Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
Quick Jump Links:
List of those mentioned in the journal:
Mike - Bryans Father
Kathy - Bryan's Mom (me)
Amberly - Bryans Sister
Cris - Bryans Brother
"My Mom" - Bryans Grandma Mary
"My Dad" - Bryans Grandpa Ray
Sherry - Bryans aunt (my sister) who is clairvoyant
Darlene - Bryans aunt (my sister)
Debbie - Bryans aunt (my sister)
Lori - Bryans aunt (my sister)
Sherry S. - Bryans aunt (Mikes sister)
Bev - Bryans aunt (Mikes sister)
Barb - Bryans aunt (Mikes sister)
Kelly - Bryans cousin (Darlenes daughter, my niece)
Joe - Bryans cousin (Sherry Ss son who passed away a few years
Jacob - Bryan's cousin (Lori's son)
Mike R. - Sherrys husband (Bryans uncle through marriage)
Connie - my sister who died at birth
Bob & Ruth - Bryans Grandma and Grandpa (Mikes parents,
Grandma & Grandpa LaGambo - Bryans Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa
(Kathys grandparents, deceased)
Brooke - Bryans high school girlfriend and his first true love
Paul Becker - Loris friend from childhood who had been an addict all
his life and died in his 40s
Josh D. - Bryans childhood friend
Carol - Bryans friend from high school
Marge - my friend
Citte - my friend from California who met Bryan last summer
Chad - Bryans childhood friend
Ruthie - Our neighbor and long-time friend
Jessica - Bryan's Friend
Ric - Bryan's Friend
Jason (Jay) - Bryan's Friend
Ed - My business partner and long-time friend
Yesterday my computer desk lamp burned out and wouldn't turn back on, so I went and bought a new desk light. The old lamp was a super designer lamp by Ott and I really liked it but I couldn't figure out how to change the bulb, so I tossed it and bought a cheap new lamp. If you recall, this is the lamp that Bryan has played around with in the past. The lamp was not old; in fact, I have only had it less than a year. Well, oddly enough, today I received an email with the subject "ott" ... that's all, just that one word, "ott". I got such a chuckle out of it ... I really had the strong feeling that Bryan was letting me know he sees that I had to replace the lamp but was also sheepishly apologizing for burning it out. I think when he zaps things to get them to turn off or on, it can sometimes damage the item he is zapping. The phone on my computer desk is also acting very weird ... it works about half the time and not at all half the time, so I'm thinking that's the next thing we'll have to replace!
Since planning our trip to California for this August, I have felt that Bryan has been telling me he will be with us. I know he wanted me to do this and is very happy that Amberly and Cris and Mike will be able to do the same things he and I did when we were out there two summers ago. Strangely enough, the past two nights I have awakened at 2:22 a.m. ... last night the clock flipped over to 2:23 a.m. I initially thought maybe that was the actual time that he passed (and it still might be), but this morning he "told" me that no, 222-223 were the pages in a book. The book I am presently reading is by Sylvia Browne, so I went to pages 222 & 223. These two pages were all about a place in Northern California called the Moss Beach Distillery which is famous for its Blue Lady Ghost. Thinking perhaps Bryan wanted us to visit here when we were in California, I went in search on the internet to find where in Northern California this place existed and if it was even still there. You can't imagine my surprise when I found that not only was it still there, it is located about ten minutes from the hotel we'll be staying in!!!!!! And it is known for its fine dining as well as spectacular views and appearances of the Blue Lady Ghost. Nothing like Bryan giving us a direct tip on where to go but letting us know he will DEFINITELY be there with us! Now he's even helping me plan the trip! ;-)
Wednesday, June 2
Since seeing the new little baby butterfly the other night, the white butterfly has been M.I.A. Even though we weren't seeing the white one, though, Bryan sent us a few others in the interim. Anyway, that aside, this morning I was awakened by my cell phone ringing in another area of the house. I kept hearing the song for a voice mail playing over and over again every 5 minutes. When I finally retrieved the message, it was from a friend telling me that Judy Collier, the woman who wrote "Quit Kissing My Ashes", was going to be here in town Saturday night. If you recall, Judy Collier's son, Kyle, passed several years ago and he has been sending her signs very similar to the signs Bryan sends us. So naturally we have to go see her! Within minutes of making my reservations for the seminar, I heard Bryan telling me telepathically that he has not only met Kyle in heaven, Kyle has been the one teaching him how to do all the signs he does. In fact, that's why so many of the things he does are the same things that are in the book. I remember when I read the book, I felt it could have been written about Bryan because the things Kyle has done were the same things Bryan was doing for us! When I thought further about it, it dawned on me that Bryan had actually lead us to Judy's book and, therefore, to Kyle. This happened by my sister, Sherry, being lead by Bryan one night to Kat Tucci's website where we signed up for our first reading. On Kat's page was a link to Judy's book, which I ordered immediately. So I believe in my heart that Bryan knew Kyle back then and had connected us to them for a reason. Also, in our last reading with Kat Tucci, Bryan specifically mentioned Kyle ... I have no doubt that they have become friends in heaven.
