In Loving Memory of Bryan Raymond Burch

Bryan’s Journal of Miracles
As told by his mom …

Eternal Flame Bryan R. Burch Eternal Flame

March 17, 1980 - January 9, 2004

This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...

"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"

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Thursday, September 8

Yesterday afternoon, Mike and I went to Home Depot to purchase some bug killer and ended up buying a new dryer ... got taken in by this super Clearance - LAST ONE! special right inside the door. Well, first thing this morning, I downloaded my email and there was one with the subject in bold print: "Need a new washer and dryer set?" I couldn't believe my eyes! It was as if Bryan was letting me know he knows about the dryer ... and yes, we would have loved to get the matching washer, but the dryer was expensive enough and our washer is still working (in fact, the dryer works, too, but I couldn't resist the deal!). I just love it when these timely emails arrive leting me know that is is still very much aware of what we are doing.

Eternal Flame

I have felt that Bryan has been "away" lately ... we've had small signs, but nothing really spectacular. And I always have a kind of "feeling" when he's not nearby ... almost as if he is busy doing something else and I don't feel his closeness. He's kind of been MIA the past week. Today he came back around. I was talking to Sherry on my way to work about him and noticed the license plate right in front of me had the number "9 17" in it ... the dates he died and was born. And my car's electric locks were acting up all day. On my way to work, they didn't lock automatically when I pulled out (they do auto-lock when I go into drive). About half way to work, they popped down all on their own. Then driving home tonight, they all popped open all by themselves. It's been a while since he did this so I was a bit surprised but then realized it was him. I'm glad to have him "back"!

Friday, September 9

Bryan is still letting us know that he knows about the new dryer center. In my email this morning was one from "Clean Clothes" and the subject was "Maytag Washer & Dryer Combo" ... we DID buy a Maytag and it was a combo dryer (the two section unit). Pretty wild!

Wednesday, September 14

The most amazing thing happened this afternoon! We received our order of wicker furniture -- a whopping 17 pieces total -- that was unloaded in our driveway. Mike and I spent several hours unpacking and unwrapping all the pieces and then putting all the cushions on so that I could be sure everything was there and arrived undamaged. This was tedious work and when we were done, we had furniture and boxes from the street all the way down our driveway to the garage! But everything arrived safe and looked fantastic. I was so pleased! We took a break and went to sit on the front porch and get our second wind. Mike asked me if I wanted to start taking the furniture inside as soon as we finished resting. I told him that no, I wanted to leave it out so that "Amberly and BRYAN could see it." Then I caught myself and said Amberly & Cris. Then I said aloud to Bryan, "Sorry, Bryan, I know you can already see it!" and laughed. Literally TWO SECONDS LATER a hawk came swooping up from our driveway, which is lower than our front porch, and right across our front yard directly in front of the porch. I have NEVER seen a hawk in my front yard before and most certainly NEVER this close to the ground (about 10 feet!) and the house. I literally gasped out loud and said "OH MY GOD!" so loud that Mike, who had just stepped inside the door, hurried back out to see what it was. When I told him, we both went out and looked up toward the sky. There we saw not only one hawk but THREE hawks circling in the sky above. What amazes me is that the hawk came from the direction where the furniture was in our driveway and it was almost as if Bryan was answering me directly and saying, "Yep, Mom, I see all the furniture!" It was one of the strongest signs I've ever received!

