In Loving Memory of Bryan Raymond Burch

Bryan’s Journal of Miracles
As told by his mom …

Eternal Flame Bryan R. Burch Eternal Flame

March 17, 1980 - January 9, 2004

This page is to document the many "signs" and "visits" that Bryan has made to us since his passing ... miracles to those of us who have received them. The one thing that makes these miracles more than just coincidences is the "feeling" that comes over you when these occur. Everyone has expressed the same sensation of warmth, peace, and love that flows through you when they happen and the "knowing" that you are experiencing a true miracle. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be captured on paper, yet it is so strong and so overwhelming that it makes the occurrence believable beyond a doubt. Keep that in mind when reading these because that feeling happened to each person for every one of these instances ... and as we heard three times from different sources within the first two days of his passing ...

"Remember ... there are no coincidences!"

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Wednesday, November 2

This afternoon Mike and I had to run some errands.  As we passed the church where Bryan is buried, we both saw a hawk perched on the steeple overlooking Bryan's spot.  Then, a few seconds later, the radio began playing "Lion Sleeps Tonight," a song that always reminds us of Bryan.  The story behind the song is that several years ago, when we first found out he was using drugs and he got out of rehab, we drove him to Delaware to stay with Amberly there.  He was feeling pretty miserable as he had left rehab early and was going through withdrawal still.  On our cd, we had "Lion Sleeps Tonight" ... Bryan loved that song and when he realized that he could replay it from the controls in the back seat, he did.  It must have played 10 times in a row and it put him in a better mood and made us laugh at the time.  Since that time, that song always takes us immediately back to that moment and connects us to him. 

Sunday, November 6

I had some rather interesting signs from Bryan today ... not the usual type but I know it was him.  This morning I was surfing the web and ran across an item that I thought a friend of mine (Phil who owns Where the Toys Are, an antique toy store next to our store in Canonsburg) would like.  He has a gypsy fortune telling game in his store with a life-size gypsy inside it.  I found a metal plate on the web with a picture of Madam X.  It was a metal plate that was used on the front of fortune telling machines.  I thought he might want it for the front of his fortune telling game.  When I told him about it, he commented about the Swami fortune telling machines we had years ago.  This Madam X was actually one of the small table-top models that we had along with Swami's in their turbans (photo below). 


Anyway, to make a long story short, when I got back to my computer immediately after talking about the Swami's we used to own, I downloaded my email and right there, in my inbox, was an email from "SWAMI" and the subject read "Stock SWAMI Picks 7 in a Row for 78% Gains".  Now come on!  What are the CHANCES of that?  I just smiled and knew he was letting me know he was there with me.  He followed this up later this evening ... I usually relax doing word puzzles while I'm waiting for dinner to cook.  One of the words in my puzzle tonight was -- you guessed it -- SWAMI!  Synchronicity?  You bet! 

Monday, November 7

Today we received a wonderful email from Bryan's friend, Whitney.  She had a visit from Bryan!  With her permission, here is her story in her own words:

"Hi Kathy -

I just wanted to share an awesome experience with you that I had last night and this morning. I'm very sure it was a visit from Bryan....  Well last night I fell asleep soundly and out of nowhere woke up and looked at my clock and it was 3:17 am .... I just began to smile, it was as if I was woken up by Bryan just to be comforted and put back to sleep.  Then this morning I was getting ready for work and standing near my shelf with all of my stuff on it.   Well, I line my bottles of vitamins up on one of the shelves and I have about 5 or 6 bottles of vitamins.   Anyways, all of a sudden one of them fell flat onto my desk - just out of the blue, it landed flat on the cap of the bottle, it didn't roll around or anything, and I picked it up and it was my B2 vitamins ... and right away I thought of Bryan -- Beans Burch or Bryan Burch.  It was just kind of silly and cute and something that he would totally do to make me smile.  I am still in awe over it, as I'm sure it was him saying hello. 

