Transcript of Reading by Medium Kathleen Tucci, November 28, 2004
March 17, 1980 - January 9, 2004
The following transcript is the exact copy of a group reading done on the telephone with psychic medium Kathleen Tucci from Dallas, Texas, on Sunday morning, November 28, 2004. Ms. Tucci (Kat) had done two readings for us previously, so she knew about Bryan.
We were on speakerphone and present were Kathy, Mike, Amberly and Cristopher. Kat's comments will be in blue, our responses or comments will be in green, and side notes (validations or clarifications) will be in parentheses or in brown. These side notes will be for the purpose of clarifying or validating the comments being made. This is the first transcript made from my tape so changes may be made when I receive Kat's tape. OK, here we go ....
(Note: To remove flying butterflies, just click on them)
Kat: Ok, I've got a lot of people trying to talk at once ... it's been a while since we've done this, so I think this is Bryan but I can't swear to it. I'm sure he'll give me something to let you know it's him but it's sometimes hard ... like when I do people local here and I do frequent readings like every few months or something, I get to know that energy, you know what I mean? Or people that sit in my gallery session, that come every week to the gallery, their relatives can come through so frequently that I understand their energy and that's what I meant when I said I'm not sure if it's Bryan but he'll say something to let you know it's him. I also have -- because I know it's a younger energy, I know it's male, there's also an older male energy there with him who's talking about a family of 12. The older male. I think he's saying that he's on your husband's side Kat.
Kathy: Really? Ok ...Sure
Kat: Now the younger male energy is saying that someone's going back to college.
Kathy: Yes ... today (Cris is going back to Penn State this afternoon)
Kat: And is there an anniversary today also?
Kathy: Yesterday. (Yesterday was Mike's and my 33rd anniversary!)
Amberly: Wow!
Kat: Well that's coming from, probably Bryan, but I'm asking him to give me something so I know that it's him. It's coming from the male energy, both the college remark and the anniversary. Were you guys eating grapes yesterday?
Kathy: (laughing) Yeah! We have a whole bowl of them ...
Kat: He's letting you know ( ..... can't make out what was said here) ... he's saying 12 too. Is the 12th day of a month something? I'm not sure which but he keeps showing me the number 12 and it's not in relation to the family remark, where the other male was talking about a family of 12. .
Kathy: That doesn't ring a bell ... we'll have to do some research on that..
Kat: Well, the younger male is now saying 12, 12 12 12 like 12 is a big deal. Why is the number 12 such a big deal? I'm getting the feeling like 12 is something that is very relevant right now like today, yesterday, or the 12th of a month maybe or the number 12.
Kathy: Could it be the 12th month, like December?
Kat: I asked him but I didn't get an answer. It could be ... I'll just let that go ... he'll probably give us an answer or more information to help us out with it.
Kathy: Ok ....
Kat: Are you guys taping this also?
Kathy: Yes ...
Kat: Good ... ok ... cause he's saying that you're taping this as well as me.
Kathy: It always helps to have a double because there's sometimes things that I can't make out on mine that I can get from yours.
Kat: He's talking about someone going on a long walk but it's almost like a walk for March of Dimes or walk for ... to raise money for something ...
Kathy: I don't know about anybody doing anything like that but my husband takes long walks, like 5 miles, every single day, so it might be just the interpretation.Yes
Kat: Oh, ok. Because I know this isn't just a walk around the block, this is a lonnnnnnnnnng walk.
Kathy: Well, 5 miles is long! (laughing) And he's religious about it and he thinks about Bryan a lot when he's doing it.
Kat: Kat, what's your husband's name?
Kathy: Mike.
Kat: Mike, are you dying your hair?
All: Laughing
Mike: No!
Kathy: Yes you do!!!
Mike: Well, my eyebrows get a job but ...
Kat: What's that??
Kathy: His eyebrows are white so he uses Grecian formula on them to match his hair.
Kat: Ok, cause I'm getting from ... you know, I keep wanting to say Bryan, is it all right if I do that?
Kathy: Yeah
Kat: Cause I don't want to mean any disrespect, but I want him to ... I'm sure he'll give us something to (can't make out) ... he's giving you up about dying your hair.
Amberly: Did he give a specific incident or a mistake?
Kat: No but I would assume that if you guys were all in the room together that Bryan would tease him about dying his hair because that's how he comes across
Kathy: Yeah, he would ..
Mike: Especially when I overdo it (referring to the times when he left it on too long and his brows got so dark he looked like Darth Vader)
Kathy: Yeah, that's definitely him!
Kat: Why is he saying that he was around when somebody was talking about ... a phrase in the conversation was "slow as molasses"
Amberly: He used to always say that!
Cris: Oh, man, he always used to say "slow as molasses." We were watching Family Feud one day and somebody said "slow as molasses" and we would always laugh about it.
Kathy: Bryan used to say that?
Cris: Yeah ...we both kind of did.
Kat: Is this Cris?.
Cris: Yeah ... we both just saw it on tv and thought it was really funny that she compared something to slow as molasses and we would always say it just joking.
Kat: Ok, good, maybe that's his way of giving us something that's specific to him.
Amberly: Oh definitely..
Kat: Is there something really specific about ... hang on, let me see if he'll give me more information first, ok, before I blurt it out. ..................... ok ... I think he means that there's a wreath that's hanging that hasn't hung for a long time. Like a wreath was taken out of storage or a wreath was erected that hasn't been up for a long time. Does that make sense?
Mike: It could ... for the holidays ...
Kathy: You know what I think he might be touching on
Kat: It's not for a gravesite or anything ...
Kathy: I think what he's making reference to ... and we just talked about this every Christmas we have like 21 windows on our house and he would always be the one who would hang all the wreaths on the outside windows and nobody else wants to do it and I just wonder if he is making reference to the fact that I said this year we ought to put the wreaths up in honor of him.
Kat: When I first started, the way it was coming across from him was there's something special about the wreath. And then I said what is special about the wreath and he said something like wreaths are very important and you have to take it out of storage or that there was something as far as taking it or ....
Kathy: I think he wants us to do that. It's something we talked about ... it's a real chore and we don't like to do it but I was going to do it just because he always did and I feel like it would be in honor of him to do it. So maybe he's just letting me know that he wants me to do that for him cause that was his job.
Kat: Ok ... well, I'm just gonna ... I'll just tell you what he's telling me. .
Kathy: Ok
Kat: Just say yes or no ... let me try to continue to give you pieces at a time and let me get all of this out before you comment. He's talking about the fact there was a quiet night when all of a sudden there was a loud bang, like something fell on the floor or dropped on the floor and it woke somebody up.
Kathy: Yes (Last week, I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of Nessa's rubber ball falling off the kitchen table downstairs and bouncing across the floor. This happened several times. The only thing was that Nessa was asleep in Amberly's room, Moses and Sandy were asleep in our room, and the only one down in the kitchen was possibly our cat Oreo. Oreo does not play with balls, at least not with us. I have felt that Bryan often visits Oreo during the night as this cat doted on him and has really missed him. The amazing thing was that when I mentioned this in the morning to Amberly, she confirmed being awakened by the same noise. As the kitchen is right over her bedroom, and our room is directly above the kitchen, it's easy to see why we would both have been awakened by this sound.)
Kat: I'm waiting for him to give me more specifics. You couldn't tell ... the way he's telling it to me is that you couldn't figure out where the noise came from, correct?