Sunday, September 18

On Friday night, Sept. 16, Mike, Amberly and I went to Philadelphia to see John Edward in a gallery setting. On the way, we saw more hawks than we could even count ... one time there were 17 or 18 swirling together in a huge cloud and another time there were 6 in a group. Total had to be well over 100! We were so sure Bryan would come through during the evening but, unfortunately, he did not. Knowing his personality, I can only assume that he is too kind-hearted to push his way through to the front when he KNOWS we already get signs from him. But one thing that did blow me away -- and I didn't think of it again until this morning -- is that John Edward mentioned in his warm-up talk that we shouldn't ask spirits to do specific things like asking them to "make a celing fan move NOW". When he said this, it resonated a chord within me because EVERY SUNDAY MORNING when I say the rosary in Bryan's room, I look up at his celing fan and ask him to MOVE IT to let me know he is there. Of course, it has never moved and when John E. said that, I felt that he was talking directly to me and that Bryan was telling me to stop asking him to do that. And this morning, as I sat on his bed with the rosary and looked up at the fan, I just started to chuckle. And I couldn't help but think of what an odd thing that was for John E. to say ... not just asking them to move any object but specifically to make a ceiling fan move!! Ok, Bryan, I get the message ;-) Needless to say, I won't ask for that specific sign any more!!

Eternal Flame

Okay, I guess what I just typed above was "right on the money" ... just after I typed the entry above, I got up to check something. When I came back, there was a quarter lying in the middle of my chair! I had not even left the room, just got up for a second to get something and when I turned back around, there was the quarter! Guess he's letting me know that the message was definitely for me!

Monday, September 19

Yesterday I had to go to the mall and buy a new cell phone as mine had finally broken completely. This morning when I downloaded my email, there was one titled "Isn't it time you got a new cell phone?" I just had to laugh!

Tuesday, September 20

Lori came over today and said that yesterday she had been in a store where they were asking for change to be donated to Katrina victims. She donated her money and while her wallet was open, the girl at the register commented about the handsome boy in the picture ... it was a photo of Bryan that she carries in her wallet. She told the girl all about Bryan and then decided to donate another dollar in his name. When they left the store, she and Travis noticed two hawks circling above them in the parking lot. They both felt Bryan was thanking them for thinking of him.

Sunday, September 25

For three days in a row, Bryan has blinked the bathroom vanity light at me while I am reading in the tub. Each time I have felt his presence and know that he was telling me good morning. This has happened sporadically over the past year and a half, but never three days in a row. I'm concerned that he's trying to tell me something or get my attention, but I'm unable to figure out what it is. For now, I'll just have to accept the message as a greeting and a "letting me know he's around" kind of thing.

Monday, September 26

This morning while in the tub, Bryan again turned the light off and on.  What makes this especially crazy is that the fixture where the light is has four bulbs and the one that he blinks is always the one on the end closest to me.  And only one of the four lights blinks which means it can't be a power switch or anything electrical or the entire fixture would go off.  Anyway, I decided to meditate and see if I could get anything from Bryan.  Soon, in my mind's eye, I saw a vision of him in his house in heaven ... the one he has shown me before that is on the top of a glen overlooking a waterfall.  There is a single tree on the very edge of the property and, in the tree, I could see the hawk on the top and our two cats, Oreo & Pumpkin, curled up on the branches.   In the yard, Bryan was tossing sticks for a menagerie of dogs to chase.  I saw our dogs Tupper and Buffy and even little Holly, a puppy we once had who died as a pup.  I also saw Sherry's dog, Sugar, who just passed and Amberly's little Maltese, Winston.  And Marge's dog Roxie and Arlene's dog Bandit.   He had quite a party of critters there!  After chasing the stick, they all danced around him, happy as they could be.  And his cousin Joe was suddenly there beside him, smiling and laughing at all the antics.  Then, inside the house, I "knew" that his grandparents, Bob & Ruth, were both there as well as my grandma Jo.  He also showed me a fishing stream on the other end of his property where he spends a lot of time.  These images all came clear as a bell and I could hear the dogs barking and Bryan and Joe laughing.  Was it all my imagination?  I don't know but I don't think so.  The peaceful feeling I had and the sense of his happiness just seemed too real.  All in all, it was a very comforting vision and I am grateful to Bryan and God for sharing it with me.

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Note:  If you have a story or experience with Bryan, please email it to me and I will add it to his journal.  These incidents have given our family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.

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