Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Yesterday we took Sandy to OSU for another chemo treatment. She's been doing really well and has responded to the chemo better than we ever expected. Back in February when we first learned she had terminal liver cancer, the vet pretty much dashed any hopes we had of her living to enjoy swimming in our pool. Sandy's favorite thing in the world to do is swim and she was so sick in February that we truly believed that we had gotten our pool too late and that she would never be able to swim in it. Well, on Wednesday she swam all day long! I would throw a stick into the water and she would swim out to retrieve it every time. She actually wore me out! So when we took her back to the vet yesterday for her 6th treatment, we brought along pictures of her swimming. He actually got tears in his eyes and shook his head, remembering the dog in February who looked to be on death's door, and said, "This is more than we could have asked for." And he thanked us for the pictures. I have no doubt the chemo is helping, but I also believe Bryan has helped also. As I drove home this evening, I placed my hand on Sandy's side and said a little prayer of thanks to Bryan and the Lord for allowing Sandy these extra months to enjoy life. At the moment I ended my prayer, a white Impala pulled up beside me and as it passed, I noticed the license plate began with 17. I knew then that Bryan had heard me.
Below is a photo of Sandy swimming. If you would like to see more photos, click on the image. It will open a new window with a 5-photo slideshow for you to enjoy.
Saturday, June 3
Today Mike was on his usual walk through the woods ... he says there is a particular tree that he always visits and talks to Bryan there ... he feels closer to his spirit in that spot. After visiting the tree yesterday, when he turned to leave, there was a feather lying right in the middle of the path. He brought it home to add to our collection and told me he has never found a feather there before and felt strongly that Bryan was acknowledging his visit.
Side Note: We are still amazed that the weather was so nice for our Memorial Day pool openhouse. The temperature has dropped back into the 60's and it has rained every single day since then. We are now more sure than ever that Bryan had a hand in making our day a beautiful, awesome success!
Tuesday, June 6
Today I had a little get together for my mom and sisters at the pool. Darlene mentioned to me that she had had a sign from Bryan and that he always gives her signs in threes. She said she had gone for an appointment and there were two mallard ducks outside the office building where she went. Having never seen ducks there before, she mentioned it to the receptionist who told her that they had ducks there over the years, but hadn't had any around for a while. Then a day later, while visiting a friend in the opposite part of town, she saw two mallard ducks AGAIN. Now, having just seen the exact same kind of ducks in an unusual place the day before, she commented about it to her friend (who knows of Bryan and his signs) and mentioned that she thought it must be Bryan. At the exact moment that she was telling her this, a solid blue butterfly came flying up to them and, after circling around a bit, flew away. She then KNEW it was Bryan and her friend told her she had goosebumps!
When she related this story to me, I told her that I haven't been getting as many signs from Bryan. Sherry told me that she had received a message from Bryan that he has been sending me signs but that I'm not picking up on them. This might be true as I see hawks but don't always attribute them to Bryan. And I find feathers but tell myself it's just a feather, not a sign, and that not every feather will be a sign. But part of me feels guilty about thinking that way because I think many of them still ARE signs. Anyway, I had just mentioned this to her this morning. After everyone left, I gathered up the wet towels and tossed them in the washer. When I was switching them from the washer to the dryer, I heard a metallic clink in the dryer. Lifting up the wet towels, there was shiny dime lying in the dryer. I immediately KNEW it was a sign from Bryan. There is absolutely no possible way a dime was in any of the towels I washed and it certainly wasn't in the dryer as the dime "clinked" when I dropped the towels in. I took that as my reprimand from that I am geting signs and to not question them so much. JUST BELIEVE!
Wednesday, June 7
Today I was out by the pool with Sandy. We had just gone out and Sandy stepped down into the pool to fetch her stick when a gorgeous yellow Swallowtail butterfly came fluttering out of the pine trees and down over the pool -- over Sandy! -- and then flew off up over our deck. I immediately felt Bryan's presence there and know that he is so happy that Sandy is able to swim and is enjoying the pool finally. A little later, Amberly and Brendan were there visiting. I walked over to Brendan and just as I did, a feather came fluttering down from the sky and stuck itself into the table I was standing beside! Wow! I was so happy to have two signs from him this afternoon ... and I know they were signs. ;-)
Thursday, June 8
This morning I was out by the pool and a little white butterfly came fluttering over to me. As is fluttered around, I could see that the top side of its wings were a very pretty light blue. The underside, which when he landed were visible because the wings were closed, were white with tiny black specks. It was really unusual. Anyway, it stayed out by the pool for about an hour, literally following me when I would get out and walk around. I felt Bryan's presence very strongly. A bit later, when I walked over the the area where the gravel is, there was a solid orange butterfly resting there on the rocks. It wasn't orange and black, just solid orange. I had never seen this type either. I remembered the Swallowtail that I saw yesterday and realized that I had seen three butterflies by the pool in two days. This in itself wouldn't mean much except that tonight, I checked on the web statistics for Bryan's site. There is a log there that I can view which search words or phrases someone used to get to his site. One jumped out at me simply because it was so long ... usually search words are one or two words, never an entire sentence. Yet this sentence was in the search phrases:
"i sent three butterflies one to put flowers on your cheek one to kiss your eyes and one to say i love you"
I was stunned! OK, so who types in a sentence like that for a search?? No one! I truly felt it was a message directly from Bryan specifically referring to the three butterflies I had just seen that I felt were related to him. Please don't get the idea that I think every butterfly I see is from Bryan because I don't. Naturally, I see butterflies all the time. But these three -- and the others I mention here -- were special in that they either showed up at a very opportune moment or their actions made them stand out.
