Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Since the beginning of May, we have been receiving emails from a wonderful gal named TJ whom Bryan has "met" and been helping with her struggle with addiction. As we have been told by several mediums, one of Bryan's missions in heaven is to help those still here on the earthly plane with addiction. We have always had faith that this is so because of some emails we have received since his passing. But none have been as strong as TJ's experience and, with her permission, we are sharing her story with you in the hopes that it might help someone else to be able to open themselves to Bryan's spirit and allow him to help them as well. Thank you, TJ, for being a part of our family through Bryan ;-) So here, in her words, is TJ's story:
"I'm going to start this by saying that, physically, Bryan and I have never met. In fact we were total strangers while he was alive. I was struggling with a cocaine addiction when I was online looking for some type of support. My family lived on the other side of the country and I was fighting this demon alone. The crushing guilt and shame I felt kept me isolated from people that loved me. While online I came across ourwall.net, which is where I learned about Bryan. Though I hadn't yet tried heroin, I was well on my way with the direction I was going. Short of flat out committing suicide, I did everything I could to die. I wanted to do it indirectly. I'm going to tell you how Bryan crossed spiritual planes to "connect" with me and save my life.
"What drew me in and tugged at my heart right away was Bryan's "miracles" page. I grew up with a very spiritual mother so there was never a doubt as to the validity of Bryan's signs. I was just ASTOUNDED that this family had been so blessed with his continued presence. I don't mean them just remembering him - this boy used me to give his mother a message on Mother's Day three years after he passed! He's been doing things like this ever since!
"Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that he'd connect with me or show me a sign. Why would I? The Burch family didn't know me from Adam! Over the following weeks I read more and more about Bryan and thought of him and his family daily. Mother's Day 2007 is when things got exciting for me. That's the day I "met" Bryan. At this point I had a little over 40 days clean. My mind was clear, and my body had grown healthy again. I was home listening to music and surfing the net. I thought of Bryan and when I did, I got choked up and started to cry. His spirit was in the room with me! I can't explain on an earthly level how I knew. No one can. My SOUL knew it. His presence was unmistakable. It was glorious! A song came on my songlist called “In My Place" by Coldplay. Something (Bryan) told me to look up the lyrics. As soon as I read them I knew why Bryan put it on my mind and heart to look them up. He used those lyrics to speak to me, and specifically wanted his mom to know it. So I emailed her and shared my story. What I mentioned in the email was validated by his mom and sister. I was so relieved because I know how nutty I would've sounded to some folks!
"Everyone says how absolutely hilarious he was when he was here, and I'll tell you nothing's changed. He will STILL make you laugh!! On our most recent "visit" I happened to be drinking a can of beer. If you've seen his pictures you may have noticed one of him doing a keg stand, so knowing that he was a partyer, I wanted to poke fun a bit (I felt he was in a playful mood). I lifted my beer to the part of the room where I sensed he was - half to honor him and half to tease like "Ha-ha, you can't have one!" Well, the very next sip I took I spilled all over the front of my shirt! I laughed so hard because I know that was his way of saying, "I can't drink one, but I can make you do this!" In my head I could see him laughing and after that we just chilled for about a half hour. (The amount of time he spends with me varies. This particular day he stayed for a while.) I talked to him just as I would any living person. I don't remember everything I said, but I knew he was content just listening. Once again I wrote his family telling of the experience. This email I sent was much more detailed than my previous ones - 4 pages long. In this correspondence I told of every visit I'd gotten from Bryan. (Keep in mind that I don't immediately tell of each and every sign I get. Some are just for me.) I wanted his family aware of the depth and extent of the "friendship" I had with their son. Everything I said was once again validated by his family as I knew it would be. (Validation is HUGE when it comes to matters like this!) His mom told me that the "feeling" of him and his personality came across loud and clear in what I wrote. Bryan had long since assured me that his family wouldn't think I was nuts, and I was growing more comfortable trusting my ability to "hear" him. I am in NO way psychic and I haven't connected with anyone else who has passed, but it's plainly obvious when he has a message for me. If I'm ever wishy-washy or unsure about a feeling then I know it's me, not Bryan. He is VERY clear when he "speaks" to you!
"I wrote this in hopes it'll help to get someone clean, keep someone clean, or just inspire in a positive way! For someone who hasn't connected with Bryan, I know how this may sound. Believe me, I know that some will say I need to be committed! But whatever Bryan 's mission is in heaven, I want to help him accomplish it. My role here on earth is to bear witness and I'm willing to endure any negativity that may bring. To anyone who reads this: Thank you, and please keep Bryan and his family in your thoughts and prayers!"