Last night, Mike and I were awakened at exactly 3:17 a.m. ... Bryan's birthday is 3/17. When I mentioned this to Amberly in the morning, she asked if we had gone downstairs at around 4 a.m. I told her no, we never even got up. She then told me that she had heard a lot of racket in our kitchen which is right above her bedroomat around that time. She said she heard footsteps, chairs being dragged on the floor, and cupboards opening and closing. She said there was so much noise that she was too scared to even go upstairs as she was sure there was an intruder! Since Sandy (our dog) sleeps in our room and the door is closed, only our older cat would have been downstairs and there's no way he could move chairs, make footstep sounds, and open doors!
Also, in the morning, I noticed a sign that Bryan had been in his room. I left a letter from one of his friends on his bed for him to read as well as a newspaper article about his favorite group, Blink 182. I always check the letter each morning to see if it's been moved. It's several pages long and I keep them stacked neatly. This morning the pages were fanned out as if they had been picked up and read and just put back down haphazardly. And the article was moved from the position it was in before. So I believe Bryan was here visiting last night and what Amberly heard in the kitchen was him.
Thursday, June 3
Sherry told me this morning that she had several signs from Bryan recently. The first was that on a walk through the woods, three roosters appeared near the trail she and Mike were on. One of them was a huge white one. As they passed by them, the white rooster came out onto the trail, fluffed himself up, and let out three loud "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo's". They turned to look at him and walked back toward him ... he was in the same exact spot where she had found the dime last week. He allowed them to approach within a few feet and then slowly ambled back into the woods. She had the strong sensation that it was a sign from Bryan. Shortly thereafter, she saw a cloud formation that looked exactly like Bryan's face in the radiating rays of the sunbeams!
Friday, June 4
Yay! My butterfly is back! I had been getting worried as the white butterfly hadn't been here for a few days, and that's the first time in 17 days that he wasn't here. But he was back this morning right on the front door.
This afternoon, Amberly called me at work all amazed. She had been sitting out on the deck in back when a HUGE crow landed in a tree right near her. She said it was so big that the tree branch almost broke off beneath his weight. He stayed there in the tree looking at her for what seemed like forever. She said she felt so strongly that it was a sign from Bryan that she couldn't believe it. Never before had she seen a bird that big that close!
Saturday, June 5
This morning there were TWO white butterflies above the door in the entryway. I'm so glad he's returned and with another one as well! And although I hadn't seen any hawks for about three days -- and this was a first since the hawks have been appearing for me -- I saw at least six of them today. Wherever Bryan was, he must have been very busy as the bird and butterfly signs are a daily occurrence for me. I can't remember going three days without them before. I'm just glad they -- and he -- are back.