Kathy: RIght (I couldn't figure out how the ball was being bounced as no one was up at that time)
Kat: Had you guys been speaking about him or of him that night? Prior to hearing that bang? Do you remember specifically saying it's Bryan letting us know he was here because we were talking about him earlier, that kind of thing?
Kathy: Well, that happens almost everyday, so that's probably a yes.
Kat: Ok, let me try to get something more specific. He's saying it was him, that he made the noise, but I'm trying to get him to say why he made it or why it was significant that night or why he's bringing it up. Let me switch gears for a minute and then go back to that. Is somebody turning 60? He's saying happy birthday to the 60-year old.
Kathy: Wow ... that's cool. (Mike just turned 60 on Sept. 29)
Kat: He's very impatient, you notice that? If I'm not getting something, he's like forget it, go on to something else. (laughing) That's funny.
Kathy: That would be him.
Kat: Now is there a John also that he wants to make reference to? He's saying John ... don't forget John.
Kathy: John ... ok ... we'll have to check on that one.
Kat: It has nothing to do with the 60-year old. Do you guys have a picture of John F. Kennedy hanging up in the room somewhere?
Kathy: No.
Kat: Do you have a picture of Kennedy somewhere in the house?
Kathy: No ...
Kat: Do you know why he would ... It seems like it's in a home, not a commercial building. He's making a big deal about a picture of John F. Kennedy.
Kathy: I can't put that together with anything. But we can check a little bit more on that.
Kat: Who's going back to college?
Kathy: Cris ... this afternoon
Kat: Ok, I'm not sure this will come to pass or not, but sometimes you have to let time unfold. I think it has something to do with you, Cris, the picture of John F. Kennedy. It doesn't seem like it's in an institutional place where this is hanging but it seems more like a residence. It could just be that whenever you get to the place where you're supposed to be, when you're in some kind of a residential environment and you see that picture of John F. Kennedy, it could be that Bryan's just letting you know that he's there with you and it's probably something significant that's happening in your life at that time.
Amberly: Cool
Cris: Ok.
Kat: I don't know why he's making it a point ...
Kathy: We'll remember that.
Kat: Cris, I think this is for you. Does the word "granger" mean anything to you?
Cris: Granger?
Kat: Um hmm ... like somebody's name or the name of a street or something?
Cris: No ... doesn't ring a bell but .....
Kat: Did you get a new cell phone?
Cris: Did I get a new one?
Amberly: Could he mean me?
Kat: I thought he meant Cris but he could be talking about somebody else but he's saying that somebody got a new cell phone and they changed the picture on the display.
Amberly: Oh! That's me! The picture used to be him and now it's not. Beans! Calling me out!
Kat: Uh oh! (laughing) Oh, he's not saying that .. he's not passing judgment or anything, he just wants to note that you changed the picture.
Amberly: I don't have a camera phone so I don't know how to get him on it.
Kat: Is Halloween someone's birthday?
Kathy: Yes it is ...
Amberly: Wow!
Kat: He's just acknowledging that ... happy birthday to the Halloween person.
Kathy: Wow! (to Mike) he got both of us! Is there anything else about Halloween that he wants to bring up or say or talk about? That he did that day?
Kat: You know how we have moods ... they have moods too and his mood, if you will, today is very sensible, fun-loving, I wanted to share how he's coming across, how he feels, he's very direct, almost seems more mature than the last time I talked to him. Last time he was very laid back, joking around, you know what I mean. He's still funny but it seems like he's, I don't know, more mature.
Kathy: That makes sense. I'm sure he's learning a lot there.
Kat: I'm not getting anything else about Halloween but he may come back to that, you know, throughout the hour and do it the way he wants to do it. Is there a Jennifer? A Jen or Jennifer? He's making reference to a Jen or Jennifer but I can't get who she is or other than him just saying her name. And did somebody get new wallpaper in the bathroom?
Kathy: No, not that I know of.
Amberly: We need to.
Kathy: Maybe that's what he's talking about. (Afterward I realized that this was a definite response to my question about Halloween ... Marge's mother's funeral was that night and I wanted Bryan to acknowledge what he did while we were at the funeral home. Marge's mother's name is Gen (pronounced Jen) and I totally did not catch this at the time because Jennifer threw me off. But it is exactly what I was looking for! Marge later told me that the wallpaper reference could also relate to her mother as well.)
Kat: Is there a Dana?
Amberly: Oh, my goodness! Yes!
Kathy: Yes!
Amberly: Wow! I knew he was going to bring her up.
Kat: There's a lot of love ...
Amberly: Yes
Kat: A lot of affection ...
Amberly: Yes, they used to be together.
Kat: They were boyfriend and girlfriend?
Amberly: Yes.
Kat: That's the way it feels ... very harlequin.
Kathy: She was just talking about him two nights ago.
Amberly: I just ran into her for the first time since the funeral two nights ago ...
Kat: Really!
Amberly: Yes
Kat: That's probably why he's bringing her up ...
Amberly: Wow! That is so cool ... I knew he was there that night.
Kat: I get from him that she's doing really well ... regarding his passing and all that she's doing really well.
Amberly: Yep, she is
Kat: He's really taking his time. He's being very meticulous ... this is what I mean about him being more mature. It feels like I'm talking to an old man (laughing)
Kathy: You know what ... a lot of times here I felt like I was talking to an old man. He was an old soul.
Kat: I don't remember him being this methodical ... that's funny. He's talking about something with ribbons and there's something on the ribbons ... it's out in plain sight. There's a ribbon hanging somewhere and there's something on top of the ribbon.
Kathy: Ok ... there's a couple things he could be referring to. (One is a vase of dried flowers with a ribbon that has the words "Beloved Nephew" on it from his funeral that Lori gave us .. it's on the island right in our kitchen in a little shrine we have there for Bryan ... literally five feet from where we were sitting.)
Kat: I'm trying to get him to be more specific. He's referring to a George ... and that George is very funny. I don't know if he means specifically George Burns but he's showing me George Burns to get me to say that.
Kathy: I'll have to think about that cause I'm not sure who he means.
Kat: That older male is still there, too, next to him but not saying anything. Let me describe him physically, maybe that will make sense.This older male is heavyset, kind of round around the middle, doesn't have real heavy legs or arms but his middle is round. When he was younger he probably had a full head of hair but in his later years he has gray hair kind of balding on top but not totally bald and smokes cigarettes and has small eyes, big nose.
Kathy: I have an inkling who you might be talking about ... can you get a name or a letter?
Kat: He's showing me a large S.
Kathy: No ...
Kat: Was this an old neighbor?
Kathy: No ... who we're thinking of wasn't.
Kat: Was he Polish? The guy you're thinking of?
Mike: No ... I don't think so.
Kat: He's making reference to a neighbor I had growing up 30 years ago ... the guy who used to live next door was Polish ... his last name was Lapinski but I can't remember his first name. So I don't know if he was a neighbor and that's why he was pointing to that guy or that he was Polish or these are the references I'm getting if that helps in any way.
Kathy: No.
Kat: He's talking about a monkey ... a brown stuffed monkey.
Kathy: He keeps bringing up that monkey.
Amberly: If he keeps bringing it up, does that mean that we haven't nailed it yet? What he's trying to say?
Kat: He's brought it up before?
Amberly: Yes ... it might not have been with you but he's definitely brought it up before.
Kat: Yes, if you don't figure it out, they'll usually continue to bring it up, true true. Along with the monkey, he's showing me a carpetbag.
Amberly: A what?
Kat: A carpetbag ... they used to call them carpetbaggers.... it looks like a carpet .. a carpetbag is like a tapestry bag ... like a duffle bag that looks like tapestry.
