to check and I'm not sure who we'd check with ... yeah, that could very well be, but I'm not sure how we're going to find out.
Kat: Ok. Maybe that's why he brought up the genealogy stuff, too, you know, early on? I don't know ... Do you guys know somebody that was buried in all white?
Kathy: Can't think of anybody but ....
Kat: I don't know ... maybe that will make sense later, I'm not sure. I'm just going to keep going cause that's all he's giving me, acknowledging somebody being buried in all white. Or else there's a lot of white at the burial, like maybe all the flowers were white, there was no other color, but it's in reference to ... he's literally saying all white and it's connected to a burial.
Amberly: We'll look into it.
Kat: Ok. Did we already establish there's a Cris somewhere?
Kathy: Yeah, his brother
Kat: His brother's name is Cris?
Kathy: Yeah .. he's right here.
Kat: Oh, is that the one with the tree?
All: Yeah!
Kat: (Laughing) Well, he's saying Cris again ... I mean, they're very good, just so you know, this is kind of different for me. Mike, your father's name was the same name as you, he was a Michael also?
Mike: It's the Robert that was the same and that's why I was called Mike. (Mike's full name is Robert Michael ... his father was also Robert)
Kat: Oh, ok, cause he was saying same name as you.
Amberly: That is awesome!
Kat: But he's ... what they're doing, they're standing there next to each other and when one wants to speak, the other one ... very ... like they're dancing, one steps back, so your dad, Mike, is stepping back and Bryan is wanting me to talk about Cris. Are you still in school, Cris?
Cris: Yeah
Kat: That's a yes?
Cris: Yes
Kat: Hang on one second, I'm trying to get it real clear from him ... were you originally looking to get some type of a sports scholarship or were you doing something in sports and you have since pulled out of that?
Cris: No, not necessarily
Kat: So you are still in that sport?
Kathy: Remember you wanted to do something with golf?
Cris: Maybe ... umm
Kat: Well, the impression I'm getting is that if you haven't already, you'll change your ideals on, instead of getting that sports scholarship, it will be something that's more academic.
Cris: Ok.
Kat: Do you have a girlfriend, just yes or no?
Everyone: Laughing
Cris: That's a ................ no
Kat: Well, is there a Cynthia, Cindy, is there a Cindy around you that you spend time with?
Cris: Ummm .... no
Kat: Is it a female with a C name?
Cris: It's Kristen with a K
Kat: Just look for the Cindy or the Cynthia ... (laughing) ... I really believe he's gonna -- I could be all wet -- but I think he's gonna send somebody your way.
Everybody: Laughing
Kat: And it's very clear -- it's either Cynthia or Cindy but he's showing me Cindy as if that's just the shortened version of her name, so I think her full name is going to be Cynthia and she just goes by Cindy
Amberly: Wow! Cool!
Kat: Is there a Valerie also connected to Cris?
Cris: I know a Valerie, Valerie M----- (private)
Kat: Hold on ... let me see where he's going with this. Is she kind of quiet, more on the shy side?
Cris: Me?
Kat: No, Valerie.
Cris: Yeah
Kat: She's very gifted and I assume he's pointing this out to you for a reason. There may be a situation that arises, maybe in the future where you're in a situation where you and Valerie are thrown together for some reason, but rely on her intuitive abilities because she's very, very intuitive.................... pause ............................ I don't know if this is in relation to Cris or not but Bryan is saying four blocks, like B-L-O-C-K-S. Do you know what he means by that?
All: (trying to figure out but can't )
Kat: Kind of strange ... I don't know what he means by that ... he's just saying it. He's not showing me anything, he's not showing me any symbolism, so I can't make out what he means, he's just saying four blocks.
Kathy: I wonder if he's talking about distance or the objects?
Kat: I wish I knew, I'm sorry, I don't know. So far he hasn't given me any symbolism, he's just showing it to me. I mean, saying it, I'm not seeing anything, he's not showing me anything. .................................... long pause ............. Kat, are you starting yoga?
Kathy: Oh, no!
Kat: Am I wrong and it's you, Amber, or is somebody else there starting yoga?
Amberly: No, not really.
Kat: I'm trying to get him to give me more information, I don't understand what he means. He's just talking about starting yoga.
Kathy: Maybe he wants me to.