Also, he awoke me this morning with Neil Diamond's "Song Sung Blue" ... I have no idea why, but that's what he gave me. I'll have to ask him what the message was in this one ... maybe it's just a song about feeling good, I'll have to wait and see. I was "sleeping on my pillow" when he sent it to me, so maybe he was just simply letting me know he was with me. I am always thinking of him first thing when I awake every morning and he's the last thought in my mind before I fall asleep at night.
Tonight we went to a seminar to see Judy Collier, the author of "Quit Kissing my Ashes" and Carole Obley, local medium. As soon as we walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes. There, in the front of the room, were two musicians and one was playing singing quartz bowls, the very things that Bryan had brought up in our last reading with Kat Tucci that we had never heard of and had no idea what they were. He had mentioned these in the same reading that he brought up Kyle's name, Judy's son, who I know has met Bryan in heaven. This was a major validation for me. Here is a picture of the singing quartz bowls:
(Click for Enlarged Image)
(Watch Video)
At the exact same moment that we (Mike and I) were at this seminar, Amberly was at a wedding that Bryan had mentioned was coming up this summer in a reading back in February. To refresh your memory, he said there would be a wedding coming up and that it was connected to Amberly's friend, Tom. Amberly was invited to this wedding just recently through a new friend that Tom introduced her to! So both of the things that he had foretold came to pass on the exact SAME day.
Sunday, June 6
The little white butterfly is still with us as well as several other ones that have been showing up. I am keeping these updated daily on our Butterfly Album page.
Monday, June 7
This morning Bryan awakened me with the old Diana Ross song "Touch Me in the Morning."
Tuesday, June 8
This afternoon I was lying out on the back deck trying to get some tan and reading my latest book by Patrick Mathews, "Never Say Goodbye." As I read a paragraph about seeing signs in clouds in the sky (like Sherry seeing Bryan's face in a cloud the other day), I happened to glance up at the sky. I had been outside over an hour and had never looked up once. Just when I did look up, a hawk glided over the house and was gone. He was only there for two seconds and had I looked up a second before or after, I would never have seen it. But Bryan made sure that I looked up at the EXACT second that I was supposed to! I feel truly blessed that he does these things for me as they make me feel so happy knowing he is nearby.
Wednesday, June 9
I knew this morning when I awoke that today marks 5 months since Bryan's passing, so I also knew this would be a special day of signs from him. It's not even noon and I haven't been disappointed! Knowing how sad this day is for me, he started out bright and early with plenty of signs:
Just minutes after this, the most AMAZING thing of all occurred. A beeping sound began going off and I thought at first it was coming from outside. When it wouldn't stop or diminish, I got up and went to my bedroom where the sound was coming from. To my utter amazement, it was coming from the telephone on my nightstand. This phone has a clock and an alarm in it, neither of which I ever use. The clock is not set and I don't even know how to set the alarm. Yet the alarm was going off! It took me several seconds to figure out how to turn it off. Then I looked at the clock on my husband's nightstand (which is set to the right time!) and realized that this alarm clock went off at the exact same time that we found Bryan the morning of January 9th! The hair on the back of my neck and arms literally stood up when I realized what a powerful sign this was. The alarm on that phone has never gone off nor been used EVER! How can anyone ever doubt that life goes on when something this blatant occurs??? You simply cannot! Thank you, Bryan, for your many gifts to us proving that you are still right here and part of our lives ;-) WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!!
Friday, June 11
This morning was a very cold, rainy day and I was thinking of Bryan as usual on my drive to work. I was thinking to myself that I probably wouldn't be seeing any hawks this morning because of the weather but as I looked at one of the spots where Bryan usually has a hawk sitting for me atop an electrical tower, there it was! I couldn't believe a hawk would be out in such horrid weather, but he was perched there plain as day. It really made me feel good and I thanked him for the sign. A few miles further down the road, I felt Bryan telling me to "look over there" and so I did. There was nothing but woods but in the tree nearest the road, another hawk was perched there in the rain. I got such a rush of warmth and thanked Bryan again for sending me another sign. At that very moment, I noticed the license plate in front of me said "Rainbow Honda" ... and that brought tears of joy to my eyes. He couldn't give me a real rainbow, so he gave me the thought of one by putting the word right in front of me. I can't tell you how happy that made me feel. Strangely, on my way home 6 hours later, it was still raining and BOTH hawks were still in the exact same position where I'd seen them this morning! I don't know what made me even look, but when I did, they were there. Very, very strange! Sometimes I think I'm the only one who sees them.