Friday, June 9
Bryan was playing a numbers game with me today. It started as I was driving to work. I was trying to channel God's healing power by placing my hand on Sandy's abdomen (she was sitting in the passenger seat) and, as I prayed, envisioning white and green healing light being sent through me to Sandy. I have no idea if this works, but I've read about it, and Sandy is doing well, so I'm willing to try anything. Anyway, as I was doing this, I noticed the car in front of the car ahead of me was an Impala (Bryan's car) and the license plate ended in 109 (Bryan's DOD). It made me smile because I felt he was reassurring me that what I was doing was helping Sandy. A minute later, the car in between our two cars turned off and the license plate was completely visible to me. The first letters were FSW ... they meant nothing to me but a second later, I clearly heard Bryan's voice in my head "Faith Shall Win". Wow! I couldn't believe it! I do have faith that prayer will help Sandy and she has been doing so well. Certainly I am not naive enough to think that she will be cured -- she has terminal cancer -- but I do know that her quality of life right now is GOOD. She is happy, apparently healthy to anyone who doesn't know she is sick, and comfortable. So yes, I believe Faith Shall Win! Throughout the day, I kept noticing that the cars around me almost all had a combination of numbers with Bryan's DOB and DOD ... 317, 3109, 1719, and on and on. And even a credit card order I put through in the store started with 317 and had an expiration date of 109. Really wild!
Friday, June 16
This morning Mike and I were down at the pool and Sandy was there with us. She loves the pool and swimming so much that I can hardly get a moment's peace when I'm down there. She wants to fetch constantly! At one point, I was in the pool and Mike was sitting in one of the chairs. Sandy climbed out of the pool and carried her fetch toy over to him and dropped it. A few seconds later, a little white butterfly came up and circled around for a few minutes. I pointed it out to Mike and, just then, it landed on Sandy's wet toy. Moments later, it flew up and landed on Sandy's wet back! We were both amazed that it would land on a dog and especially a WET one! But it wasn't finished. It flew off Sandy and went straight back down to the toy. Now we were truly mesmerized ... what on earth was it doing? Well, it left the toy and went back up to Sandy again. And then back down to the toy. And then back up to Sandy. Again and again and again! We weren't counting, but it must have been at least 8 - 10 times that it flew back and forth between Sandy and the toy, landing on each one every single time and then going back. We both felt strongly that Bryan was there and letting us know how truly happy he is that Sandy is still with us and is enjoying the pool. He would have loved seeing her swimming. I feel it is his intervention from heaven that has helped keep Sandy alive long enough for her to live her dream of swimming. I got a picture of her resting near where the butterfly had been but the butterfly was already gone.
Click to see Sandy Resting by the Pool
Tuesday, June 20
Last week, Cris' girlfriend Kristen came to Pittsburgh to interview for a job. We all felt strongly that she would get it, but Bryan confirmed it when I received three emails in a row -- one on top of the other -- with the sender's name Kristin and the single word "JOB" in the subject. The emails came in within a few days of her interview. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to jinx it, but today she was hired. So I guess Bryan knew before any of us ;-)
Monday, June 26
Oddly enough, a movie came in the mail today from Blockbuster (Cris subscribes to their movies online) and he absolutely did not order it. The movie was "Just Like Heaven" and we all felt Bryan must have had a hand in getting it to us as it was not ordered by anyone here. So we watched the movie wondering what the message would be, if any. At one point in the movie, the young couple go into a beautiful garden ... so beautiful that it looked heavenly. I immediately reacted to it because at one of Carole Obley's medium sessions, at the end when she walks you through a meditation, I had envisioned that exact same garden and Bryan had come to greet me there. I remembered we went to sit on a park bench on the left side of the garden. I stopped the movie and told Mike that THIS was the garden I had seen in my meditation where I met Bryan. It wasn't just similar, it was EXACT. I told him about the park bench and then started the movie again and -- you guessed it -- there was the park bench in the next scene exactly where I said it would be. It just totally blew me away! I believe with all my heart that Bryan somehow got that movie to us so that i could see that scene. It was just amazing!
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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