It was just such a cool feeling because when I woke up at 3:17 It's not like I just woke up and looked at the clock, it's like I had this feeling of comfort and happiness.  Same with when I picked up the bottle of vitamins ... I felt his presence. It was just really cool!

I just wanted to share that with you because I always love to read about your and Amber's amazing signs and visits from him. Thanks!

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Love, Whitney"

Thank YOU, Whitney, for sharing your amazing story!   It's all about being able to recognize the signs and I can just see him smiling at you when you did ;-)

Saturday, November 12

This afternoon Amberly came to work with me.  When she was downloading her email, there was one that had come in on November 9 (the 9th is always a hard day for us because Bryan died on the 9th of January, so any 9th of a month reminds us of that day) ... the subject of the email she received was "True blue eyes sent you a luv gram" ... she couldn't believe it!  Right away she thought of him ... she also said that on that day, the number 17 kept coming up (Bryan's birthday).  Mike and I had noticed the same thing ... several times during that day, I would look at the clock and it would be on 17 ... 2:17, 4:17, 6:17 etc.  And when we were out, we noticed several cars in front of us with the numbers 3 - 17 - 09 - 01 and variations of all of them. 

Eternal Flame

On our way home from work, I had an oldies station on in the car.  Amberly and I were talking when I noticed the song "Whenever you need me, I'll be there.  Whenever you call me, I'll be there,   I'll be around"  It immediately reminded me of Bryan as that is one of the songs he had given me early on (in fact, I believe it's on his Songs page).  I told her to look at her watch and tell me what time it was when the song started ... you guessed it--  5:17!   Then a few seconds later, I noticed a car pulling out onto the roadway from the right and the guy behind the wheel looked so much like Bryan that I did a doubletake.  I told Amberly that there was a kid in the car we just passed that looked like Bryan.  Traffic was heavy so I didn't think she'd even noticed the car but she said, "Yeah, I saw that!  He did look like him!"   I think it was an overlay ... it looked exactly like Bryan looked in his senior picture (it's the one at the top of this page in the collage that is on the blue background).  Anyway, it was a pretty cool moment and I really felt his presence with me just then.

Thursday, November 17

I received an email from my cousin Connie that I wanted to share ... here is her story in her own words with her permission:

"Hey Kathy. I just wanted you to know that I pop in to read your journal of miracles every once in a while. A few months back I was reading and the number 3:17 was mentioned a few times. I felt the urge to play that number in the lottery. (in the Virginia lotto. that's where I live now.)  I remember asking hubby to play that for me the night of June 21 (I wrote a note and left it on his computer because he gets up at 4:30 to go to work and always checks his mail before he leaves.)  And I don't get up with him and I had a newborn baby June 3 so at that time I would have been in a deep sleep (due to lack of sleep) so I knew that I wouldn't have remembered to tell him to play even if I was up at the time.   I figured he would definitely see the note which would have meant that he would have played 317 on the day of June 22.  And on that day you would NEVER guess what number hit!   137   I thought that was REALLY neat!  Also on the night that I was reading the journal -- June 21 --  the big 4 number was 0317.   I must say my hubby didn't listen to me and he DID NOT play. GRRRRRRRR!  Well just wanted to share that story with you.  Thought you might get a kick out of it.  God Bless!  

                                                                                                                                    Your Cousin, Connie"

Thanks, Connie, for sending that to us.  Bryan was a BIG fan of the lottery and we keep hoping we'll hit for the millions, but so far that hasn't happened for us.  You actually got pretty lucky there ... too bad hubby didn't play the numbers for you ;-) 