TJ (65 days clean...and counting!)
Isn't that just amazing?? It makes me so proud of him!
Thursday, June 7
Wow! Bryan is really around us strongly right now. As I was driving to work, I was talking to my sister and telling her all about TJ and the signs she's been getting and then I told her about a validation Mike had this morning. While we were talking, a hawk came swooping down from the tree next to the road and flew right over my windshield. Before I could even react, ANOTHER one followed! I was just amazed that Bryan was validating what I was saying. But that shouldn't have surprised me. First, we received another amazing story from TJ, so let me share that with you first. Here is a copy of her email (I had just emailed here that I had posted her story online when I received this):
"I knew you had posted my story before I even read your email or saw it on Bryan's page. I got signs and two visits from Bryan in the last two days. Monday - I was on the top floor of the hotel where I work. It was a slow day so I spent about 3 hours up there just looking out on the city, praying, and thinking of Bryan and all this that's going on. I saw a couple feathers float by the window. No big deal, everyone's seen that right? Well it started RAINING feathers!!! I was thinking, "What the heck?" A nest must have blown over or a ton of birds were nearby. Well I looked out every single window (I can see the top of the building) and Kathy - not a bird or nest in sight! Where the heck could they have come from? There weren't even trees around because I was 21 stories up. I KNEW it was Bryan. Tuesday - (This is funny, but I sing to Bryan. He likes Coldplay and Maroon 5) Tonight I was walking through the hotel garage and noticed a dark corner where a light had gone out. I usually sing to myself when I'm alone. (I'm a musician and so were my parents.) When I saw this light out it reminded me how Bryan used lights as signs. I told him okay I'm gonna sing for you. He likes this song called "Secret" by Maroon 5 but I only know the first two verses. So I told him I was going to sing for him, just wondering if that light was going to come on. By God, Kathy, when I got to it, it brightened up - but only half way. When I started singing that light got SO bright! I couldn't believe it. When I was done with the two verses (I'm singing and talking out loud, mind you) I said, "That's all I know Bryan." That light went out before the sentence was even out of my mouth. I know he heard me. All of this happened within the span of a minute and a half to two minutes. Amazing right? LOL it gets even better!!! I did a second round of the garage because I wanted to "see" Bryan again. I was hoping he'd show, but I already knew he would. I came to that same corner of the garage. Once again it's dark as heck because the light was out. This time I wanted to see how long he would stay with me. Okay he was wanting me to sing again (He likes my singing voice) but this time "In My Place". If I'm not mistaken, it was one of the first signs he gave me. Anyhow, once I get to this same spot, the light lit up again but this time in all it's brilliance. I stood there and sang the entire song. When I finished I thanked him for coming to hang with me for a while. I told him that just knowing OF him made me a better person, but the fact that I knew HIM was just so amazing and unreal. I don't even talk about him in the past tense. How can I? He visits all the time! I asked him if he had any messages for you or Amberly, but there was none. He just wanted me to relay what happened. Now once we finished talking I walked away knowing that light was going to go out before long. I was about three steps away when it did. And get this - about 50 feet away as I'm still walking what do I see lying on the ground directly in my path - A FEATHER!!!!! This is when I started to cry. I have it in my pocket. It's not a huge Hawk feather. (I don't know how many hawks live in Indianapolis) But it is a feather nonetheless. Wow I'm just amazed right now. I can't tell you how honored I am that you posted my story on Bryan's page. I knew you'd like it because I asked him to help me write it."
God bless!
And a few hours later, this email from TJ followed:
"This is crazy! After I read what you posted on Bryan's site I read some of the more recent signs. Pennies from heaven was one I learned about 3 hours ago, and this is what happened JUST NOW. (I work 12 hour shifts - looong nights!) I wanted to walk by the spot with the light where Bryan visited me one more time before I went home. The light was on when I got there this time. I just kind of stood there thinking about what had happened hours before. As I walked to leave I saw a dime on the ground. I bent over to pick it up and as I did, something shiny caught my eye. Man if it was not a penny! I knew it was a 2007 one before I even looked at it. This is so unreal! I stood under the light examining it, and after about 20 seconds or so the light went out. What's awesome is I got two tangible gifts from him today. The feather and penny. Had I not read "pennies from heaven" I never would have known the significance, or probably even saw it! Also Bryan's story is being published in a book?! Awesome, I'm glad for you guys! Okay, now I get to go home. ;-) "
Take care,
This morning as Mike was taking his walk, he was thinking about TJ's messages from Bryan and he asked Bryan to show him a sign if it was all true. He specifically asked Bryan to show him either a hawk or a feather. He watched for a hawk but saw none. But as he was leaving the trail, right in the middle of the path was the BIGGEST hawk feather he's found yet! And this would only be the third one in over three years since Bryan's passing that he's found on the trail ... they are very rare. He said the hair stood up on the back of his neck and he knew instantly that Bryan was validating TJ in a BIG way! The feather is now in Bryan's room with all the others we've found over the past years.