Kat: Well, whoever it's for, I'm sure he'll continue to start putting a bunch of yoga stuff in front of you, you know, to let you know what he means but he's taking an opportunity to physically say "Start yoga" but whoever this is for, I'm sure they'll, between your guides and Bryan, he'll continue to put things in front of you. I mean if you start seeing a preponderance of yoga stuff, you'll know you're the one! Did you guys have roast beef tonight?
Kathy: No
Kat: Why is he talking about roast beef? Like you're going to have roast beef or you just had roast beef.
Kathy: I don't know
Kat: Is somebody going to Arby's?
Kathy: No..............
Kat: He's talking about roast beef like it's a big deal or it's real contemporary
Amberly: That would have a connection ... if Ruthie's doing yoga, then that would have a connection to her because she brought us a HUGE roast beef after Bryan passed ... (I have since confirmed that Ruthie has done yoga and is currently doing a Pilates program with some yoga, so I think this was Bryan's way of sending a big Hi! to Ruthie)
Kat: All right, cool! Well, again, the order of the information makes a big difference, you know?
Kathy: Yes, that does tie in with someone we know who did bring roast beef to the house, so there's a tie-in there.
Kat: Ok, then that makes sense, especially, a lot of times, if he's giving me something and I'm either, me or you guys, or all of the above can't figure out what he means, then the next thing they'll give us will usually try to get us on track, you know?
Kathy: Right and that could be what he's referring to.
Amberly: Right ... and he loved her and she was just visiting him yesterday
Kathy: Right ... she talked about him all day today so it very well could be Ruthie
Amberly: He loved that Ruth! (laughing)
Kat: Do you guys have any questions for him? Cause he's getting kind of quiet.
Kathy: Ask him if all these birds that I'm seeing are from him
Kat: Ok ... let me see if he'll get specific, you know, about what the birds mean or what kind they are or where you're seeing them.
Kathy: OK
Kat: Did you actually see on on a license plate? And he referred to something last time on a license plate, didn't he?
Kathy: I don't think so
Kat: Well, that's ok, you guys can go over your notes later but he's giving me the impression that he referred to something else last time on a license plate but did you see a bird on a license plate?
Kathy: No, I haven't seen a bird on a license plate
Mike: Yes ... I did ... I see them .. that environmental plate
Kathy: Oh, ok, Mike sees them, I didn't
Mike: I've seen them a number of times
Kathy: I see real ones, Mike sees the license plates
Kat: I'm trying to get him to give me more information. ........................ long pause ......................... you know what, I'm not getting anything, I'm sorry, Kat. Maybe that's just something he wants to keep between you and he, you know, that's a way of teaching you lessons later, I don't know. I know they're real specific about what the do and how they do it and when they do it. Is there another question, maybe, that ...... ?
Kathy: Ask him if he had anything to do with helping my sister in a car near-collision she had last week?
Kat: Does dance class mean anything?
Sherry: No
Kat: Was she on her way to class?
Kathy: No
Kat: He's showing me a dance class, dance outfit, do you know anything about the other car, I mean, if that would have anything to do with the other car?
Kathy: No, we don't know anything about that at all
Kat: I don't know ... he says it's in relation to your question. He's talking about dance class and showing me a dance outfit .... oh, wait a minute ..... ummmm ... is either her name or the person that ... oh, no, you said they didn't collide, it was a near miss ... why would he be showing me Arthur Murray?
Sherry: It was right next to the Arthur Murray Dance Studio on 19!
Kathy: Oh my God! There was an Arthur Murray Dance Studio right there where it happened.
Kat: Perfect! Ok! (laughing) He's so cool! Unbelievable! You know, I'm tempted to tell you something but I guess you will believe me because I know you've seen so much wacky stuff since he's passed to prove to you how spectacular but how wonderful and specific the things that they do are if you only believe and I kid you not, right before I came here, the last place I stopped was an Arthur Murray Dance Studio and I was driving around leaving from one appointment to this one back to my office and I just decided to swing in there, cause it's there all the time, it's only two blocks from my house, and decided to see what classes they had cause I'm thinking, well, me and my husband can take a tango class or something. I was looking for something different to do and I went in there and I have the information sitting on my front seat and that's what he showed me when I didn't get the dance stuff, he showed me the Arthur Murray Dance Studio which, I swear to you, is two blocks from my house.