Kathy: I'm not sure what that would be ......
Amberly: Is the monkey stuffed?
Kat: Umm hmm ... stuffed animal.
Amberly: Ok ....
Kat: Is somebody volunteering at a hospital?
Kathy: I don't think so ... not that I'm aware of ...
Kat: You know, this might be something that hasn't happened yet but he's ... the complete message is that he likes what they're doing and he wants to recognize that this is something they should be very proud of. It's probably done humbly ... they're not doing it for recognition but to be charitable but, you know, without sounding (??) it gets them a lot of points on the other side and he's real proud of them for doing this volunteer work at this hospital.
All: (talking amongst selves trying to figure out who it might be)
Kat: Is there a Rod also?
Kathy: Yes
Kat: He's saying that Rod will find his way, don't worry about him. That he'll find his way. Does that make sense? Everybody has to grow at their own pace and Rod is going to take his time going through this, whatever it is he's going through, but that he's going to be ok. "Find his way" is the way Bryan said it.
Kathy: Ok ....
Kat: Kat, were you asked to be in a choir?
Kathy: OHHHH no! I can't sing at all!
Kat: I don't know why he's putting that around you ... unless he's just teasing but it seems that you're going to be singing
Kathy: Oh, God help us! (laughing) NOBODY would want that.
Amberly: Well, she sings in church on Sundays, real loud ...
Kathy: I do not!
Amberly: Yes you do, you always sing the songs ..
Kathy: But I don't sing them very loud because I can't sing. I move my lips.
Kat: I don't know ... I'm going to give it to you the way he gave it to me originally is that you ... this is something that's very church-oriented or choir-oriented ... you don't sing in the church choir then ....
Kathy: Nope ....
Cris: Maybe he's trying to tell us he wants us to go to Christmas mass and sing like we used to back in the day ... we haven't done that ....
Kat: I'm trying to get him to be more specific .... .......... Now he's saying Dennis.
Amberly: I know a Dennis.
Kat: Has Dennis been through a big ordeal recently? Where he would be very tired? Does that make sense to say that Dennis is real tired?
Amberly: Yep
Kat: He's saying that he could use some emotional support. That Dennis could use some emotional support but that he's not going to be the kind to ask for it. So you really kind of have to do it on your own and push yourself in his life in order to be there for him.
Amberly: Yeah, there definitely is ... he's a heroin addict.
Kat: Oh, ok.
Amberly: I think it's a message for me to give to a long-time friend who they've recently disassociated and I think maybe he's supposed to get back in his life. I don't know so much about for me (referring to a friend of a friend)
Kat:That makes sense because the way he's giving it to me is ... Dennis is ... he's not at high risk that I can see, I mean as far as death or along those lines, not as traumatic but that he is very emotionally tired and he needs some support to get him back on track.
Amberly: That makes sense, definitely
Kat: He's not ... I'm probably beating this up ....but he is saying that whoever is going to help him, whoever's going to try to help Dennis emotionally, you have to really get in there and work at it, it's not going to be easy because Dennis isn't the type to want help or ask for help..
Amberly: Right
Kat: You'll almost have to kind of force it on him. Did you guys rescue a bunny or find a small rabbit?
Kathy: No
Amberly: Recently?
Kat: That you were rescuing? It seems like something that happened in the past, not something that's coming up.
All: (talking amongst selves to figure out)
Kat: It's almost like he's reminiscing about remember how we found the rabbit or we had to rescue a rabbit ...
Cris: It wasn't a rabbit, it was a deer ... they had a name for it ...
Kathy: Yeah ... Governor something ..
Cris: Governor Donuts
Kat: What he's showing me is a bunny ... a live bunny in the grass ....
Kathy: I'm wondering if he could be referring to a little stuffed rabbit we had looked real ... it wasn't stuffed but one of those ones that look real, it was covered in real rabbit fur and he and ... I think it was him and Amber ... would put it out in the street to make cars stop
Kat: Are you kidding?
Kathy: No ... it looked so real that people would stop their car cause they were afraid they were going to hit it and kill it so I don't know if he might be making a reference to that
Kat: (laughing) Yeah, maybe ... I guess they could rescue it from getting hit by a car.
Kathy: Yeah ... was that you doing that?
Cris: Yeah, it was me and Bryan.
Kat: It really seems like this is something that happened in the past, he's reminiscing ..
Kathy: Yeah, this was a long time ago. I still have the rabbit ...
Kat: That's funny ...
Cris: Yeah, it was funny.
Kat: Is somebody saving Campbell's soup labels?
Amberly: AW! Cristopher just made two cans of Campbell's soup ... just ... I mean he just set it on the table as you said it. That is crazy!
Kat: (laughing)
Kathy: If he's showing you Campbell's soup labels, maybe that's what he's referring to.
Cris: Is he telling me he doesn't want me to eat right now? (laughing)
Kat: That's funny ... Bryan loves doing that stuff ..
Amberly: Yep
Kathy: Yes he does
Kat: Remember how he said Jason when you were writing it that time? I mean, honestly, each reading is different and I don't have very many readings where they're constantly, several times in a reading, they say something that they're doing right then during the reading, that is so funny!
Amberly: That is so cool!
Cris: She called me out on it! (all laughing) I didn't think it was going to be a big deal! What's up with that?!
Kathy: Last time we were eating candy and he called us out on that too
Amberly: And I was eating chili bean soup and he called me out on that!
Kathy: He's definitely letting us know he sees us
Kat: You know what makes this ... I have to share with you too ... because Bryan is smiling as I'm saying this. What makes this so wonderful is how you guys are able to catch things so quickly. Because I would be sitting in a reading and maybe say that about Campbell's soup labels and they would say, no, nobody's collecting soup labels and they would never say anything about the Campbell's soup that's sitting right in front of them on the table. That may be hard for you to believe ... but if you want to hear from your loved one, why would you make it hard for them to talk to you? So I just want to compliment you guys on how you make this so flowing and the easier and faster it flows, the more Bryan is able to talk.
Kathy: Well, he's given me a lot of practice with his signals and signs to us over the past 10 months.
Kat: Speaking of signs, I'm seeing a round circle with a line straight through it. Was that some kind of a motif or an emblem or a logo? Like a round sphere with a line straight through it. Almost like it you were drawing an equator line on the earth ...
Mike: So it's a horizontal line, not a vertical line.
Kat: Horizontal, correct. .
Cris: Could he be talking about this? (referring to a little compass he has worn since Bryan died ... it used to belong to him but it didn't really have a line across it)
Kathy: We'll have to work on that one.
Kat: And somebody put in a new phone line ...
Mike: Darlene? (not sure here)
Kat: And who has the silver car?
Amberly: Me!
Kat: Who's me? Amber?
Amberly: Yeah ...
Kat: Do you need new brakes or do you brakes need to be checked?
Amberly: They better not ... it's brand new.
Kat: Brand new car?
Amberly: Yeah ...
Kat: I'm just getting ... I"m trying to be clear ... he's not saying you have to worry about the brakes going out or anything close to that ... what he's making me hear is the brake pads need replaced ... you know how brakes squeal, how they rub?
Amberly: Yeah
Kat: That's the sound I'm hearing in my ear. Maybe it's just that you'll have ... not that the car's a lemon, but something goofy that's going to happen with the car early on or earlier than expected.
Amberly: I actually had a car that was pretty new before this one and it did make brake noise all the time. But I refused to believe it needed brakes because it was brand new. So maybe he's bringing that up.
