Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Shortly after midnight, I was in bed reading before falling asleep when I heard a rubber ball bouncing down the wooden staircase right outside our bedroom door. At the same time, I heard our cat, Moses, running down the stairs after the ball. Now Moses might chase a ball if it is thrown, but if it is lying on the floor, he would never show any interest in it. I strongly felt that Bryan was there playing with him. The other thing is that the only balls in the house belong to Nessa and have been missing for days. So I couldn't wait till morning to get up and see if there was a ball downstairs near the steps. This morning, when I went down, sure enough the ball was down there in the entryway. So my suspicions were confirmed ... it had to be Bryan! I told Amberly about it in the kitchen moments later and as I told her, I heard a phone ringing from far away. I asked her if she could hear a phone ringing and she said yes, she did, but it was upstairs and maybe was the computer room phone. I yelled up to Mike, who was in the computer room, and he said that it was not the computer phone but the main house phone was ringing (we have an extension in the computer room). Well, we have that phone in the kitchen where Amber and I were standing and in the famliy room and NEITHER of them were ringing! Only the one in the room Mike was in! It only rang four times and then stopped. There was nothing on the caller ID except "Incoming Call" on the one in the computer room. There was NOTHING on the caller ID on the kitchen and family room phones! Amberly made the comment that Bryan was confirming what I was telling her about the ball and Moses ;-)
What an awesome day! Just a few minutes ago, I went downstairs and saw a feather -- almost 9" long! -- lying in the center of our kitchen floor. I called to Mike, who was in the family room next to the kitchen, and asked him if he'd seen it. He said when he returned from his walk a little bit ago, it was lying there in the middle of the floor. Since we do have feathers in Bryan's room, I wanted to be sure Moses hadn't sneaked in there and carried one down. I have them booby-trapped ... the vase of feathers is on Bryan's dresser in the center of a bunch of sympathy cards we had received, all standing up so that if the cat would ever jump up on the dresser, they would get knocked down. So up I went to see if Moses had, in fact, stolen the feather from there. As I suspected, the feathers were intact and the cards were all untouched ... there is absolutely no way the cat could have gotten to them:
Wednesday, February 9
This morning I awoke with Sonny & Cher's "I Got You Babe" going through my mind. I hadn't heard it anywhere lately and I suspected that it was from Bryan. Maybe just an early Valentine's Day present? I've received a few sweet Valentine emails from nobody ... they just show up in my inbox ... he's always good about this kind of thing near the holidays.
Friday, February 11
Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, I went into the kitchen to turn off the lights. As I walked into the kitchen, the chandelier turned off completely, leaving me in total darkness. I stopped cold and started laughing ... Bryan had beat me to it! I went and turned the light back on just to be sure it hadn't burned out and, sure enough, it came back on. Today as I was telling Sherry about it on my way to work, I saw a hawk sitting in a tree right beside the road. Laughing, I told her that Bryan was confirming it with the hawk. Within minutes, the next three cars that pulled in front of me all had messages from him. The first was a white Impala with EZB 317 in the plate. Then there was another with 109 and another with 3317 ... I couldn't believe it!! But then again, why am I surprised? He's already shown us many times that these things are so EZ for him to do! :-)
Monday, February 14
Today Marge brought me in a Valentine's gift ... two pair of butterfly earrings ... we both felt that Bryan had a hand in it!
Well, Bryan made his presence known tonight with all of us. As we were in the family room watching TV, I saw the lamp post go completely out ... it stayed off for about 30 seconds or so and then came back on. Several times during the evening, the light would go off and then come back on anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes later ... from where I was sitting, I could clearly see it. I felt his presence and was really pleased that he was with us this evening. I knew he would be around today ... he never forgot Valentine's Day for me. I was so happy that he gave us such a strong sign and I hope he was happy on this Valentine's Day in heaven.
Tuesday, February 15
This morning, as soon as I logged on to get my email, Marge was waiting to instant message me. Last night, when she was out for Valentine's Day dinner, she SAW Bryan in a restaurant! As she was going to her table to be seated, a group of young men walked by them. She said that she normally wouldn't even have looked at them but, for some reason, she looked at the second one and it was TOTALLY Bryan! She said he had a knowing look in his eye and when she did a double-take at him, he gave her his typical "Bryan" smile ... that kind of all-knowing "gotcha!" smile that he did so well. She said she was so shocked she had to grab onto the nearest table for a second to steady herself. To those of you not familiar with this type of visit, John Edward refers to it as an "overlay" .. where spirit has the ability to momentarily overlay their features on someone with similar characteristics so that for a few seconds or minutes, the person will appear to actually be them. Apparently this is what Bryan did for Marge! She said she got the most amazing feeling of peace and amazement and felt close to heaven in a way that simply can't be put into words in a way we humans can understand. When they were seated, she told Valerie (her daughter) that she had just seen Bryan. Valerie told her that her Grandma was there, too .. Marge's mother passed last October. Marge saw the woman who resembled her mother but doesn't think she saw the overlay that Valerie did. My feeling is that Bryan was there showing Marge's mother how to appear as an overlay for her granddaughter and, in the process, decided to visit Marge and pass along a little Valentine's gift to me knowing that she would definitely tell me about it. I feel truly blessed that I have friends who are open to the process and that he is able to visit with them as well ;-) Thanks Bry!