Saturday, November 19

Tonight is John Edward night!  John was coming to Pittsburgh -- finally! -- and Amberly, my sister Sherry, and I had tickets.   This was for a gallery-like group rather than the large arena-type groups, so we had a better chance of getting read.  Shortly after the session began, Sherry and I both felt Bryan's presence.  My neck and arms started to tingle and it soon spread over my entire body.  Sherry said she felt the same thing and his energy was palpable.  We were just sure we would hear from Bryan.  John began the readings with a group of four women in the front of the room who we recognized as they had been directly in front of us in line when we first went inside.  They were validating everything he said until he started talking about having a "young male who crossed tragically ... sudden passing ... name starts with B ..." and none of them could validate it.  Amberly, Sherry and I felt it was Bryan but waited for more.  He kept pressing them, saying "I'm looking for a mom who lost a son ... he's jumping up and down here ... who did you come with?"   At that point, Amberly's hand shot up because even though we were some 10 rows back, we did sort of "come with" them as we walked in right behind them.  We just KNEW it was Bryan.  John looked back at Amberly and told her to put her hand down, that it might be for someone near them but not "across the room" as we were too far back.  Then one of the women said she was pregnant and they called the baby "Bean"!   John told her no, that wouldn't have anything to do with it, that this was a young male crossed over who was trying to reach his mom who was still here.  I felt that the Bean reference was Bryan's way of letting us know for sure that it WAS him.  When John couldn't get anyone to validate the young male, he moved on and we felt Bryan's energy dissipate.  I was happy but at the same time let down that John didn't acknowledge us.  At the end of the night, he asked for questions and Amberly was called on to ask one.  She mentioned the first reading and told John we felt it was Bryan coming through to us and asked if he remembered it and could validate it for us.  He explained that when he is doing a reading, the words just come out of him but he has no recollection of who or what came through.  He then went back to the people in the front row and asked them if any of them had recognized the B spirit and all of them shook their heads no.  They then told him that we had come in with them, so there was that connection.  He then admitted that he had made a mistake and asked me if I felt it was my son.  I told him yes, I felt Bryan's presence strongly.  He apologized for his mistake and asked how I would feel about it later.  I told him I was just happy Bryan had come through for us.  And I was!  Sherry told us afterward that Bryan had "spoken" to her at the end and explained that he had tried to come through but there were others there who really needed the messages they received that were more important than his being able to say "Hi" to us.  I totally understand that as there was some serious stuff going on tonight!   Keep reading as Bryan gave us other signs he was there tonight ....

Eternal Flame

At one point in the evening, I left to use the restroom.  I was the only one in there and I was talking to Bryan in my head and asking him to PLEASE come back again and SHOW us that he was there.  As I was washing my hands, the paper towel dispenser -- one of those automatic ones that you have to wave your hand in front of to dispense the towel -- began dispensing a towel with nobody near it!  My hair stood up on my neck as I watched the towel unroll out of the machine.  Then I just laughed because I knew it was Bryan getting my towel for me!  There was no explanation as I was the only one in the room and I was about five feet away from it.  Pretty cool!

Eternal Flame

Afterward, Sherry, Amberly and I stopped at a restaurant to grab a late night snack.  As we were eating, the two ceiling fan lights in the room turned completely off and then back on a few seconds later.  We all saw it and immediately felt Bryan was still with us.   None of the other lights went off ... just the two ceiling fan lights in the room we were sitting in. 

Eternal Flame

Added December 18, 2005:  Another thing that happened today that I totally forgot to write about was that I received a package in the mail with an item I had ordered on Ebay.  The person who sent it was from Hawaii and included a little bag of GREEN sand from the Green Sands Beach in Hawaii.  I didn't even know they had green sand there and just the fact that this person would include a little bag of green sand (which was NOT what I bought or even related to it in any way) was, to me, a sign from Bryan since green was always the color we associated with his St. Paddy's birthday.  I just felt it was a really neat connection to him and significant because it arrived on this day.

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Note:  If you have a story or experience with Bryan, please email it to me and I will add it to his journal.  These incidents have given our family great peace and joy in knowing that Bryan is still with us, if only in spirit, and will live forever in our hearts.

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