Kat: That's funny. He might be reminiscing about the old car. He's going back to that 12 again. He keeps showing me this huge 12. Is it a number on a shirt maybe? Like a jersey type thing? Maybe I'm just stretching here ...
Kathy: No but could it be a reference to the month December
Kat: If it is he's not telling me what it means cause I've thrown that up there a couple times. I mean, that's like a standard thing for me if they throw out numbers I'll ask them like the 6th of a month or the 6th month or 6 in the family. All of that happens (can't make out) and he's not referencing December. I could be wrong ... I'm asking him to give me something else. ---long pause-- Expect a visitor for Christmas ... in fact, expect several visitors for Christmas.
Amberly: We should?
Kat: Yes ... visitors you are unaware of at this point in time.
Kathy: Hmmmm ....ok
Amberly: Probably Bryan's friends ....
Kat: Do any of his friends roller blade?
All: (discussion about various friends who roller bladed with him)
Kat: Just give me a yes or no ...
All: Yes
Kat: Are we coming up on the anniversary of his passing?
Kathy: Yes
Kat: The guy that roller blades, were they real real close? I'm getting from Bryan that they were really close.
Amberly: I'm thinking maybe Josh cause they were real close.
Kat: And I'm getting that the anniversary is kind of tough on his friend. But he doesn't give me his name.
Cris: I'm trying to think who bought that set of roller blades .....
Kat: Ohhhh, ok, this friend recently lost a family member or another passing happened in this friend's life. Do you follow me?
Kathy: We'll have to check on that ...
Kat: Because that's why because experiencing another passing has kind of brought up feelings of Bryan's passing to this gentleman. It's kind of made everything resurge, you know?
Kathy: Ok.
Kat: It would really help a lot if you sent him a note kind of thing ... just send him an email or a quick note ... you don't have to make a big deal out of it, just saying hey, if you ever need anything, we're here for you, just wanted to say hi, see how you're doing, words like that. You know what I'm saying? Let this guy know ... because he needs to feel some kind of a connection to Bryan and he can't do that unless he talks to ... I mean, physical connection is hard to do, obviously, but if he has some kind of communication with the family, then that will make him feel better. Does that make sense?
All: Yes
Kat: Why do I get the impression from Bryan, though, that you guys don't want to talk to him?
Kathy: Really:
Kat: Am I wrong? Cause I'm getting that either you don't have a phone number or you're not sure how to go about reaching him?
Kathy: Well, we're not sure exactly which friend it is. We have to find out a little more information.
Kat: Oh, ok. Hang on ..... is there a Craig?
Kathy: No
Mike: Cris, do you know a Craig?
Cris: No
Kat: I'm getting from Bryan that they were really really close and he's putting roller blades or wheels ... if it's not roller blades, it's gotta be skateboarding ... something to do with wheels. It really seems like roller blading to me.
Kathy: Could it be Jerry*?
Kat: Maybe Craig or Greg is somebody that Jerry* lost ... I don't know ... but I'm sure there's a reason why Bryan's throwing that name out there.
Kathy: Ok ... we'll check into that.
Kat: Was somebody a huge Simpsons fan?
Amberly: Oh, Jerry* is!
Kat: Jerry* is? Ok, good, there's your answer.
Kathy: Jerry* is?
Amberly: Yeah! They used to always watch it. Unless I'm wrong but I know one of his friends does have a huge Simpsons ... it's Jerry* cause him and Jason and Bryan would always watch it ...
Kathy: All right
Kat: Ummmmm......... is something wrong with the back leg of one of the dogs? I mean, like favoring it or do they have arthritis?
Kathy: Our yellow lab has had arthritis in her back legs for a long, long time.
Kat: I'm getting from Bryan that it's getting more difficult for her to walk
Amberly: Yeah, because of her weight.
Kat: You know, dogs ... obviously if you have dogs you love dogs and dogs have personality just like people. And this dog ... what's the dog's name?
All: Sandy
Kat: That even if Sandy's in pain, she's going to walk anyway. He is trying to let you know that she is in more pain than she's letting on.
Kathy: Awwww ... I believe that.
Amberly: We should get her more medicine.
Kat: I don't know how the vet can do that. I have a good friend that's a vet but I've never asked him that because I just have birds. I don't know how they test them for pain ... I guess they have some way they can do that so they know how much to give them, you know? Is that Cris eating his soup? I hear the clanging .....
All: laughing
Kat: The speakerphone picks up everything. Kat, did you feel that you felt Bryan breathing on you? That you felt his breath? Maybe it's not Kat, it might be Amber, I don't know but it was a female and like he's ... you feel his breath on your neck.
Kathy: Yeah ... I've felt all kinds of things! (laughing)
Amberly: It was more like a hand running over my head and down my neck
Kat: Let me give him a second here to try to give more information, ok? I'm just going to have to leave that with you and go on. He's showing me ... I don't know if this is a photo album or a scrap book or the pages of the book are like a vellum ... that linen paper .... cream colored. Does that make sense? He's talking about a scrap book or a photo album with pages like paper ...
Amberly: Paper with like a film maybe?
Kat: Vellum is like used often in formal invitations like a light film that goes over top the paper. Was somebody looking at this recently? Cause he's just like ... I see this as what he means ... they open a page, they close it, they're just flipping pages.
Amberly: Ok, I think I got this one. When the kids were going through my room the other night on Thanksgiving, he (Jacob, Bryan's cousin) found a photo album of Hawaii when our family took a trip to Hawaii back in '94 and Jacob opened it and was like, "Oh, there's pictures of Bryan in here!" And then each one of the kids would go through and open it and flip through pages real quick before they set it back down, so that's probably how it would appear. But they definitely acknowledged that there were pictures of Bryan in there and they kept it out of the box that it was found in.
Kat: It's got a sheen on it ... like a sheen on the cover ....
Amberly: Yes.
Kat: And it's pastels like blue ... mauve .... I see mostly blue and mauve.
Ambelry: Yes, yes it is!
Kat: Ok, all right, he just wants to let you know you're right.
Kathy: He was down there with you guys when you were doing that.
Amberly: Yep
Kat: I'm just going to have to describe what he's showing me cause I don't understand what he means. Like, this is funny, I guess. This must have happened on Thanksgiving because he's saying same day as the photo album. He's talking about drinks hanging or some kind of liquid that hung? Does that make any sense? It's almost like he's showing me liquid inside something ... I don't know how to describe it ... suspended, hanging from something.
Amberly: Dad put the bottle of wine way up on top the china cabinet. I don't know if that would be it but he definitely like up above where the table is.
Mike: I had no other place to put it ....
Kat: Was the champagne open though?
Amberly: Yes
Kat: You know what, honestly, it's more like somebody poured liquid into something, into a device or a unit ....
Kathy: You know what Kat? Could he be talking about something that happened a few days before? Because if he is, then I know exactly what he's talking about.
Kat: Could be ... I'm just not sure.
Kathy: I was at a trade show a few days before with an ice sculpture that was absolutely huge and they poured the champagne through the ice sculpture into little glasses. It was a really amazing thing and I took pictures of it with my cell phone.
Kat: Was it hanging?
Kathy: It wasn't hanging but it was up high.
Kat: If it was suspended in some way, then that would make sense because that's the key here. I know that this isn't -- and that's why I haven't voice this yet -- I know this isn't exact, but I didn't want to throw you off by saying this, but it's almost like the way he's giving it to me to make me understand that I should say suspended is like it's hanging by strings, or hanging by thread or hanging by some kind of rods or something on that order but I just have to stress that it's suspended or hanging in some way. That's the important piece. That it's liquid, something you drink, inside something that's hanging.