Kathy: Wow!
Amberly: Wow! That's wild!
Sherry: That's amazing! It happened right in front of an Arthur Murray Dance Studio!
Kat: Totally amazing! And I, you know, maybe that's why ... that's the whole purpose of him drawing me into that studio because that studio's been there forever, I just never went in there until tonight.
Sherry: Thank you Bryan!
Kat: That's weird! I shouldn't say it's weird, it's not really weird, it's just amazing!
Amberly: It really is!
Kat: Ok, next question (laughing) He seems to be good at this, though.
Kathy: He is good at answering questions.
Sherry: He saved my life on that one!
Kathy: Does he want us to go out to California this year?
Kat: Ok, let me see what he gives me. Would it be going to see the Burch side of the family?
Kathy: No
Kat: Kat, is Burch your married name?
Kathy: Yes
Kat: Well, why did ... you know what, maybe I misunderstood him then, because I thought he said you guys would be going to see Kat's side of the family but then he gave me the name Burch, that's why I thought maybe you went by your maiden name. Does any of that make sense?
Kathy: No .... I'm trying to think of what he might mean and the context of that.
Kat: But you're not going to see your side of the family then.
Kathy: No, but we used to live there and we have friends out there but they're not related ... they're my friends more than your friends (to Mike)
Kat: Let me see if he'll give us something more specific. This is driving, though, not flying, right?
Kathy: No, we're going to fly.
Kat: Absolutely hands down you would fly, not drive?
Kathy: Right ... too far to drive
Kat: Well, you know, I don't think he's answering your specific question, I think he's talking about another trip that's coming up. Would it make sense that you would drive somewhere to see your side of the family, Kat?
Kathy: My side of the family? No, I don't think so. There's nothing ....
Kat: Well you know, sometimes it doesn't make any sense at the time, but later on it will, either because somebody moves or somebody ... you don't know what other situations are going to happen in other people's lives that would cause a situation where you would have to drive somewhere, a trip or several family members would be driving to a destination to see somebody in Kat's family, but that's what he's talking about. He wants you to know that he'll be with you on that drive.
Kathy: Ok. Maybe the drive we're taking in a couple of weeks to see .... we're going on a little mini vacation.
Kat: Will you be visiting somebody in your family though?
Kathy: Hopefully him ... we're going to that reading (the John Edward seminar). We're hoping that he'll come through, so maybe that's what he's referring to.
Kat: Yeah, that could be.
Mike: I don't know if it's fair to ask this question, but the last time we had a reading, Bryan had mentioned that Kathy and I would be living somewhere else, a second home, and I'd love to get any inkling of what he might say about what we'd be living in or where we'd be living or anything if there's something there.
Kat: Ok ... well, he's showing me a Monopoly board, so my first instinct would be that this would be that although this is something pleasurable, it's also an investment opportunity.
Kathy: Ok
Kat: Do you guys have ties to Vermont?
Kathy: No ... well, Brooke lives there, doesn't she? He has ties there, we don't.\
Mike: We haven't looked there.
Kathy: I don't want to go there, it's too cold!
Kat: Yeah, I would assume you'd go beachy or not where it's snowy, but ...
Kathy: Maybe he's talking about something else.
Kat: No, I know it's in relation to Dad's question, but it could just be that maybe prior to where you actually build, you're going to, just for investment property, you're going to invest in some land in Vermont, I don't know. He's tying it to Vermont or maybe you know somebody that's in Vermont. I mean, if you end up looking at some lake property somewhere and the owner of the property ends up living in Vermont, there's your connection, you know? I mean, I don't know how farfetched that is, but I know that there's a Vermont connection.
Mike: Ok.
Kat: Or when Vermont comes up in the scenario, that's your sign that this is a good thing and to move forward.
Kathy: Ok ... I have another question ...
Kat: You know what? Also, just a quick sidebar, there's some type of a railroad nearby also. Something to do with the railroad.
Kathy: Hmmmmmmmmmmm .. ok
Kat: Near the property. Definitely a railroad something. What were you going to ask, Kathy?
Kathy: If he's been leaving coins all over the place for people.
Kat: Well, that's very, very common. Did you know that?
Kathy: I found that out since we started finding them.
