Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Tonight was a big night for Cristopher and Kristen. He asked her to marry him and she said yes! I wasn't able to write anything on here prior to this day because it was a secret, but Bryan had been "sending" emails to me since the day Cristopher went to pick out a ring. The day after he had gone ring shopping, I received two emails that said in the subject line "Get an engagement ring today!" Then when he actually GOT the ring a week and a half later, I received an email within literally minutes that said just "Engagement Ring". Since Bryan's passing, I always receive emails with very timely subjects that pertain to whatever is happening in our lives. I know it's just one of many ways he has of reaching out to us and one that I particularly relate to since I am online all the time. He also has let me know he's aware of some health problems that Amberly is having with chronic pain. On the day she went in to the hospital for some tests, I received two emails with the subject "Chronic pelvic pain ... get answers!" These things aren't random ... they come in my mail the very day that they are pertinent. So it's definitely him in my opinion.
NOTE: Updates added December 26 ... things have gotten VERY busy and I was unable to update the journal but I did have LOTS of information to share and I am doing that now. So even though I am technically adding the following on the 26th of December, they actually occurred on the dates below.
Sunday, November 19
Today Amberly came to work with me as my partner was out of town. She only comes in a few times a year but today started a sequence of events that Bryan had a major hand in orchestrating (at least we believe that he did!). On the way in, she mentioned to me that she and Brendan wanted to get together with me tomorrow to discuss their wedding plans. They've been engaged since February and now that Cris and Kristen were engaged, they felt they needed to get their plans resolved. Initially they wanted to be married in Florida on the beach but that just didn't seem to be coming together. So they were at odds as to where/what/how to do it. We didn't speak any more about it but went in to the shop and took care of business there, which was extremely slow. In fact, it was so slow that at 4 pm, I decided to just lock up and go home. As I approached the front door with my key in hand to lock it, I was met by Dr. Stu Broberg, the interim pastor from Westminster Presby Church who came there shortly after Bryan passed. He was there for about 2 years and then moved on. We hadn't seen him since and were delighted to see him at the shop. He was looking for an antique cane for his dad and we helped him find one. We then asked where he was working now since he left Westminster. He said he was at First Presby in downtown Pittsburgh and that I would love the church as it was a historic landmark and has 13 signed Tiffany stained glass windows. Amberly asked him if he did weddings there and he said that he did. I mentioned that it would probably be booked up for years as it was such a prestigious location. He told us that since they only were permitted to do weddings for members of that church, that it wasn't that booked. He said that even though we weren't members, since he knew us from Westminster, he felt confident we would be accepted there. Another reason he felt that it would be permitted was that Westminster was having their sanctuary remodeled and it would be closed for weddings during the first part of 2007. We got very excited and I asked him if he had a business card on him. At that point, he looked at me and said that he NEVER carries business cards with him but that something made him go back this morning and take ONE card from his bureau and put it in his pocket. He then took it out and handed it to me saying, "I guess this was meant for you!" We all felt that God's hand was in it as well as Bryan's. Amberly felt strongly that we were being lead to a wedding decision by Beans.
On the way home, I mentioned to her that since she had always said she wanted a March wedding, what would she feel about doing it on Bryan's birthday, March 17th? I can't explain why or how, but I just "felt" strongly that Bryan was telling me he wanted them to be married on his birthday. Amber said that she had thought of that but wasn't sure how I would feel about it, so she hadn't mentioned it to me. Of course, neither of us knew what day of the week the 17th would fall on, so at that point, I said that if Bryan really wants this, then we will know by checking the date. She opened her cell phone and pulled up the calendar and VOILA! -- the 17th of March 2007 falls on a Saturday! All of a sudden, we just KNEW that everything would fall into place. Bryan was definitely going to take care of it!
The next day, Monday, I called the church and confirmed that March 17th was available. Yahoo! That same night, we went to David's Bridal and Amberly tried on wedding gowns, only to end up selecting the very first one she tried on. There was another wedding party trying on bridesmaids gowns next to us and I began chatting with the bride. When I asked her when her wedding was and she said "March 17th" you could have knocked me over with a feather. Wow! Another confirmation from Bryan that this was what he wanted. What are the chances?!? But the signs continued ...
When we visited the church, we could hardly believe our eyes when we saw the altar. Right in the MIDDLE of the altar, carved in stone, was a beautiful BUTTERFLY! Now tell me, how often have you seen a butterfly carved into the stone of a 100-year-old church? I have never seen a butterfly in any church but there it was. Here is a picture of it:
And here is a photo of the wedding ceremony with the butterfly in between the pastor and Amberly:
(Click image for enlarged pic)
Friday, November 22
Today when Marge came in to work, I was telling her all about the wedding and how the 17th came to be selected. Right when I said that Amberly had pulled up her calendar on her cell phone to check the date and that the 17th of March fell on a Saturday, ALL the lights in the store dimmed and almost went off then came back up bright. She and I both looked at each other in amazement with our mouths open like "did you see THAT?" It then happened AGAIN and we both immediately screamed out "Bryan!" Both of us ended up laughing and crying in total disbelief. We BOTH saw it and it actually did happen ... the entire store lights went dim and almost went out and then came on again strong. TWICE!
Thursday, November 30
Tonight we had a reading with psychic medium Kat Tucci. It had been quite a while since we had a reading with Kat and she was unaware of the developments of Cris and Amber's engagements. Brendan, Amber, Mike and I were present for the reading. I was careful to introduce Brendan as Amber's boyfriend, not fiance', as I didn't want to alert her to their impending marriage but rather wanted to see if it would come up in the reading. Well, I needn't have worried. Within the first five minutes, she mentioned that she sees a wedding and that Bryan will be there! She also said there was something red in the wedding ... this made no sense to us as we chose peridot and celadon green as the wedding party colors, so there was no red anywhere. But this would come up later and would be validated in a very AMAZING way! (see first week of December for the validation)
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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