All: discussing but can't figure it out.
Kathy: We'll have to think on that one too ... maybe he's talking about something that's going to happen.
Kat: It was really like it already happened. (When I mentioned this to my sister, Lori, the first thing she said was what Amberly had said ... the champagne bottle that was up on top of the china cabinet. This leads me to believe that Bryan was just making reference to the fact that he saw us doing that and thought it was pretty funny.)
Kathy: Ok.
Kat: He's playing a song ... it's Walk Like an Egyptian ... I forget the group that does it ...
Amberly: B-52 or something
Kat: Yeah ... you know why he's be playing that song?
Amberly: Not a clue!
Kathy: Maybe just to be silly ....
Kat: I think he's making this as much like he used to be as possible, you know?
Kathy: Yeah, I can see him doing it! (laughing)
Kat: Does somebody wear a lot of red? He's commenting about somebody wearing a lot of red. I mean, I know it's Christmas time and all but they wear red frequently, anyway.
Mike: Sherry:
Amberly: It might be my dad's sister.
Kat: You know what ... he's getting kind of weak. Do you have any specific questions you guys mght want to ask him cause sometimes that can get them to really ramp up a little bit.
Kathy: Was he with us on our California vacation?
Kat: Let me see if he'll validate that for me. I'm gonna say yes, anyway, but let's see what he can say to validate it for you. Remember the scene in Thelma & Louise where they're driving in the car and I forget which one, but one of them is counting money and a twenty flies out the window? Did any of you guys see that movie?
Amberly: Yes
Kat: He's showing me that but it's like a scarf instead of money, it's like a piece of material that flies out a window. Do you know what he's talking about?
Kathy: I don't think so.
Kat: It may not be in answer to your California question, he might just be talking about something else.
Amberly: Do you think he could possibly be referring to the idea of them driving across the country cause we drove from one location several hours to another location, like a road trip, if you will?
Kat: Possible ... I'm waiting for him to give me more information. He's just showing me that whole scene with the window open and then he shows me afterward the scarf flying out the window.
Mike: Say, Kat, this is MIke. See if Bryan would comment on my driving during the vacation. I drove most of the time. Would he have any comments at all?
Kat: Do they tease you about driving by braille?
Kathy: By what?
Kat: They call it driving by braille where you go on the side of the road and the tires hit those marks to make a noise so you know you're going on the side of the road?
Mike: I know what you're saying but that wouldn't be one that resonates. Just wondered if anything popped up.
Kat: Do you think somebody else drives by braille maybe, that they drive on the shoulder?
Amberly: I try not to! (laughing)
Mike: I'm vindicated (referring to how we tease him about his slow driving)
Amberly: No, you're not vindicated at all!
Kat: What does that mean? (laughing)
Amberly: He's a very slow driver.
Kat: He's going to tell on you Mike. He already did once (laughing)
Amberly: My dad is a very challenged driver.
Mike: I'm not a speed demon. The whole family wants to go a million miles an hour ...
Kat: Amberly, did you have something you want to ask him?
Amberly: Oh, yes. There was so much that happened on our California trip that I think it would be hard for him to single something out.
Kat: Well, you know what? If you're going to ask me something, try not to be too specific, ok?
Amberly: Ok. So I'm just going to try to get to one event. We stayed in a hotel near a rehab where he stayed in the past without us there. Did he do anything special in relation to the recovery center?
Kat: Ok, let me see. Do you know why he would be talking about pirates? Was there a restaurant that had a pirate flair?
Kathy: Yep ... yep, I do know why he'd be brining that up. (There was a Jolly Roger restaurant in Laguna Beach where Bryan went with several women from the rehab facility for his goodbye dinner.)
Kat: Also, were there yellow flowers nearby? This seems like it's on the hotel ....
Kathy: Yes .. on the rooftop deck ....
Kat: Also, did you guys ... before you got to California, did you get lost? Just yes or no. Cause I'm getting the impression from him that there was a somethihg about a map and not arguing but just discussing about which way to go.
Kathy: Yes, yes we absolutely did.
Kat: You went out of your way, not terribly long, but you went out of your way.
Kathy: Yes, I know exactly what he's talking about. We got lost trying to find the parking place on the way to the airport. We went totally the wrong way and we had a map in the car. We ended up having to call the place to get directions. So before we got on the plane, we got lost.
Kat: (laughing) That's funny. Amber, I'm not getting anything real specific, I mean in answer to your question, but that's what he's giving me. That doesn't mean that he wasn't there, it's just that, for whatever reason, he isn't commenting on it. Mike, did you say you had another question?
Mike: No, well I was thinking about more things but I think Amber asked the question that I thought was a good one to get Bryan to relive our vacation.
Amberly: Yeah ... anything specific about a palm tree?
Kat: (long pause) I apologize ... I'm not getting anything.
Amberly: That's ok ... that's fine.
Kathy: Is it possible to ask them if they've met somebody there?
Kat: Oh, yes
Kathy: Can you ask him if he's met Marge's mom?
Kat: Ok ... give me just a second, ok? I'm getting ... I don't know if this is Marge's mom or not ... but he's talking about a female that he's connected with who has crossed over that had problems in the stomach region and this was a passing that happened ... although people knew she was passing, she died quicker than when they thought she would pass.
Kathy: That's exactly right.
Kat: But I get that she's doing really, really well ... not that they don't but she actually made it very well to the other side and is very comfortable and is in a good place. Was she real religious? Or very spiritual? Cause I'm getting that she was very spiritually connected before she crosses over.
Kathy: Yes, she was.
Kat: Was she a teacher?
Kathy: I don't think so.
Kat: DIdn't teach Sunday school?
Kathy: Well, she might have done that ....
Kat: Cause I'm getting teaching Sunday school.
Kathy: I think that's what Marge (her daughter) does.
Kat: Oh, ok. Is there a Lynn in that family?
Kathy: I'm not that familiar with the whole family, so I'll check.
Kat: You know that famous picture Michaelangelo did ... golly, I can't think of the name of it, I'm sorry, but the two fingers that are touching. One finger is very E.T..
Kathy: Ok, I know, I can picture it.
Kat: That is hanging in her family's house somewhere.
Kathy: Ok
Kat: There is a reference being made, in connection with this woman, to that picture.
Kathy: Ok ... I'll pass that along.
Kat: Are you making brownies today?
All: (laughing)
Kathy: You're a day late on that one ... I just did yesterday ... they're still out.
Kat: Ok ... and he's like ... he likes the brownies. He's making me taste them. Did you ever make brownies with cherries inside?
Kathy: I don't think so.
Kat: Is he talking about a cake with cherries inside maybe?
Kathy: I used to make these magic squares with cherries in them around Christmas time.
Kat: Were they chocolatey?
Kathy: Yes, there were chocolate chips, coconut and cherries ... they were real good
Kat: Cause he's reminiscing about that too. And you know what the ... let me get this right ... Hershey's kisses cookies. Cookies with the Hershey's kiss on the top.
Kathy: Yes, those little peanut butter drops with the Hershey's kiss in them. I love those!
Kat: Do you have a tree that's decorated in angels? Or do you know why he would be making reference to an angel tree?
Kathy: We have angels ... like full angel dolls that we put in our tree every year.
Kat: Mike, I don't think he means you, but is there somebody else that's dressing up as Santa Claus?