Saturday, February 19
This morning I awoke with a great feeling ... Bryan came to me in a dream last night and it was very vivid. He and I were on a vacation in Southern California and I was taking him to many places that I wanted him to see. I knew it wasn't a dream, it was a visit, because in the dream he wanted to go off on his own to look at something and at first I was afraid to let him go but then I said to him, "I guess I really don't have anything to worry about ... you already died once!" Talk about a ridiculous statement! But they say that if you see someone in a dream who has passed and in the dream you KNOW they have passed, then it is a visit, not just a dream. So I guess the fact that I knew he had died made this a visit. We had a wonderful time together and I awoke feeling that I'd just spent several peaceful hours with him. As I got in my car to go to work, I was thinking about the dream and asking him if it were, in fact, a visit from him. In response, a hawk came soaring right over my car! Having only seen hawks occasionally now (and only as validations or when I'm feeling particularly low), I interpreted this as a strong yes. I immediately called Sherry on my cell and told her about the dream. As we spoke about it, two more hawks flew over my car! More validation! A friend of mine from California was also in the dream and Bryan and I had dinner with her (n the dream) ... I had emailed her early this morning to find out if perhaps she had been thinking about Bryan yesterday. When I told Sherry about this, another hawk took off from a tree alongside the road and flew over my car. There was a second hawk perched in the tree he had just left and it was looking down at my car as I passed. At that point, I almost didn't need my friend's confirmation that she had been thinking of Bryan yesterday. But later today, the email came back to me. And no surprise ... yes, my friend HAD been thinking of Bryan yesterday. This is the friend who sent me an article that was in the LA Times last year (see January 20, 2004 entry in this journal to see the relevance of this) ... she said that yesterday, there was another article in the paper about the Monarch butterflies and this reminded her of the article she sent me last year where Bryan validated an occurrence for her shortly after he passed. So he WAS on her mind! And he made a point to visit her in our dream visit last night. Amazing!
Also, this morning Bryan awoke me with a strange song going through my head. It was persistent and wouldn't go away. Of all songs, it was Billy Ray Cyrus' "Achy Breaky Heart" ... how bizarre is that? I have no idea why he gave me that song ... all I can think is that he's trying to let me know that he misses us as much as we miss him. And that's exactly how my heart feels sometimes ... I know that although he is happy in heaven, part of him wishes he could still be here for us as much as for him. Perhaps that's why he reaches back to us like he does ... because he understands how much we miss him in our lives.
Tuesday, February 23
Today I had a doctor appointment and Mike came with me ... we like to have lunch in town together afterward. Being in town made me think of Bryan and when he worked down there one summer ... how much he enjoyed it. As we drove home, something made me look away from the highway and up into the trees to the left of the car. There sat a big old fat hawk just staring down at the highway. I laughed and pointed him out to Mike when the same urge made me look to the right. There was his mate sitting in a tree to the right of the car, also looking down at us! It just tickled me and made me feel that Bryan was close to me today as I was seeing my doctor. I was pleased to get a clean bill of health ;-)
Saturday, February 26
This morning while I was reading in the bath, the light on the end of the light fixture blinked off. I hadn't been thinking about Bryan and I wasn't sure it was him, but I acknowledged him anyway and told him to turn it back on if it was him. In about 30 seconds, it came back on. It did not happen again while I was in the tub, so I wondered what message he was trying to give me. Particularly since he usually only blinks lights in response to my trying to reach him or if I am thinking of him or sad. This time I hadn't been thinking of him or feeling sad, so I wasn't sure how to interpret it, especially since it was only one single blink on/off. Usually when he comes to me this way, he blinks it several times. About an hour later, as I was fixing my hair in the bathroom getting ready to go to work, it happened again. Off and then on again about 10 seconds later ... just once. . A strong feeling of foreboding came over me ... he was trying to give me a message ... something "bad" had happened and I strongly felt he was trying to warn me. I dropped everything and ran to make sure Amberly and Mike were both ok ... they were. I made phone calls to family and they were ok. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Well, about 10 minutes later my phone rang and it was Ed calling to tell me that he and Arlene were at the vet. Their dog, Angel, had been unwell and this morning she was much worse ... they were there to have her put to sleep. As soon as I hung up, I called my mother to tell her that I think Bryan was trying to warn me and to let me know that he would take care of the dog in heaven. As I said it, something made me look up and there, about 10 feet above my skylight in the car, soared a huge hawk! It was then that I knew, without any doubt, that Bryan had Angel with him in heaven and she was playing with all the other pets Bryan has with him. He always was an animal lover and I know he gets great joy from all of them there. Within five minutes, two more hawks appeared to validate the feeling. It also then occurred to me that Arlene just told me yesterday that she had been visiting Bryan's website and reading about him. As he has done with others who have visited his website, I believe he reached out to her to take care of her pet in heaven in gratitude for her spending time "with him" yesterday. Mediums always talk about synchronicity ... the irony in her thinking of him yesterday and the message about their dog today just confirms the message.
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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