Kat: So many people use that as a sign to let you know they're around. Did you want to know what kind of coins he's leaving? I would assume that they're from Bryan but let me see if he'll give me more information in regards to that.
Kathy: We found something that wasn't a coin but was very unusual on our kitchen table a few weeks ago that I just wondered if it was from Bryan cause there's no way .. we didn't even know where it was in our house, nobody had ever seen it before, and it showed up on our table and it was in relation to him and I really felt that he put it there. I just wondered if he can confirm that.
Kat: You know, honestly, my educated guess tells me yes, he did, it's very common for them to do stuff like that but especially someone that has his strength where they seem to be able to very easily go through the veil from one place to the next ... ummm, but he's not giving me an answer on that, I think he's gonna save that probably either for the next reading that you're going to, the one coming up, or another way to show you it was him ............ but it's going to be saved for another day, that's the way he's giving it to me. I don't think he wants to answer. He's pulling his energy back, guys, he's getting really weak.
Amberly: I just wondered if he had anything else for me or Cris but if he's getting weak, he probably won't.
Kat: Do one of you guys play Hearts on the computer?
Kathy to Amberly: You used to all the time ............
Amberly: Spades, not Hearts.
Cris: No Hearts
Kathy: Cards ...
Cris: Cards all the time ... that's pretty much all I do.
Kat: Well, Cris, you play on the computer though?
Cris: Yeah.
Kat: He's saying on the computer, that this is where they're playing, but he also showed me Hearts, not poker or solitaire, I don't know if you want to take that just because you play cards all the time or if you think it's something else that you'll understand later.
Amberly: Did he show you a specific hearts card?
Kat: Yeah ... the 10
Amberly: The 10 of Hearts? Interesting! He usually shows us the King of Hearts. Ok, Mom, go ahead.
Kathy: Kat, I sent you an email about that tape that I had left in his room that night and there were a lot of strange sounds on it like things moving around and stuff ... I wanted to ask him if that was definitely him that we were hearing on the tape. If he could confirm that.
Kat: Kat, I'm not getting him, but I can give you my educated guess but I'm not getting a direct response from him. I think he's pulling his energy back. Was it grainy or did it sound like muffled talk?
Kathy: It didn't sound like talking it was more like a humming or a buzzing noise and then there was the sound of footsteps and things being picked up and put down. But throughout the whole thing there was a vibrating or humming noise, like a high-pitched sound that went on through the whole thing.
Kat: By process of elimination, if this was recorded in another room and that did not happen, then it's possible. If you feel from a psychic sense that his energy is very much in that room, that is very common and that's how mediums hear the other side. It starts as a high-pitched whining, vibrating sound. It's described many different ways but it's pretty much all the same to each of us but it's just a high vibration high-pitched sound and that's their way of ,,, you know if you had a pen in your hand and you bounce it back and forth, the faster you bounce it back and forth, the less you see it. It creates energy waves and that coming .... there's vibrations from the other side is what you're hearing whether it be from your guides or from Bryan or anybody else, you know, who crossed over? So that would make a lot of sense to me that that would be on there as well as the other stuff that he was actually doing. Cause they give off ... that never really stops ... even when he's talking to me I can hear that high-pitched vibration in the background.
Kathy: Really
Kat: If you do research into what mediums experience as they're doing their work, we all hear that high-pitched whining sound like a background noise to everything else that's taking place.
Kathy: Well, I'd be really curious if you'd listen to that link I sent you ...
Kat: Was there a sound byte in there? I didn't know you put a sound byte in there.
Kathy: It's a link to it, yeah, cause I wanted to get your opinion on it. His room was closed off and it was about 3 in the morning when it showed up on the tape. And it lasted about two minutes. The whole tape was silent except for this last two minutes that showed up at the very end. And there was no way there was any noise in that room or even the whole house at that hour of the night, you know?
Kat: Awesome ... ok, I'll go back and listen to it. If I haven't been very accessible it's because I have two books coming out simultaneously so it's really nuts here. So please don't think that I'm not wanting to do it, I just haven't had the time.
Kathy: No problem.
Kat: I don't have anything going on first thing in the morning so I'll listen to it tonight and I'll call you in the morning.
Kathy: Ok ... that would be great.
Kat: All right ... thanks you guys!
All: Thank YOU! Good night!
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