Mike: (laughing) I don't know ... maybe we'll find out.
Kat: Somebody in Marge's family dresses up as Santa Claus every year.
Mike: Oh, is that right?
Kathy: So maybe it's her mother talking again and saying something about it.
Kat: Mike, do you play chess?
Mike: Not anything recent. Lots of golf but no chess.
Kathy: DIdn't Bryan used to play chess all the time.
Mike: Yeah, he would play.
Cris: He'd play with Don every time he went over there.
Mike: Yeah, Bryan like to play whenever we went over to my brother-in-law's.
Kat: Maybe that's why he's putting it on your side of the family ... cause I'm getting chess but connected to you. Did somebody buy Mike a chess set for Christmas?
Amberly: Somebody is?
Kat: Is somebody buying him a chess set for Christmas?
All: (whispering amongst ourselves)
Kat: I'm just going to let that go. It's something to do with you, Mike, and the game of chess.
Mike: Interesting. :
Kat: Maybe sombody's going to get you something that's chess related for Christmas, I'm not sure, and that's Bryan's way of just letting you know he sees what's going on, but I know it's chess equals Mike.
Kathy: Can I ask one more question?
Kat: Yeah, and then I have something I have to go back to ... the choir thing.
Kathy: When we were in California, we took quite a few pictures, and there was one picture that came out that there was like a shadow in the picture, it looked like just a spirit or something, and we immediately felt that it was him. I just wondered if he could acknowledge that it was.
Kat: Are there mountains in the background?
Amberly: In the building ... on the outside ... not in the picture but there were in real life.
Kat: I'm trying to understand what you mean ...
Amberly: Oh, ok, in the actual picture that he's in, there aren't any mountains, but the building we were in, the surroundings in real life had mountains.
Kat: Oh, all right, I see what you're saying. Then maybe he is ackowledging that because he's telling me that, the way I got it, was that where you guys were at, there's mountains behind you.
Amberly: And you've got to see this picture. It looks like not just an orb but an entire body
Kat: I'd love to see it if you could fax it to me ...
Amberly: It's amazing ... you can see legs, a head, and it's in the vacant seat on this ride. It is wild ... it's tremendous!
Kat: You guys are going to some kind of Christmas concert and he wants you to know that he's going to be there with you and I think that's what the choir thing was about earlier.
Kathy: Well, that's kind of crazy.
Kat: Really?
Kathy: Yeah ... cause the only thing I thought about in reference to the choir thing was ... I've been a Clay Aiken fan but I've kind of gotten away from it since Bryan died and I know Bryan would like me to continue that and I haven't, I've just kind of dropped it, and there's a concert coming to town in December and he's going to have high school choirs that come and sing as part of the concert. I thought about that immediately when you mentioned that because that's the only choir thing that I've even had any knowledge about lately. I wasn't going to go because the tickets are so expensive and I've just been wavering should I or shouldn't I but I know he would want me to go. Maybe this is just him giving me that extra boost that he wants me to do it.
Kat: Oh, that's amazing.
Kathy: Yeah, that is wild, that's crazy!
Amberly: Well, he wants to go, so you'd better get tickets!
Kat: Yeah, I get that this is a done deal (laughing) ... and he's going to be there with you.
Kathy: I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and get the tickets. (Amazingly, I was able to get the tickets on Tuesday so I will be going to the concert and looking for signs from Bryan when I do ;-) Mike and I had to meet a guy from Steubenville to get the tickets on Nov. 30th and on our way back from getting them, an Impala pulled in front of us with the letters "ORB" in the license plate! I immediately pointed it out to Mike and said Bryan was giving us a sign that he was with us.)
Amberly: Yeah, he always wanted to go with you.
Kathy: Yeah, he always wanted to go to a concert with me.
Kat: You know, I have a feeling too, that if you do something like that, that he'll be very specific and let you know he's there, too.
Kathy: I'll bet he would.
Kat: Yeah, he wouldn't let you go without you ... without him not acknowledging to you in some way, you know what I'm saying? that he was there with you.
Kathy: He's very good at letting me know he's around.
Kat: He's really kind of pulling his energy back ... I'm doing my best to kind of elongate this as much as I can.
Amberly: Hold on to him!
Kat: Do you have something in the house that has hummingbirds on it? I get that he likes .. whatever this is ... it's like a suncatcher or a plaque or maybe a wall hanging of some sort but it has hummingbirds on it.
Amberly: We have hummingbird feeders. My grandma ... his grandma ... her whole room is hummingbirds and birds and statues and plaques and you name it ...
Kat: Really ...
Amberly: so that would be a very strong connection to her
Kat: Is she still living?
All: Yes
Amberly: We actually brought her back a T-shirt with hummingbirds on it from California.
Kathy: Ask him if he rings her doorbell all the time ... cause they think it's him
Kat: (laughing) he probably does ... he was around when somebody was wrapping a package in gold. Either a gold gift bag, gold wrapping paper, and I really think this is something that's already happened, not something coming up. (This definitely related to my mom, Bryan's grandma. When I told her about the wrapping, she said that she and Travis had just wrapped a bunch of presents a few days ago. So the hummingbirds and doorbell and gifts were all about Grandma!)
Amberly: Cris, did you give anything to Kristen wrapped in gold? Maybe Arlene wrapping the present for my work ....
Kathy: Does he have anything to say about our old cat?
Amberly: Not old as in no longer here but old as in 12 years old. 12 years old!! 12!
Kat: Maybe that's what he means by the 12. Let me see if he'll expand on this.
Amberly: We think he's getting ready to go (the cat)
Kat: Does the cat sleep in a closet? (He has been sleeping in a small powder room about the size of a small closet lately). If the cat doesn't sleep in a closet, it could mean that's where you're going to find the cat when he goes.
Amberly: Oh, that would make sense. Yep.
Kat: Because I get that ... is it a male?
Amberly: Yes ...
Kat: He's trying to find a place that's warm and comfortable and nobody will disturb him.
Amberly: That makes sense. So it's going to happen soon, huh?
Kat: You know, honestly I'm not getting a yes or a no from Bryan on that, so I don't know..
Kathy: He was kind of like his cat and he really misses him.
Amberly: I'm surprised ... my mom and I both have been surprised that he's lasted as long as he has. Because Bryan wanted to take this cat everywhere with him, it was like his cat. Well, he and Cristopher's.
Kat: Y'know what, I'm not getting if the cat's going to pass soon or far away or what, he's not giving it up, but maybe that is that reference of 12 that we couldn't get earlier but he's giving me a strong reference to a closet. Like when it's time for the cat to pass, that's probably where you're going to find him ... in a closet.
Amberly: So when we can't find him, we'll know where to look.
Kat: Yeah. Did this cat's tail get stuck in the door a long time ago?
Kathy: Yes, I'm sure ... our front door
Cris: Like you try to shut it and he stands there with his tail out.
Amberly: Yeah ... he thinks his whole body's in but his tail is still hanging outside.
Kat: (Laughing) That's funny. Sandy's the dog, right? Is there another Sandy? Aside from the dog?
Amberly: Animal or person?
Kat: I almost want to say another animal but it would be kind of odd for you to have two animals with the same name.
Amberly: We don't but I was thinking maybe somebody else .
Kat: Initially he wanted to make reference to another Sandy but he's saying not the dog, this is a different Sandy.
Kathy: Ok
Kat: Did somebody have a sore throat recently or was sucking on lemon cough drops?
Kathy: Yes
Kat: Or lemon throat lozenges?