Today Mike bought a new cell phone, one with a camera like mine so that he can take pictures when he sees signs from Bryan that he wants to share with me. Amazingly, when he got it home and looked at it, the screen saver the store had set had a nature scene and a blue butterfly periodically flutters across the screen! We all felt it was a very obvious sign from Bryan for his dad, especially with Father's Day coming close. In fact, Mike has been looking at cars as he is thinking of buying a new one and trading in his Envoy. In my email today, I received an email with the subject "Dreaming of a New Car." I had to show it to him as I felt it was a message to him from Bryan letting him know he is aware of his search.
Tonight I was sitting in the kitchen at the table doing word puzzles in a puzzle book. Suddenly the chandelier began to flicker ... it has not done that for several weeks ... I think the last time was when Rick and Tim were here for dinner and that was some time ago. Anyway, I called to Mike to hurry and look when BOTH the light bulbs in the chandelier went off completely. All the other lights in the kitchen were on, it was just the chandelier that was off! I was amazed that Bryan was letting me know he was there. I had to go over to the switch and the second I touched it, the lights came back on. They didn't flicker again all night and the bulbs are both fine.
Saturday, June 12
Tonight I was online and was checking my yahoo email account. Just as I was logging out of their program, an ad caught my eye that said "If you die, love continues." I wondered what it was about but the screen changed and it was too late to go back. So I went on to check my spam filter for another email account that I have. In with dozens of other emails, one caught my attention right away. The subject: "If you die, loves continues." This was not an ad but an email subject. In a totally different email account. And within 10 seconds of seeing the ad in my yahoo mail. I just sat there staring at the screen and then smiled ... again, Bryan uses the computer as one of his ways of getting messages across to me. And I DO know now that if you die, love DOES continue! Bryan has made that clear time and time again!
Monday, June 14
Today at work, Ruthie and I were talking about Bryan. We were particularly reminiscing about his last day in the shop with both of us and how much he had helped me out. I was feeling particularly sad because I hadn't realized until he had passed how much work he had done for me in my office and I was telling Ruthie that I felt bad because I hadn't thanked him for his help. We were both getting teary-eyed and I told her I wish he knew how much I loved him and appreciated all he did for me. A few moments later, the phone rang and Ruthie answered it. When she kept repeating ,"Hello ... hello ..", I went over to look at the caller ID. It just said "Out of Area" with no phone number. After a few more hellos, she told me there was no one there and she hung up. When we looked at the clock, the time was 3:17 p.m. ... Bryan's birthday! We waited a few moments to see if the phone would ring again in case it was a legitimate caller. Of course, no one called. We were both awestruck when we realized that Bryan had called to ease our sadness. Immediately, my heart filled with love and a sense of his presence. I guess he heard me after all!
Tuesday, June 15
Tonight Sherry called and reminded me of a video that Bryan had taken years ago when he, my dad, and I went to Charlotte, N.C., to visit her. I had totally forgotten about the video and didn't even know if I still had it. She said Bryan had reminded her of it today, so I went thru all my videos and found two: the one from Charlotte from 1996 and one from our vacation in Deep Creek two years later, 1998. So Mike and I watched both of them. Bryan was actually the cameraman for most of them, so there wasn't a lot of video of him but his voice was narrating and it was really nice to be able to hear him again. In one of the videos, he was filming Sandy and talking to her. She was in the room and started looking all around with her ears up wondering where he was. Then she came over to me with a sad expression on her face. I know she misses him as much as we do. Anyway, during the Deep Creek video, Bryan and Cris and their friends were out on the lake riding in an intertube behind our rental boat. The scenes were great and there were a lot of shots of Bryan on the tube. Suddenly Mike looked at me and said, "I smell gas ... like the exhaust from the boat!" Seconds later, I smelled it as well! I looked outside to see if there were any cars or lawnmowers nearby, but there was nothing. The smell only lasted a few seconds, but we both smelled it and I believe Bryan was truly there with us in the room watching the video and wanted to let us know in the most poignant way possible ... literally putting us in the moment with the actual smell of the boat!! It was really amazing ... I'm so glad we watched these today.