And this afternoon, Kristen sent me a photo of a blue butterfly that landed on her leg while she was at work. She is very attuned to Bryan's signs and felt this was a sign from him that he is around her and Cristopher. I know that he is, especially now when I feel his presence around all of us so strongly. It's hard to explain, but sometimes I feel distant from him ... as if he is off doing "errands" or something and he's not around. Then when he's back with us, I can also feel that strongly and signs start cropping up all over. For months and months, we haven't seen any hawks on the church steeple. Now we see them almost daily and many times there are two of them up there. When Mike and I left to go somewhere yesterday, one hawk was on the steeple and another glided to a landing next to it as we passed. I have always felt they were like guardians over Bryan's grave which is in the courtyard right below.
Tuesday, June 12
This afternoon Lori and I were sitting out back on the deck and I was relating to her all of the signs and messages that we've heard from TJ (her story above). While we were talking, a gorgeous tiger swallowtail butterfly came to the hanging flowers right beside us and hovered about from flower to flower. At one point, he flew off only to turn around and return to the flowers. He stayed there for about 15 minutes, the entire time we were talking about Bryan. It was especially poignant in that I have been sitting out there every single day since spring and have never seen a tiger swallowtail anywhere back there. This was the first one. So this was pretty special to me!
Wednesday, June 20
This morning I was swimming, doing my usual 50 laps, when I felt an urge to turn over and swim on my back. As soon as I did, I was shocked to see two hawks hovering right over the pool! They were pretty low ... about roof height ... and seemed to be looking right down at me. I was so amazed to see them that I swam to the side of the pool and stood there looking up at them. I tried to get the dogs to look up but they had no clue what I was pointing at. Both hawks just sort of floated there for about a minute or so then began to do a slow circle. I watched them for about five minutes as they circled around over the pool appearing to watch me as I watched them. Then they both flew off over the tree line. I continued to watch for them but never saw them again the whole time I was out there. I felt Bryan's presence very strongly. When I came back into the house and got online to check my email, there was an email with the subject "agon - Dictionary Word of the Day" . I do not subscribe to Dictionary Word of the Day but occasionally will get an email with a pertinent word in the subject. This one caught my attention because Mike had just gotten a book from the library for me called Eragon. It was a movie we saw last week and I wanted to read the book. Well, I guess Bryan couldn't find Eragon in a Word of the Day but he got darn close! As soon as I saw "agon" I made the connection. And when I showed it to Mike, he immediately said "Eragon!" It always amazes me when these things happen because there's just NO WAY that would be a coincidence! NO WAY!!!!.
Tuesday, June 26
This afternoon Mike and I were out on the deck relaxing when we started talking about Bryan and TJ and how cool it was that he was helping her. No sooner had we started discussing it than a butterfly came up and started flitting around the flowers! Since this same thing happened the other day when I was talking about Bryan and TJ with Lori, I couldn't help but immediately connect it. Especially since these are the ONLY two butterflies I've seen out there and I'm out there every day for several hours. Pretty neat!
Wednesday, June 27
Today I had to run down to the shop to pick up some stuff I needed at the house. As I was leaving, there was a gentle rain falling but the sun was out. As I got into my car, I said aloud to Bryan, "Cool! Are you going to send me a rainbow?" Well, the sun went away and the rain came a bit harder but just as it did, my radio started playing "You are the Sunshine of My Life" by Stevie Wonder. I just laughed because -- one -- Bryan couldn't make the rainbow because the sun disappeared but he COULD send me sunshine in a song! and -- two -- this song had a very special meaning for me shortly after he passed (if you go back to the first month of this journal, you can read about it there). So I knew it was a message from him. When the song ended, the next song wasn't something I liked, so I started flipping between my stations. My new car has Sirius radio so I've been listening the the radio now (something I never do). Well, the next song that it landed on was Pink Floyd and the name of the song was MOTHER. The name of the song shows up on the screen with Sirius, so I couldn't help but notice it. Again, I just laughed. He has such a way of communicating through music!
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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