Kathy: Yes, Cris got up with a sore throat yesterday morning ... he thought he had strep (which my nephew had on Thanksgiving)
Cris: I still kinda do ... just a little bit
Kat: You know, I apologize but I don't remember where you're located in the United States but are you in a place where it can snow?
Amberly: Yep
Kat: Cause you're getting a white Christmas
Kathy: That wouldn't surprise me. I hate it!
Kat: He must have liked snow though
Amberly: He did.
Kat: Cause he's giving me the impression that he's going to love it, that you're going to have a white Christmas
Kathy: Yeah, he loved the snow.
Kat: He's kind of pulling his energy back.
Amberly: Tell him we love him so so very much and miss him.
Kat: He knows ... he knows. You know, thank you is so bittersweet cause I really enjoy reading for you guys.
Amberly: Aww, thank you.
Kathy: We should do it more often than we do. He kind of pushed this one on me. I was waiting for him to tell me when the time was right and I really felt like he had something really important he wanted to say but I guess he really just wanted to touch base.
Kat: You know, honestly, from everything that came through today, I would say what's most important is talking to those two friends, Dennis and Jerry* (we're still not sure who he meant) ... and Dennis, if I remember correctly, is the name of his friend who is also an addict or was an addict.
Amberly: Dennis, the person, is an addict and Bryan was an addict. Bryan didn't know him, though.
Kat: But Dennis is an addict, you're saying?
Amberly: Yes, he is a heroin addict.
Kat: I really think that is very, very important. I mean, if you guys make that connection, I really think you can make a difference in this person's life. But the problem is you have to kind of force yourself on him, that he's not ... it's not that he'll be closed off to contact, it's just that he's not in a place to realize that people care enough, that they're sincere. That's the impression that I got from Bryan. That you'll have to work hard, that's the way he put it, to make a difference in this man's life. You do have the ability to make a difference.
Amberly: Ok.
Kat: That's a big chore and I don't know if you're looking to take that on but out of everything that happened today, that and talking to Jerry* too I think because I think Jerry* just needs a little hug from his friends because of the other loss that he suffered. He could really use more than encouragement. Sometimes that contact, knowing there's still a connection, helps him feel close to Bryan.
Amberly: Right
Kat: By letting him know that there's a connection between you and him. Okee dokee ... was California -- that trip -- something to do with Bryan's passing?
Amberly: Yes, definitely.
Kat: Because you said it was next to a recovery center.
Kathy: What I did ... what I felt Bryan wanted me to do ... he and I were out there two years ago when he was in the rehab center, we did a lof of the tourist things, just he and I, and I felt he wanted me to take them -- Amber, Mike and Cris -- out there to do the same things he and I had done. So we kind of did the whole trip in honor of him. We went out and stayed at the same hotel where Bryan and I stayed which was right across the street from the recovery center where he was. It was really hard for me because I was out there in the same places where I had been with him and it was difficult but he gave us so many signs that he was with us that it was kind of a healing thing. From butterflies in the bathroom ... to turning lights off in the bathroom when Amberly and I were in there together.
Kat: That's so powerful! Butterflies in a bathroom??
Kathy: Oh, yeah, she and I were in there sharing the mirror one night getting ready to go out and the light in the bathroom completely turned off. I opened the door to see if the lights were out in the room and they weren't, it was just the bathroom. And when it came back on, there was a beautiful black and white butterfly on the ceiling.
Kat: Oh my gosh! That is so awesome! (laughing) So when are you writing your book?
Kathy: I have everything online in that journal that I write but it's so long now ... it's amazingly long ... I even have pictures of the butterfly on there. I do document everything all the time because he does so much but the thing Amberly was referring to before about the rehab ..
Amberly: Don't tell it!
Kathy: I think he's gone. Is he gone??
Amberly: But I want it to come up later.
Kat: Yeah, he's gone. But if you want to save it for a future reading, I totally respect that.
Amberly: No, actually, it's pretty cool. We had actually gotten into an argument, me and my family, and we were on vacation and it was really stupid and childish and probably shouldn't have happened, you know. And
Kat: Well, that was a very emotional time, too, though.
Amberly: Yeah .. and the rehabilitation center was across the street and the hotel we were in had a roof deck. I had gone up there to get a breath of fresh air before meeting my parents and as I was standing there looking over at the rehab center, a palm tree lit on fire! Lit on fire! I mean, literally, an electric line was going through the tree and the palm tree lit on fire and it was right above the recovery center and could have potentially fallen and burned the building down. I was the first one to see it so I grabbed a couple other people -- they saw it -- and told them to call the fire department. The fire went out, completely went out, (by itself) and then I went and told my mom that there was this sparking palm tree. As soon as I took her outside, it lit up again and blazed up again, huge, so she could see it. And then it stopped again and went out. It was so wild! It completely switched our focus from petty arguing
Kat: Right ... that's so freaky! There's something greater than you ... right ...
Kathy: Well, Kat, if you knew my son, we actually have a little tree outside our house that was dying and I didn't know why and Amber told me that he used to light it on fire all the time. He liked to light fires and do silly things like that.
Kat: Oh my God!
Kathy: That's why we totally connected that to him.
Kat: That's amazing!
Mike: It was a little tree, it wasn't a huge tree, just a little 2-foot thing.
Amberly: Just an ornamental thing. But the dead branches, he would always ignite and they would go ablaze real fast and he thought it was like the coolest thing ever.
Kat: He's amazing.
Kathy: He's just constantly doing all kinds of bizarre crazy things.
Kat: That's really something. He's very strong at giving signs. There are so many people that love to hear stories like that so that they can make the connection and help them understand.
Kathy: Well, if you remember back to the very first reading we had how he talked about the website I was doing. We didn't even know at the time what it was going to do but he said it was going to help a lot of people. It was early in the game.... it was like a month after he died and I thought how is that website going to help anybody? I really don't do any promotion of it but I have gotten letters from people all over the world who have gone there ... they feel like Bryan has lead them to it (his website)... and they have read his Journal of Miracles, which is what I call it, it's a documentation of all the different signs he gives us and they say it really helped them.
Kat: Isn't that something!
Amberly: Not only helped them but they feel Bryan steered them there... halfway across the world and they never even met him ....
Kathy: He gives signs to other people and they write to me and tell me the signs they're getting from him ... it's crazy.
Amberly: Yeah, it's really neat.
Kat: You know, the more you experience and live with dying in this dimension the more everything, the way I find it in my life cause I've lost loved ones too, that you see that everything is .. we're all part of a .... have you read the Purpose Driven Life yet?
Kathy: I don't think so ... who wrote that?
Kat: Oh golly, I can't remember the author ... I picked it up at Barnes & Noble this weekend in Florida ...
Kathy: I've read so many ...
Kat: My sisters read it, several of my friends have read it, and it's really becoming popular in Bible studies. Basically, he's a Christian author but he goes through why we're here and how God picks everything for us, our entire purpose and even though people do die tragically, what they leave in their wake and how we handle it can be something that is a tremendous learning experience for those that are left behind or it can be something that brings the rest of the family down. I mean even though Bryan died tragically, what has come out of his passing ... so many great things have taken place because of his passing as well.
All: Yes..
Kat: And that makes all the difference.
Kathy: I actually think he feels like his hands are not tied any more, that he can help a lot more people from where he is than he could here. And I know that he does and that amazes me.
