Bryans Journal of Miracles
This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...
"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"
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Today we received some amazing emails from TJ about her connection with Bryan. As I was driving home from work after reading her emails, I was looking at Bryan's picture. I touched my finger to my lips with a kiss and then reached out to his photo to touch him with it. As soon as I did that, I noticed a song that had just begun to play on the radio. The first words were "Baby's got blue eyes ..." When I looked at the screen (I have Sirius so it tells the name of the song), it was "Blue Eyes" by Elton John. It just made me smile because I felt the very strong connection that Bryan was confirming that he has been helping TJ. If you read last month, you know of some of the amazing things that have occurred for her. She has a very strong connection with Bryan and we have no doubt that it is really his spirit that is with her. Below is the email I had received today:
"Just wanted to let you know that I got another gift from Bryan. This time it was a stuffed animal - can you believe it??? I was at work on the night of July 8th. This was the worst day I had had in a long while. I was depressed, people at work were getting to me, and I was feeling pretty rotten. While on another round of the garage I passed a feather on the ground. It made me think of Bryan when I saw it, but since I wasn't feeling his presence or even thinking of him at the time I didn't pick it up. A few hours later as I was on another round, I came across this feather again. (I was still feeling pretty crummy) I picked it up this time and prayed to God to help me and to let Bryan know I was thinking of him. His light was on when I came to that same spot where I talk to him. I was standing under it, near tears, when I looked over to the railing where I look down on the city. I could tell there was an object sitting on the rail, but I couldn't tell what it was because it was dark outside. After about a minute of wondering what it was I finally walked over to it and saw that it was a (stuffed) puppy! IMMEDIATELY I envisioned Bryan's face smiling and I knew it was from him! It made my day! Right when I needed help from above, he was there for me. I asked him why he did all this stuff for me and that I was so thankful for him. I honestly don't think my recovery would've been so successful without his help. I'm crying now because I love him so much for everything he's done. I never even knew him - I can't even imagine what all he's done for people he knew and loved when he was here. I'm so grateful for him and YOU!
God bless, TJ".
When I was in the pool today, I noticed two hawks circling way out over the horizon through the trees. Our pool is pretty much cut off from visibility ... it's totally surrounded on all four sides by trees, house, and deck. So we only have a little patch of sky directly overhead and some far off views through the tree trunks and branches. As I looked at these two hawks, I felt Bryan's presence with me and I asked him if he was really there to send the hawks my way. Literally within seconds, one of the hawks appeared directly overhead. As I watched him, he circled twice and was so close that I could see his head bent down looking at me! After he circled twice, he lazily flew off in the other direction where I could no longer see him. I felt so happy knowing Bryan was near. When Mike came out a bit later, I related the story to him. Just as I spoke, I looked up and there -- AGAIN! -- was the hawk but this time his mate was with him. Mike and I both watched as they circled several times with their heads tilted downward watching us back. After a few minutes, they flew off. It never fails to amaze me when this happens.
July 22, 2007
Today as I was driving home from work, I was thinking about Bryan when all of a sudden a FOX ran across the road in front of my car! I've lived here in Pennsylvania almost all my life and knew that there were foxes but I have never, ever seen one. I immediately thought it was a sign from Bryan. Just a few minutes later, I met Mike at a gas station so that we could both get gas with our discount gas card. As we were pumping the gas, a hawk landed on the light standard in the parking lot right near us. It watched us the entire time we were there and, as I pulled away from the station, he flew off at the exact same moment. Again, I knew it was Bryan letting us know he was nearby.
Later this evening, Mike and I went to Home Depot to look at sliding glass doors for our gameroom that we are presently in the middle of remodeling. We asked for assistance and the guy who came over to help us was named "Bryan" with a y (it was on his name tag) and while he was helping us, I noticed the Jenny song started playing (867-5309) which has major significance for us if you've read Bryan's earlier journal. Particularly since TJ (the girl who has been connecting with Bryan a lot recently) has been getting messages from Bryan AND Jenny together recently. So I felt this was a confirmation that he is still with Jenny in heaven and they are truly both helping TJ in her recovery. There are more signs that occurred this month and some great ones from TJ and I'll be adding them as time allows so check back!
July 26, 2007
Ok ... as promised, here are some of the signs from TJ (edited for content):
"Hi Kat! Bryan has been around a lot lately. I have felt his presence every night this week. Remember his light that I told you about? If it's on when I walk under it, it turns off -- and vice versa. Almost without fail. Tonight there was a lion (stuffed of course ) that I had noticed sitting on a bench outside at the hotel. It was there when I made my first round, which was around 8:40 pm. I didn't bother with it. I thought someone who had left it may come back for it. At 11pm the lion was still sitting there. This time I picked it up - intending to bring it to the front desk. As I was walking with it, I had started to wonder if it was another gift from Bryan. I asked him that if it was indeed for me then to show me a sign so that I would know. This is how I know it was from him.....The route I take on my rounds are the shortest possible - so that I save time. This time in particular, I took a longer route. I wasn't expecting to deviate from my route at all. But twice before I did the same thing, for no (earthly) reason, and I found gifts from Bryan. Both times. Whenever I get the urge to "veer off course" I look for gifts from him because there is no reason for me to make my rounds longer. Anyhow, I took the longer route tonight and came across a Marlboro cigarette butt. On the level of the garage that no one is supposed to be on. The second I saw it, I knew it was Bryan. That wasn't even the only sign. I found another penny a few floors down. Every single penny I've gotten from him was lying heads up on the ground. I sang another song for him also - under his light. It stayed on the entire time. Only the second that I started to walk away did it turn off. And believe me, I have stood at this light trying to determine whether there was some time sequence or pattern. There was none.
God bless, TJ "
TJ did not even know the significance of the lion with Bryan until I told her in an email (from the early party of this journal, you can read about how Bryan loved the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and how lions were a sign we received from him. A few days after the above email from TJ, she received this amazing validation (she feels Bryan's presence in a particular chair in the room she emails me from and he was there with her when she wrote this):
"I had your latest email on the screen (about the lion) and my lion is sitting on the desk in front of me. This just happened ........one of our cats, Merlin, just walked in the room. He jumped on the ottoman next to me and stared curiously at the chair Bryan's sitting in. I told Bryan to let Merlin know that he was there, even though I'm sure Merlin knew. Just then Merlin jumped on the desk and now he's sniffing the lion! Pretty cool!
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Note: If you have a story or experience
with Bryan, please email it to
me and I will add it to his journal. These incidents have given our
family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only
in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.
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