Friday, June 18
Tonight Amberly was out on the back deck talking on the phone when all of a sudden, she realized there was a raccoon on the railing RIGHT BEHIND HER! She called me and I came to the screen door to watch it. Even with both of us staring at him, he didn't run, but stayed where he was. We took several pictures and videos of him with our cell phones but, unfortunately, they came out too dark to see him very well. He stayed there for several minutes and then turned to amble away. We both felt it was a sign from Bryan.
Cris came home today for a visit for the weekend with his girlfriend. Shortly after they arrived, Mike found Cris' guitar instructions in a plastic bag lying on a chair in our family room. At first, he thought Cris had put them there. But when we asked Cris about it, he said that he wondered why they were laying there and said that he hadn't seen them in a while. After asking Amberly and myself, we all realized that none of us had seen these and none of us had placed them there. Since the house had just been cleaned, we all knew there was no way these could have just "shown up" by themselves ... I know that Bryan was letting us know in the best way he could that he was there with us and knew Cris was home for the weekend .. this was his way of welcoming him home. When I relayed the story to Sherry on my cell phone Saturday morning, a hawk appeared directly over my car and circled ... this is always a confirmation, in my mind, that what I am saying is right on the money! What an awesome welcome home for Cris!
Saturday, June 19
Tonight Cris was doing laundry when he heard the TV in Amberly's room making strange sounds and that the channel was changing. Thinking it was Amber, he went into the room, but no one was there. The TV changed channels and the new channel displayed in the corner even though NO ONE WAS THERE to change it! When he told me about it, I knew it was Bryan. I explained to Cris how spirits can totally mess with electronic things and I know he wanted to let Cris know he was there. Cris is becoming more aware of the ways Bryan reaches out and was pretty sure it was his brother when it happened. It's just still a bit hard for him to comprehend.
Sunday, June 20
Today was Father's Day and Bryan sent Mike a wonderful gift ... I will have to explain about it first. Bryan had a collection of baseball cards that he had saved in a trunk which we gave to Lori's sons, Jacob & Travis. Last week, Jacob found a bunch of old ticket stubs from baseball and hockey games that Mike had taken Bryan to as a child. He had saved these all those years and, with Jacob finding them so close to Father's Day even though he's had the trunk for months, he felt it was meant as a gift for Mike from Bryan. So Lori bought a little album and mounted the ticket stubs in each page. This was an amazing gift for Mike as it brought back memories of happier times with Bryan. The most amazing thing was that the first ticket stub was from 1985. Bryan was only 5 years old at the time ....... how many 5-year old children would even THINK about saving a ticket stub for a baseball game at that age? Yet this moment was so important to Bryan that even as a little child, he knew it would have a significance someday to someone. And it certainly did!