Kat: I think that's why people connect with him and feel his presence because so many of us are at different levels and stages of experiencing life and learning and trying to understand why we're here, what's our purpose, there's so many different ways that people can connect with other people. But everybody's going to walk away with something different. If you're in the right place and you're open to it, you'll hear the messages.
Amberly: Right.
Kat: (couldn't make out first part)........ you obviously are in need but obviously open and ready to feel that connection because it's there for all of us. You just have to be open to it.
Ambelry: Yes, definitely. It's quite a learning experience and I couldn't ...
Kat: Kat, did you get a chance to visit much with Judy Collier or did you meet her when she was there? (Reference: Judy wrote Quit Kissing My Ashes and her son, Kyle, is the one I feel taught Bryan how to do all the signs he gives us in heaven. Judy was in town for a seminar and we got to meet.)
Kathy: We spoke very briefly and I emailed her one time but she hasn't emailed back too much. I guess she's just too busy. I definitely, definitely feel that Bryan met Kyle and Kyle taught Bryan how to do things. I really believe that they teach each other, up there, how to do things.
Kat: Oh, yeah, I do, too.
Kathy: You know, Marge's mother just passed away a couple of weeks ago, actually a couple of days before my birthday, and at the funeral home, I went up to the casket and was talking to her. I prayed to her to go ask Bryan to help her learn how to do the signs to send to her daughter and as I was at the casket, the power went out on our entire street, encompassing two houses of two of us who were there at the funeral home. And it was just like a bizarre occurrence. And the lights were only out on our street while we were in the funeral home. We found out because Amber was home and she went to the gas station to call us and tell us. It was too wierd that right when I was asking him to show her how to do signs, the power went out on just our street and the two houses that came back on first were the two of us who were there at the funeral home and they aren't even on the same side of the street. But our two houses came on before anybody else's.
Kat: You know, don't you find, too, that over time you learn so many things that people in spirit that are real good with with electrical stuff, they will use that again and again to give you signs. Just like the lights going out in the bathroom.
Amberly: Yep.
Kat: And each person in spirit has their own routine for what's easy for them to accomplish, just like here, and it could be that Bryan is just very good with electrical things. I have somebody that's cohabitating with us in our new home.
Kathy: Oh yeah?
Kat: I haven't figured out who it is but I believe that it's the man that used to live here ... he died here last February and we moved in in August. But he is constantly ... my husband has an office and he's constantly messing with the office.
Kathy: Is that right?
Kat: Yeah .. everything electrical. He'll turn off the fan, he'll turn off the computer, he'll turn off the lights, he'll turn them back on. But now he just yells at Claude. He's like, "Claude, knock it off!" And then it will stop the minute he says that.
Kathy: Isn't that crazy?
Amberly: That's so funny!
Kat: But everything has to do with power with Claude. I mean, the other day I was walking into the bathroom and I have a sun lamp in the shower and I said, "Lou, we're going to have to replace the headlamp because it's out." And I hit the button as I'm saying that to show him that it's out and it came back on. And I said, "Lou, I swear to you, I was in here five minutes ago and I must have turned this thing off and on ten times and it would not come on."
Kathy: That's funny. That happens to us a lot.
Kat: They all acclimate to their own things. He sounds like he's so remarkable, like Kyle ... in the type of stuff like the palm tree ...
Kathy: You know, you really should go on and read his website. I know you don't have a lot of time but it is amazing the things that he's done.
Kat: I haven't been there in several months, so .....
Kathy: The latest thing that he did ... and I was hoping he'd mention it today but he didn't ... Cristopher just told us yesterday that one of his friends -- his name is Andy* -- he found out that he's been addicted to heroin and just got out of rehab. Cris was surprised because he didn't even know this kid had been using drugs. Last night in an email ... Bryan's very good at using emails to get messages to me ... I got an email at 11:30 and the sender's name was Andy* and the subject was "Addiction Can be Beaten."
Kat: Ahhhh! Wow!
Kathy: It just like stopped me stone cold and I thought, OMG, this is a message for Andy and we have to get this message to him that he can win, he can beat this thing.
Kat: Oh my gosh ... oh yeah.
Kathy: And he'll do things like that all the time. When we came back from California, there were all kinds of emails with references to California and vacations and things like that. It's always pertinent to the time and what's going on in my life ...
Kat: Umm hmmm ... always timely. That's what's important.
Kathy: Yeah ... exactly. .
Kat: Yes, and again, that's another thing that you learn after doing this for a long period of time is that they know exactly when they want to say it, how they want to say it ...
Kathy: You know, the message that you emailed me back to set up this appointment today, right above your email, the one that came in right above yours, was from sender Bryan with no subject. Like your name and his name were right together one on top of the other ... like confirmation that, yep, that is what he wanted me to do.
Kat: Amazing! And can I get back to something you said a second ago, Kat? When you said you were kind of surprised that he didn't say anything or make reference to Andy* and Cris' contact and all that kind of stuff ... you know why I think he didn't?
Kathy: Why?
Kat: It's kind of like the difference between a good movie and a bad movie. A good movie is one where the screenwriter expects the moviegoer to be intelligent to figure out who done it ... if they make the movie really really good, it's because you have to sit there and figure it out. Not, you know, something that's so lame that when you go in and watch the movie, you're bored to death. He knows that you already got the message about Andy* in the email. He doesn't need to give you that message. But he did need to give you the message about Dennis.
Kathy: Ok.
Kat: And I really think that's why they do that. They expect us to be very intelligent. At least I know my relatives are like that who are over there. Cause sometimes I'm like, why don't you just spell it out for me? And then later on, I'll always be given the message in some way, form or shape that hits me upside the head.
Kathy: Yeah, I know I don't get everything that he gives me, but a lot of times when I do get a sign and I'm telling someone about it, usually I'm on my cell phone on the way to work and I'll be talking to my sister about it or something. Almost every time, I'll be saying I think I got this sign from Bryan and as soon as I say it ... while I'm talking about it ... a hawk will appear and fly right over my car. It's like he always does that to validate to me that yes, I got it right.
Kat: That's awesome.
Kathy: But I know that there's a lot of things he does that I probably miss and I think he gets real frustrated with me for not seeing them.
Kat: I'm sure.
Kathy: Cause he's impatient that way. But I try to catch them all.
Kat: Hey, I think you're doing a fabulous job.
Kathy: What happened to your TV show? Is that scheduled to be on yet?
Kat: They're still figuring out exactly what they want to do so I'm in the midst of doing some other projects ... I'm talking to satellite radio about doing a syndicated show there and we are still talking to the production company in California but nothing has happened yet, no. There's a show coming out next month called Medium. I think it's with Patricia Arquette and I don't know if it's a mini series or if it's actually a pilot for a series, but it's on one of the major networks and it starts next month and it's call Medium. It's funny ... on the trailer, she's lying in bed with her husband and she wakes up from what she thinks is a bad dream and there are all these dead people standing at the end of her bed.
Kathy: Oh, wow, that would freak me out!
Kat: Yeah, that would freak you out! But her husband thinks she's talking to him and she's talking to the people at the end of their bed saying, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll be all right." It looks pretty good.
Kathy: I'll have to watch that.
Kat: I'm glad that mainstream America is trying to understand spirituality as fast and as seriously as they are. Along with the DeVinci Code, and all that you've got stuff coming at you from all angles and all different types of information. I think that John Edward really opened this up to a lot of people ... helping them look for signs or understand that you can develop this wonderful spiritual relationship with your loved ones even after they leave.
(Tape ran out here but basically the session was over and we just ended with idle chitchat)
*Not real name ... name changed for privacy.
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