Bryans Journal of Miracles
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This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Today Bryan was just around us all day! Mike and I went to Sam's Club to shop this afternoon and as we were looking for a parking spot, a white PT Cruiser backed out of a spot for us and there was a blue butterfly on the passenger side door! How crazy is that?? I asked Mike if he saw it and, of course, he had. After we parked, as we were walking in I noticed that the license plate right across from our space ended in 617 ... not Bryan's birthday, but I've been seeing the number 617 several times a day now for several months. I still haven't figured out the significance, but it's been popping up everywhere for me. Then there were several other license plates with 317, 1709, and various combinations of the 3/17 and 1/09 dates ... more than you would normally see just walking into a store. When I was in the store shopping, I noticed a song playing in the background. Now mind you ... I never notice background music ... and didn't even know they HAD background music in Sam's ... and the song was Jenny 867-5309 by Blink 182, one of Bryan's favorite bands and a song he had given us early on that lead us to Jenny Wittberger who also passed from a drug overdose (the whole story of Jenny and how Bryan met her in heaven is documented earlier in this journal). The song was playing so faintly in the background that I know Bryan had to call my attention to it as I would never have heard it otherwise.
Later this afternoon, when we came home, Mike and I went down to the pool to swim. I took Sandy down first to swim and spent about 15 minutes tossing her water toy for her to fetch. Then Mike came down and we both were swimming for a bit when Mike suddently noticed that the fiberoptic lights were on! These lights normally don't show up much in daytime, but we have a waterfall that has a lightbar beneath it and the little pinpoints of light are right in our line of vision, particularly where Mike sits on the step, and he had not seen them when we first got in. Not to mention that we close the pool at night and, if the lights are on, there is no way we would close the cover with the lights on. It's pretty much impossible. Plus I had been tossing Sandy's toy and had been looking at the light tower at that time and it was definitely not lit up. When I looked at the switch on the wall, it was in the on position and the cover was locked shut. We both knew that Bryan had done it. It wouldn't be the first time he has literally turned a light switch on or off. Because the swtich is beneath a large cover that snaps shut, there is no way someone could bump it. Then, a few minutes later, I realized that I was swimming with my heart pendant on that has Bryan's ashes in it. This is also something that I never do because I was told the seal isn't waterproof, so not to wear it in water for any extended time. So I ALWAYS take it off before swimming. It's like Bryan was telling us he was with us there in the water and we had better believe it. And we do!
Friday, July 7
This afternoon Mike and I were out on the deck when I happened to look up and noticed a hawk so close to the house. It was literally about 20 feet above us and just circling over our deck. I watched him as he circled at least six times before moving up higher and finally away. I felt as if he were watching us and I sensed Bryan's presence. Later on, I found a feather lying in the doorway right on the deck!
Monday, July 10
Today I got a really cool sign from Bryan and make no mistake ... it was DEFINITELY a sign (literally!) LOL Last night I was watching a John Edward show and he was talking about signs and how they are very subtle and easy to miss. He said ;you just have to be more aware and open to receiving them. I always have been receptive but lately I have felt that I'm reading too much into signs and I'm hesitant to think certain signs are Bryan. Well, today Mike and I went down to the church to place fresh flowers on his grave and to make our weekly visit. On the way home, at a stop sign, something made me notice that the telephone pole alongside our car had a number on it. I mentioned to Mike that I never knew telephone poles were numbered. I started looking at other poles we passed and they all had numbers, not in any type of sequence, just random three digit numbers. And I knew at that moment that the pole outside our house was going to have a significant number for us. I told Mike to drive slow past the pole so I could check out the number. And sure enough ... the number on the pole directly outside OUR house was 317! and beneath it was the number 5 which corresponds with the number of people in our family. Now I could say I was surprised, but I had a feeling from the moment I noticed the numbers on the first pole that there would be something special in the numbers on our pole. I just didn't know HOW special! In all my life, I have never noticed numbers on telephone poles. Why today all of a sudden? And on our way back from visiting him no less ;-) Below is a photo of the pole:
Click image for enlarged photo
That pole has probably been there the entire 30 years that we have lived there and we never knew it had a number on it, much less 317. I felt Bryan had reached out to us in a BIG way today.
Saturday, July 22
Boy, have the hawks ever been around lately! This afternoon, Cris and Kristen were visiting. Cris came out on the deck ... he had just been in the front yard and saw a hawk fly over our house and into our back yard. We looked up to the pine trees and he was perched at the top of one of them. As we watched, he took off and circled around several times, finally hovering right over our deck and calling out with "hawk screeches" to us. It was amazing! I told Cris I thought Bryan was wishing him a happy birthday. I have seen a hawk in our yard or directly over our house several times in the past week and I just know it's Bryan letting us know he's around during this time.
Wednesday, July 26
Today Amberly and I went to the bank together to open an account for her new business, (click to visit her new site!). We were in there for about half an hour and when we came out, we noticed before we got in my car that the motor was running. Ok, you say, so I forgot to turn it off. NO, I didn't, because I have a keypad entry so I never even take my keys with me. I leave them on the floor of the car. When I opened the door, there they were on the floor. The ignition was off and the engine was running, the air was on, and the car was nice and cool. We both looked at each other and got goosebumps ... there is absolutely NO WAY the car could start by itself! We both immediately felt that Bryan was sending us his support and well wishes for her new venture. It was so hot outside and he had the car ready and cooled down and waiting for us! How sweet!
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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