Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Mike and I went shopping together today and as we were walking out of the store, Mike found a penny on the ground. He often finds coins and relates them to Bryan. As he bent to pick it up, I noticed ANOTHER penny a few feet away. I said, "Look! One for each of us!" We both laughed and acknowledged Bryan's presence. Later today I was amazed when I noticed an email come in with the subject "Pennies From Heaven". Ok, I thought, Bryan is definitely letting us know the pennies were from him. But what TOTALLY blew me away was when I glanced at the sender's name: HAWK17@penniesfromheaven.com!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy cow! Hawk?? 17?? Could it BE any more obvious? Pretty crazy stuff but how can you deny something like that?? Just no way!
Bryan has been around a lot this month in so many small ways. Just tons of email signs, I'm noticing more hawks while I'm driving, and others are getting signs as well. My mom always relates hearing Bee Gees songs when she is out and Bryan often does this for her. But the other day, when my sister and I had been talking and the Elton John song came on (see Feb. 23rd entry), I had told my mom about that incident. Well, yesterday when she was out, as she left the store she was in she noticed that same Elton John song playing. She immediately thought of Bryan. And he confirmed it for her seconds later ... when she got into her car and started the engine, the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" came on the radio. A song we ALL relate to Bryan because he loved it so much. He's used it often as a sign to us and this was his way of letting my mom know it was him and that he was with her that day ;-)
Today was a very special day for us. It is Bryan's birthday but it is also the day Amberly and Brendan chose to be married. They did this in honor of Bryan and it turned out to be a very special and wonderful day. We knew Bryan and Catherine (Brendan's mom) were with us in spirit but it was really cool that several pictures showed spirit orbs that we believe to be them very clearly (click on the pictures and the arrows will point to the orbs):
Church with Orb in Lower Center Just to Right of Aisle |
Brendan's Dad (Elmer) with Orb we believe is Catherine (Brendan's Mom) |
Incredible Picture of Jacob (one of the groomsmen) with Several Orbs |
Mike & Kathy Dancing with Orbs |
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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