Well, tonight certainly finished off with a bang! Bryan let us know he was with us in a most profound way! My family -- sisters and all -- gathered at my father's house tonight to be with him on Father's Day. Jacob was sitting in the family room when he noticed something falling from the bookcase near the door. He immediately went to see what it was and, to his amazement, it was a Father's Day card from LAST YEAR with Bryan's signature on it and a note to his Pappy wishing him a happy Father's Day! When he showed it to my dad, he was amazed because he did not have the card out anywhere nor had he even SEEN it since last year! He had no idea that he even still had the card! Everyone was completed amazed by this whole thing ... we all felt that Bryan was right there in the room with us, laughing in his usual way at all of us. I could almost hear him saying, "What's the big deal?? I'm still with you all ... you just can't see me. It's not so hard to make a card appear for my Pappy!" I truly believe he is just having so much fun doing these things and then standing back and watching all of our reactions. We were all in shock for quite a while ... and I don't think my Dad has gotten over it yet! It was an awesome moment! Bryan seems to like using Jacob as his messenger ... it was Jacob who found the ticket stubs for Mike in the baseball cards box last week also.
Monnday, June 21
Today in the shop, Ruthie and I were talking about Bryan as we usually do. Bryan loved Ruthie and often was there on the same day Ruthie was there, so they spent a lot of time together. As we were talking about him, the light over me started to blink off and on a few times. We both smiled. Later in the afternoon, Ruthie was working in the front of the store and she asked me if the lights were all blinking back where I was. I told her they were not. She said that all the lights around her in the front of the store were blinking on and off! Of course, they stopped when I went up there. I told her it was a private message to her from Bryan.
Tuesday, June 22
This afternoon, I was in the kitchen and noticed a dime and a penny on the kitchen table. It wouldn't have been such a big deal except that the kitchen had just been cleaned and I had just put everything away off the table, so I knew there was no loose change on the table! I just chuckled to myself and thanked Bryan for the tip ;-)
Tonight as I was working on the computer, I was overwhelmed with a strong scent of roses. It lasted for several minutes. I know it was Bryan because we have no roses anywhere in our yard or in the house at this time. I have had scents from Bryan before, but they usually pass in a second or two. This lasted for more than a minute and was pretty strong. At the same moment, I received an email card from no one titled "I Love You Angel!" and it was a card with a little angel floating down on a rainbow from heaven singing I Love You. At the end of the card, he floated back up to heaven.
Wednesday, June 23
This morning, my cell phone rang and it said "Call from Unavailable". When I answered the phone, all I heard was an open line. No one answered me and no one called back again after I hung up. At the same time, Mike was out in the spa and two hawks were circling overhead and a huge black crow was in the tree right beside him.
Thursday, June 24
Late last night, probably after midnight, Mike and I were almost asleep when we heard Oreo out in the hallway near Bryan's room meowing his head off. If you know Oreo, he is a very quiet cat and the only time he ever meows like that is when he wants picked up. Since we were almost asleep, his yowling was getting on my nerves. Sandy also started pacing around our room as if she was trying to get out ... we keep out door open about 6" for the cats to come and go but to keep Sandy in so she can't go downstairs during the night to raid the kitchen (which she has been known to do). Anyway, I yelled to the cat, "Oreo, cut that out!" The second I said it, he stopped. I told Mike I'll bet Bryan was there and Oreo sensed his presence and wanted picked up. I believe when I yelled, Bryan did just that. The cat didn't make another sound. This evening I was sitting on the porch and talking to Bryan in my mind and asked him if he was there and if he had picked up Oreo. I asked him to blink the lamp post if he was there. After a few minutes, the lamp post blinked several times in rapid succession then burned steady again. I thanked him for his answer and it literally brought tears to my eyes. Even though in my heart I already knew the answer, it meant so much more that he would make the effort to validate it for me. He never lets me down!
Friday, June 25
I love the fact that Bryan still plays practical jokes on me ... one of the things I have read about over and over is how spirits will "hide" items from you literally right under your nose. This has happened to us several times since Bryan has been gone. Sometimes we know it's him, other times we aren't positive. But last night he did something that was unmistakably him. I had taken a crossword puzzle book out on the deck before dinner and was working on it out there. When it came time to eat, I tucked my pen and my very large reading glasses inside the book and carried it inside to the kitchen table. After dinner, the glasses were not inside the book. We looked all over the kitchen, outside on the table, and on the floor in between (which was only about 10 feet total). No glasses! I was totally mystified. What made it even funnier is that the glasses are so old and scuffed that I had joked with Mike that they were so bad I should get some new ones and throw these away. When I couldn't find the glasses, I felt sure Bryan was letting me know I definitely needed to do that! Well, the glasses were missing all last night. But this morning, when I got up to let Sandy out, there they were ... right on the floor in front of the door going out to the deck ... the very exact place we had all looked last night. Furthermore, had they been there last night, someone would have stepped on them as we go in and out that door all evening to let pets in and out. This is a very visible sliding glass door right in our kitchen that goes out to the deck. The glasses were not there last night. I'm going to take Bryan's hint and buy some new reading glasses today!
