Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Well, it's been quite a while since i've added any entries to this journal ... partly because many of the signs Bryan gives us are small ones, just little "hello's" during our days -- finding coins, feathers, a light blinking at a special moment or the number 17 popping up -- all important to us but signs we've received often enough that I don't feel compelled to write down every little incident. But with Christmas coming and no "BIG" signs lately, I was missing Bryan last night and prayed to him to please visit me in a dream or let me know he was around. I've really missed him. I fell asleep and I don't think I was dreaming -- although he told Amberly in a visit that he DOES visit me in dreams but I don't remember -- and I awoke bolt upright in the middle of the night. No idea what woke me but when I looked at the clock, it was exactly 3:17! I know in my heart that it was Bryan telling me that he was there and it made me so happy. I fell back to sleep immediately. In the morning, while I was taking my bath, I "asked" him to blink the light if it was really him that woke me during the night. After about half an hour, as I glanced at the light, I heard him laughing at me in my mind ... and telling me to TRUST in him, not to make him prove it was him ... he said that in my heart, I KNOW it was him and he doesn't have to blink the light to prove it. Then I felt the lightest little tickle on my chin and my neck began to tingle ... I swear he was there! It was an amazing feeling and I am so grateful for that wonderful moment.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Today at the store, Marge was looking for old records for a customer. She came across a box with jukebox song title labels. As she was going through them, one jumped out at her: "The Sky is Crying" by Stevie Ray Vaughn. That is the song that Bryan sent to her in a powerful message the day of his funeral (you can read about it on January 12, 2004). I told her that I hadn't felt many signs from Bryan lately and she replied that this WAS a sign from him ... what were the chances that we would have that particular label and that SHE would find it? Also, tomorrow is her birthday, so I also felt Bryan was reaching out with a special happy birthday to her. Needless to say, I've kept the label!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Poor Bryan! I think he's getting a little frustrated with me! LOL The day before yesterday, as I got in my car to drive home from work, a Christmas song, O Come All Ye Faithful, started playing by Clay Aiken. This tickled me because, before Bryan died, I was a HUGE fan of Clay Aiken ... to the point of obsession almost. I just thought he was the greatest. And even though Bryan would tease me about it, he eventually -- grudgingly -- agreed that he was "all right." He just loved to kid me about it but also had agreed to travel out of state to a concert with me -- with a bunch of other women -- to keep me company. And was a little hurt when I ended up taking Amberly instead. But I strongly felt the song was a sign from him but didn't post it on here because I thought I might be "reaching" ... I wanted a sign from him so badly but didn't want to force it. So I chalked it up to coincidence and didn't post it. SHAME ON ME! Bryan was not about to be written off so easily! Today when Mike and I got in the car to rush off on some last minute errands, the first song that came on the radio was O Holy Night sung by CLAY AIKEN! I immediately felt Bryan's presence so strongly and related the story about the other night to Mike with tears in my eyes. BOTH times the song was just starting the minute I began to drive. This time there was no doubt in my mind that this was a little Christmas gift from Bryan to me ... along with a little reprimand that how could I have doubted him the first time? Of all people, I know better!
Let me take this opportunity to wish all of YOU reading this a very merry, happy, peaceful and SAFE Christmas from the Burch family and Bryan .... and thank you for stopping here to help keep Bryan's spirit alive ;-)
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
This evening Mike and I were sitting at the kitchen table when the chandelier began to flicker at us. We both laughingly acknowledged Bryan's presence ... this is a sign he had given us in the past but it has been quite a long time since he's done it. It flickered off and on at us for about 15 minutes and then stopped. But later on, when we were watching television, it began to flicker again and -- when we noticed it -- it turned off completely! It stayed off about 5 minutes and then came back on ... worked fine the rest of the night. Just made us both happy to know that he's around again ... we've felt that he's been away for a while and I feel much happier when I know he's back with us. It's almost as though I can sense when he's busy in heaven with his other "jobs" that he has to do and I feel that he's away. Then I think back on the message Sherry got from him within days of his passing telling us that he would come and go but would always return to us. And that's exactly what it feels like. We can all "sense" when he's near and when he's "away".
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
This afternoon, Amberly was in her room and her friend's dog, Drake, who was visiting over Christmas, began to growl at something. She couldn't see what was frightening him but within a few minutes, she smelled an overwhelming fragrance of "funeral home" flowers ... that smell that is so prevalent in funeral homes that comes from all the lillies. She immediately connected it to Bryan. As she was coming upstairs to tell me about this, she saw Cris walk by and for an instant, his blue jeans made her see Bryan. I'm sure it was him!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
This afternoon when I left work and got in my car, the passenger side light was on. I thought maybe a door was open but when I checked, they were all closed. I know absolutely that the light was not left on all day and it was impossible that someone else could have turned it on as the car was locked. I had to manually reach up and turn it off and I knew it was a sign from Bryan and that he was "messing" with me. And as I drove home, when I stopped at a red light, the cars directly in front of me in the left lane and my lane had license plates with the numbers "317" and "19" ... his dates of birth and death. I strongly felt his presence with me.
During the night (technically the early morning of December 30), I awoke suddenly and felt Bryan's presence. I immediately looked at the clock KNOWING it would be on a "17" and it was ... 5:17 exactly! I told Mike this morning that so many times over the past three weeks -- I'll bet 90% of the time or more -- when I have looked at a digital clock, it has been on 17! I don't think it's a coincidence ... just no way!
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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