Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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This has been a crazy month with lots of signs from Bryan but most of them were all similar to other signs we have gotten, so I haven't bothered to write them down here. But something happened today that totally blew me away. I knew Bryan has been around by all the lights flickering and the unbelievable number of times the number 17 or 317 has shown up ... just everywhere! And I haven't been the only one to notice it ... Amberly has noticed and TJ from Indiana also mentioned how often it's come up. Anyway, all that aside, I had to share what happened to me today. I was in my kitchen working on cookies for our Christmas eve get together tonight. My cell phone was lying on the counter nearby ... I had just taken it off the charger, so the battery was fully charged. All of a sudden it started beeping and chirping and making noises like it's never made before. I went over an looked at it and the little battery light in the corner was blinking like crazy and making those odd sounds. I have a picture of Bryan on my cell phone as my screen picture, so his face was lit up. I opened the flip and the sounds kept on. I smiled and said "Merry Christmas Bry!" and kissed his picture. The sounds stopped IMMEDIATELY! I stood there dumbfounded staring at his picture. Then I said out loud "I Love You!" and I could have died when the phone went "beep beep beep" in response! I almost dropped it! But then a feeling of warmth rushed over me ... I was standing in front of the sink in the kitchen in the very spot where Bryan would often come up from behind me and put his arms around me in a bear hug. I literally felt him there and felt him hugging me. Of course, I started to cry (happy tears) and was just overwhelmed with the sensation. I knew he'd make his presence known but this was just incredible. Mike wasn't there and I was alone, so I had no one to share it with immediately. I set the phone down and it remained quiet until Mike came home. I relayed the whole story to him and within seconds, the phone started up again. This time it was incessant ... we couldn't shut him up! If you know Bryan, this is so typical of him. Once he'd get going on something, he'd just keep at it and drive you crazy just to taunt you. So I knew he was messing with us and so I didn't mind. It was just his personality coming through. Once he finally stopped, the phone has been normal again and hasn't made any odd sounds. Pretty wild!
FOLLOW UP on January 1 ... the phone repeated this behavior again on Christmas day and the day after. It was to the point where I could not even make a phone call to someone without the phone beeping and interfering so much with my call that I had to cut it off. I was sure Bryan had "fried" the circuits and that I would need a new phone. On the evening of the 26th, I told Bryan that if it WAS him doing this, to please stop it now as I could not afford a new phone. I know he loves to tease me, but I had reached the point where I was going to have to spend money to fix or replace the phone. Amazingly enough, it stopped all the beeps and interferences and is been working fine ever since! This is just so typical of Bryan's behavior when he was here ... he used to tease me unmercifully! I'm just so glad that it was him and NOT my phone!
Later today I was telling Amberly about it and she had her own visit from Bryan. In the past, Bryan has used the TV to communicate with her and one of the mediums even validated this in a reading ( I think it was one of Kat Tucci's readings). Anyway, she told me she was watching TV this afternoon -- a recorded show she had on her DVR -- when a black bar showed up on the screen and the letters M E R scrolled across and then some symbols. She thought of Bryan right away and even said out loud to him, "Bryan, if that's you and you're trying to tell me MERRY Christmas, you're going to have to do more. At least give me an X for Xmas or something so I know it's you." Within seconds, an X popped up on the screen!!! When the bar disappeared and the movie came back on, she rewound it thinking maybe it was part of the recording, but it wasn't there. I guess that was his way of telling her Merry Christmas!
December 31, 2007
Today started out with a wonderful visit from Bryan. If any one of these things had happened by themselves, I wouldn't have posted it as things like these happen all the time. I have gotten to the point where I only put things on here that are "stronger" signs than a single thing. That's what happened today and it was pretty amazing. When I got into my car to go to work, as I pulled out of the driveway, the song "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" by Stevie Wonder started to play. I immediately knew Bryan was there but as I drove down the road, I noticed a large bird fly into a tree around a bend coming up in the road. As I turned the bend, there was the hawk sitting right in the tree at the roadside facing right toward me. The song was still playing so I called Mike to share this with him. As I passed the church where Bryan is buried -- and I was still on the phone with Mike and the song was still playing -- there was a hawk on the church steeple! So a song and two hawks all within my first two minutes in the car! I was so excited and as I hung up the phone and the song ended, I couldn't help but wonder what song would come on next ... I had a feeling it would be something else from him. Well, the next song that came on was by the Monkees (I was a huge Monkees fan back in the 60's) and the song was "I'm a Believer"! I just started to laugh because Bryan knew I was a Monkees fan (I was, in fact, president of the Pittsburgh chapter of their fan club). And a few Christmases back, Bryan had bought me a Monkees lunch box with a VHS tape inside of all their shows. So this song couldn't have been more perfect! Then, as I got into Canonsburg (the small town where my store is located), there was another hawk right in a tree beside the road facing me. I just love it when these things occur ... there is just NO denying his presence!
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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