Saturday, June 26
Tonight Amberly and I went to the Open Mind book store in Sewickley for a seminar hosted by Carole Obley, a psychic medium. It was a small group of only 23 people and Carole was going to be doing readings as well as talking about how to connect with spirit. On the way there, as we turned on the main highway into Sewickley, I spotted a hawk way up ahead of us and quite high up in the sky. I pointed it out to Amberly but she couldn't see it. As I watched, the hawk came down lower and ended up circling over our car. It then flew alongside us in the direction we were going ... I could see him out my window almost as if he were leading us there! This was a very strong sign to me that Bryan would be with us tonight. When we arrived at the bookstore and walked into the meeting room, Amber and I immediately noticed Josh Groban's song "To Where You Are" was playing in the background. I knew right away that Bryan would be there for us! And he was ... we had an amazing reading ... we were the first ones read and our session lasted 25 minutes. Unfortunately, the session was not taped, so Amberly and I are trying to reconstruct the many points that were touched upon. I had been asking Bryan all day to please come through for Amberly as she has been really missing him lately. Well, he did and in a big way! I've reconstructed the session from our notes ... if you would like to read it, click here.
During the meditation portion of the session tonight (which didn't work for me at all on the June 5th session), I really felt that I connected with Bryan and several other relatives who came through tonight in our reading. But the most amazing thing was that I could actually smell the flowers in the meadow where I was in my meditation. I assumed that there was a candle or incense burning in the room that was being used to enhance the mood, so I didn't think much of it. Afterward I asked Carole if they had a candle or incense and she told me that no, they didn't have anything to create smell, that what I was sensing was real.
Sunday, June 27
Mike and I were watching a movie tonight when I smelled cigarette smoke several times although no one was anywhere in the house smoking. At the same time, we noticed that the microwave was making a beeping sound in the kitchen even though no one was in there or using it. We both thought of Bryan and as I looked at Mike, I could see the lamp post flicker a few times outside the window. Sandy even came over to us and I asked her where Bryan was and every time I said it, she would look at a spot across the room. I do believe he dropped in for a little visit this evening with us!
Monday, June 28
This morning Bryan woke me with the tune "Love Will Keep Us Together" going thru my mind. He was very persistent with it as it was in my mind for two days until I finally downloaded the song and lyrics. I'll try to get it on his Songs page asap.
It seems that Bryan is learning how to create the sense of smells much better for us. As the past two nights, I smelled the flowers and the cigarette smoke, tonight he kept giving me a strong smell of beer. This was something he did in a reading with Candis ... she kept picking up the scent of beer. Of course, like any college age kid, Bryan enjoyed his beer. And this is a smell that I never smell in our house nor did I ever smell it around Bryan, but for whatever reason, I associate it with him simply because all of his friends liked to party and drink beer. So naturally I would connect this with him. Anyway, while watching tv tonight, he continually gave me the smell of beer for over an hour. When I mentioned it to Amberly, she said that at work today, she smelled beer very strongly by the coffee pot and there was no beer anywhere in her office. She didn't connect it with Bryan until I mentioned it and then she felt bad that she hadn't acknowledged him. I tell her how he's around her all the time and gives her signs but she just misses them. I hope she can become more aware of these because it will help her to realize that he hasn't gone anywhere and is still around her all the time.
Quick Jump Links:
Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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